Castle Two-Parter Thoughts and More

Castle Two-Parter Thoughts and More

Posted by Dustin on 02.26.2013 at 3:52 pm

I absolutely love “Castle,” but normally find it difficult to post about because it’s usually not a serial, but a lot of stand alone episodes. This season they’ve done a good job of really linking the episodes, mainly due to Castle and Beckett’s relationship.

The latest two part episode had Alexis and a friend being kidnapped. It at first appeared it was the friend, a daughter of a wealthy arabic businessmen, who was the target. However it was actually Alexis, and as the mystery unfolded it was to lure out Castle’s unknown father from hiding. Castle met his long lost father, played by James Brolin. Castle’s father was a super secret spy who had made many an enemy, and one KGB agent found out about his past and family and was using them to draw him out. The two had to team up to save Alexis, and in the end his father vanished again. It was part of his job, no family, no relationship, no ties. However he sent Castle a clue, a book, to let him know he was alive.

Aside from the fact that I think Mr. Barbara Streisand is a little too old to be playing spy anymore, I loved this story. It opens up a whole new slew of storyline possibilities, bringing his dad back from time to time to help Castle and Beckett. I can definitely see him playing a part in Beckett’s ongoing storyline with the Congressman who had her mom killed, but is so slippery she can’t seem to nail.

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1 Comment

  1. This was one of the best Castles ever. Although I was really good at predicting most of the storyline, that Alexis was the real target, that the bomb was in the phone, that he was his father.

    What made this truly great was how it fits into who Castle is – so smart, his interest in spies and police work, deductive skills. I do see this becoming a wedge issue for his and Beckett’s relationship. Even if he doesn’t tell her (I think he did because he started telling his mother in front of her), what he did to that guy to get the address of the farmhouse totally changed how Beckett saw/sees Castle and I don’t think she’ll like it.

    Comment by Sean
    03.03.2013 at 12:52 pm

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