Reality Roundup February 2013
So with the Oscars tonight, nothing is on but some cable shows I watch (Shameless, Walking Dead). I’m looking more and more towards covering more cable shows here as they don’t seem to be canceled as quickly. I did decide to pull together a little post covering some of the reality shows I’ve been watching, or flicking on, and my thoughts on them. Much as with current TV, I haven’t been feeling reality TV as of late!
RuPaul’s Drag Race
I really enjoy “Drag Race,” but my current work schedule doesn’t get me home until it’s half over! So I miss all the fun drama. I could watch it on rerun, but so much is on Monday nights that I usually don’t bother. So far I just haven’t gotten into it this season, mostly because of time.
Face Off
Normally I really enjoy this show, but this season it seems like so many of the contestants are just down right bad! One guy won the first three challenges in a row, and I was beginning to think they should give him the trophy and call it quits. Really I think in the end the whole competition will come down to two of the guys (whose faces I can see, just not their names). Everyone else on the show kinda blows . . .
Project Runway
I adored the Runway All Stars 2 that just aired, and I am HATING this season so far. The team aspect just killed it for me, along with the 90 minute format. I love “Project Runway,” but this 90 minutes is overkill! As for the teams, I think too many crapy designers got through only because of their teams, and the expense of others who shouldn’t have gone home honestly. Now they are in teams of 2, I’m sure eventually they’ll be on their own.
American Idol
I don’t even know why this show is still on the air to be honest. I tried to watch some of the auditions and vegas and hollywood rounds. It’s just bad. Kill it! Take it off! How many people who have won this have really gone on to be superstars? Their first, Kelly Clarkson, is still the biggest. Second to her would be the country winner. Otherwise it’s people who come in 2nd, 3rd, 4th that make it! Please Fox, just end this show! It hogs too much of the week and airtime as is.
Dancing With The Stars
DWTS will reveal their new cast this week. Who can they get that they haven’t got yet? Unless they managed to score some huge stars, I’m seeing a lot of olympians, football stars, a washed up rocker and reality television stars. With Maxsim out this season, will the ladies even watch?
I’m not sure if you’re watching The Walking Dead but you should. It’s having its best season yet. But my question is more about how A&E is marketing the show – using social media, a live talkshow recap, games, technology, contests and apps. What do you think of this, is it the future/evolution of tv?
02.26.2013 at 8:26 am
I do watch Walking Dead. This week’s is still on tape though. I have a love hate relationship with it though. Last season with the farm house was the pits! This season I am enjoying, but I still want to smack Andrea silly most of the time.
02.26.2013 at 11:37 am