Dallas: Where Did J.R. Go To Now?

Dallas: Where Did J.R. Go To Now?

Posted by Dustin on 02.26.2013 at 6:27 pm

This episode tied up a lot of older storylines, and set the stage for next week when J.R. is shot and won’t be coming back via a dream sequence.

Christopher and Rebecca struck a deal to share custody, and she would get 10% of Ewing Energies. The deal doesn’t finalize until AFTER the babies are born though, so you know that’s probably a bad sign.

Rebecca turned on John Ross and refused to give him the 10% as they agreed, because she needed to look out for her kids. She told him she would be on his side anyways, so he didn’t need them. He felt betrayed and warned her . . . John Ross then went to his mom Sue Ellen to invoke Elana’s moral clause. Christopher learned too late that John Ross set Elana’s brother up to do just this. He had signed the plea deal, which let Sue Ellen and John Ross go in for the kill. Bobby was furious with her, and more furious when he learned J.R. also helped them pull it off. He went to confront J.R., only to find he had flown the coup!

Anne was found guilty of shooting Harris, but the jury still needed to sentence her. More testimonies were heard, Anne spoke about the horrible mental abuse she suffered at Harris’ hands. Emma began to crack, even visiting her mom in jail after Bobby came to her and promised to be there for her if she ever needed anything. Anne was touched, and we could see the same hell Harris had put her through he was doing to Emma. Everything had to be his way and perfect or it wasn’t good enough. Emma still wouldn’t break from her father’s side though, at least not yet.

The Venezuelan that John Ross helped send to jail, that he was in cahoots with to steal Southfork with, ended up escaping jail and came after the Ewings. He and his men took them all hostage and demanded Christopher’s methane extraction prototype. In the end the Ewings turned the tables on him and he found himself dead. In spite going through this crisis together, John Ross and Sue Ellen still took Elena’s shares and planned to take over Ewing Energies. Bobby was ready for war . . .

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