Nashville: Teddy’s Going Down!

Nashville: Teddy’s Going Down!

Posted by Dustin on 02.14.2013 at 1:39 pm

I had decided, after so many of the shows I picked up to blog about got cancelled, to add “Nashville” to the blog. I had watched it from the beginning, but this was one show I wasn’t sure if it would actually survive. The joke was on me I guess!

So Teddy has been digging himself deeper and deeper into a hole that I don’t think he realizes he’s digging. In spite of his claims of faithfulness to Rayna, we learned last week that he had been sleeping with that Peggy woman, in the past and now again in the present. He then dropped a bomb on Rayna and asked for a divorce.

While on tour and dealing with the news Rayna has kissed Deacon and her new producer guitar player. She almost went all the way with the later, but stopped herself. She went home to tell the girls the divorce news with Teddy. Later their oldest dropped her own bomb on Rayna. She overheard her dad on the phone with Peggy and told her mom. Rayna seemed stunned, the daughter naturally assumed her mom knew . . .

Something tells me Rayna’s dad is not going to be pleased, not after all he did for Teddy. I still don’t believe Teddy won the election fairly, I think either he or Rayna’s dad rigged it. I think this will come out, along with his older financial scheme . . . Teddy’s going down!

Gunnar has moved in with Scarlett, though they are “only friends.” Gunnar’s brother also showed up, he’s left Texas and thus in violation of his parole. Scarlett wanted him gone, but by the end of the show allowed him to stay a few days. Something tells me he will complicate any chance of Gunnar and Scarlett becoming an item. He’s also got a gun in his luggage, which means he could be planning something.

Finally Avery is still around and reaping the rewards of being signed to a label. Frankly I loath his character and see no point for him. I’m not sure how we are supposed to care about him after all he did to Scarlett?

Then there is poor Juliette. She’s trying to go her own way with her music, take it in a more grown up direction. Her manager quit, she blew up at her crew. Something tells me she’s headed for a crash soon.

And those are just my thoughts on “Nashville” so far!

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1 Comment

  1. I personally cannot wait for Teddy to go down in flames. I have been so sick of his holier than thou attitude the entire season. I really like Deacon and Rayna but everytime I have to watch him interact with Juliette I worry they are going to go down that road again.

    Comment by Beth
    02.15.2013 at 1:22 pm

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