Once Upon A Time: Fe Fi Fo Fum!

Once Upon A Time: Fe Fi Fo Fum!

Posted by Dustin on 02.11.2013 at 4:24 pm

So “Once Upon A Time” finally returned last night. I’m going to have to re-watch it as usual, because I always miss something the first time through. I also didn’t find myself as drawn to the episode as others, so I wasn’t watching that closely. For me it was too much about the past and the giant than anything else.

Henry, Emma and Gold go off to NY to find Bae. Not much came of this, next week is when this story seems to be going down. From the previews I have a feeling Bae is also Henry’s dad and Emma’s ex . . .

Also a minor story was Belle’s continued issues. She has no memory of who she was, but knows she saw Gold healing her and casting a fireball. She doesn’t understand this, and everyone was trying to convince her the accident just has messed with her mind. However the man in the car, Greg, also knows what he saw and came to her to talk . . . Oh lord if they strike up a romance, Gold won’t be happy! I also think there is a possibility he is Bae, especially after the “Star Wars” ringtone on his phone.

This episode mainly focused on Anton “Tiny” the giant in the past and present. In the past we learned that there were many giants, but they were taken out by the humans, namely James and his friend Jaqueline aka “Jack.” The giants didn’t trust humans and wouldn’t trade their beans with them anymore, but the humans wanted the beans. Tiny tried to befriend Jack and James, to work things out, only to be betrayed by them. Tiny was the only one to survive with a bean plant in tact, all other plants were said to be destroyed so humans could never use them again.

In the present, prisoner Hook reveals to Mary Margaret and David that Cora brought a secret weapon on the ship with them. It was the giant, who she was able to make small so he could travel. When Tiny saw David, he thought he was his brother who betrayed his trust, and wanted to kill him.

Regina learned of her mom’s cargo and decided to make use of his as a distraction. A distraction for what though? Regina has definitely given up on being good it seems. She made Tiny big again so he could kill David, but he started going nuts on the whole town. Eventually David made a deal to sacrifice himself for the others . . . but the magic wore off and Tiny was taken down.

Once a smaller size, David explained all to Tiny. We also learned David’s real name is David. We never knew his name before in the other world I don’t believe. When Tiny learned they were trapped with no way back, he had a way. He had a magic bean plant they could use, but warned them it was also what Cora wanted from him too.

So we have another new character in town, as Tiny got adopted by the other dwarves as a brother. As I said in the beginning of this post, it wasn’t my favorite episode. The minor stories were more interesting than the major story.




  1. Do you think that Regina could be Cora. Mr Gold is turning after what happen at the airport.

    Comment by joylee
    02.13.2013 at 7:07 am
  2. I was thinking that maybe Cora is parading around town as Regina. If I remember correctly, we only saw Cora and Regina hugging at the end of a show when Cora revealed herself to Regina, but we never actually were shown if Regina truly accepted Cora’s apology. Maybe Cora has Regina locked up in the cemetery/crypt. Something just seemed off about Regina’s interaction with David and Mary.

    I think that the guy they are trying to find in New York is Henry’s dad and that Cora sent Gold on a wild goose chase to get him out of town so they could get the dagger. I think Bae is the guy at the hospital.

    Also, where is Augustus? And just another random question, whatever happened to Katherine?

    Comment by Marie
    02.14.2013 at 1:22 pm
  3. Good point about Katherine. I’m not sure where she is. Didn’t she leave town with her old love last season?

    As for Augustus, I’m sure we’ll see him again somehow and somewhere. I think he’s the one who sent Henry’s dad the note about the curse in town being broken?

    Comment by Dustin
    02.14.2013 at 1:41 pm

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