Grey’s Anatomy: Mama Bought You A Hospital!

Grey’s Anatomy: Mama Bought You A Hospital!

Posted by Dustin on 02.23.2013 at 5:22 pm

So the long drawn out storyline of the doctor’s secret plan to buy the hospital came to an end this week, with a really great twist I didn’t see coming. That pleased me. The doctors met with a billionaire mogul who was very invested in the tech industry, but hadn’t gotten a foothold into medical tech. They pitched their idea to him, but had to bring in someone with actual managerial experience. They were forced to thus bring Weber into their secret, and he was happy to not only help but contribute. Apparently he has a couple of million lying around himself! Meanwhile the board and that horrible doctor lady struck a new deal with Pegasus, but this time to sell the hospital off for parts. Everyone was freaking out, and Christina brought Owen in on the secret to buy them time. In the end, the Pegasus deal fell through because Owen said they had another buyer, but the tech guy fell through too. In the end Katherine Avery announced that the Harper-Avery foundation believed in this hospital and would be their financial backer, their only request as the biggest shareholder is someone of their choosing sit on the board as a representative. Jackson was living that his mom bought a hospital to be his boss, but she told him “No honey we’ve picked you, give your momma a kiss for buying you a hospital!” Oh dear, this will make Jackson very unlikable to many is my guess.

While Grey was away she had “Mousey” aka her intern Heather being her eyes and ears, and she was still keeping tabs on her patients through her. Bailey was furious with the lot of them for upping and quitting, until Heather finally had enough of hearing her bad talk Meredith and told her that Meredith was giving her the ideas they used to save a patient who was out of hope in this episode. Ouch! Out of all the inters she is my favorite, but then again I loved her in ‘Napoleon Dynamite’ and ‘True Blood’ too.

Meanwhile Alex is totally falling in love with his intern Jo, but as far as he knows she only sees him as a great teacher and a friend. When she thought the hospital was over and she’d move on, she told him how she’d never find a mentor like him again and yada yada. You could see he just wanted to kiss her, but didn’t. I hope Alex doesn’t end up with a broken heart because he’s actually been an awesome guy lately, and not his usual ass of a person.


1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. I love the intern “Mousy” as well. If you ever saw “When a Man Loves a Woman” where Meg Ryan plays an alcoholic, this actress plays her daughter and she was SO good in it.

    Comment by KelBelle
    02.25.2013 at 1:48 pm

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