Pretty Little Liars: Who Is In The Red Hood?
So the past few episodes of “Pretty Little Liars” seem to be moving a little slower than normal, and introducing various side stories that I don’t know where they will come into the bigger picture.
With Fitz off meeting his baby, Aria was getting to know his little brother who feels sore that Ezra left him to cope with their overbearing family. She definitely felt he was cute, but he has a bad boy streak.
Caleb meanwhile suddenly became interested in his dead beat dad who ran out on him when his grandma’s old house was going up for sale after her death. Hannah pushed him to visit it and look through things, which is where they ran into his dad’s brother. Long story short, it looks like Caleb’s uncle might actually be his bio dad . . .
Spencer remained nasty as ever, but hasn’t seemed to tell any of her friends what is going on with Toby. She’s hired a PI to track him down in hopes some part of him actually did or does love her, but she just seems to keep getting her hopes dashed.
Alison’s body was returned to her family for a second burial, but the things they all put in her casket are still in A’s hands to be used to torture them. Spencer had had it with pretending to mourn for Alison, as she was a terrible person. She also told Jason that they suspect Alison was pregnant when she died, it might be why she died, and they believe Jason’s old friend the Detective was the dad! Drama is coming!
The big twist in this episode came when Emily went to see the psychiatrist to deal killing the guy who stalked her and Maya. She ended up using hypnosis, and remembering a whole lot more than she bargained for. She remembered the night at the graveyard when someone dug up Alison’s body and left her unconscious there. She remembered in the background was a girl with blond hair and in a red hoodie. She couldn’t see her face, but she was the real A, she’s who is in charge. Aria said what they were all thinking, could it be Alison? Could she actually be alive?
I’ve been thinking this for awhile now. Whenever they have these “dreams” that Alison has visited them, they’ve all remarked how real she actually seemed to them. I’m thinking Alison could be A and she’s trying to find out who tried to off her and punish them, as well as punish the girls for some reason? Though then why would Toby and Mona who seemingly hated Alison work for her or help her? Hmmmmm . . . .