Parenthood Season 4 Ends With Ups and Downs

Parenthood Season 4 Ends With Ups and Downs

Posted by Dustin on 01.23.2013 at 5:29 pm

On most fronts, last night’s season 4 finale of “Parenthood” was fairly upbeat, something rare on this show. There was only one real cliff hanger as far as finales go.

Kristina got the news that she was currently cancer free, but they don’t use the word cured for at least 5 years. She and Adam ended up going to Hawaii to celebrate. I was so happy to see them get some good news and have some fun for a change. They definitely deserved it.

Julia and Joel prepared for their hearing to adopt Victor. Suddenly Victor was all right with this, and actually happy. Sydney however was against it as Victor wasn’t her real brother, so she said. In the end she came around, and Victor called Julia mom after the adoption hearing. For me this was too neatly wrapped up. I felt like one minute Victor hated Julia, the next minute she was mom. One minute Sydney and Victor were getting along, the next minute she hated him. Real life family dynamics? Sure! However this family is more complicated than most. It definitely needed one more episode to resolve all this.

Jasmine’s mom Renee moved out in a huff to live with Jasmine’s brother. Jasmine wanted Crosby to apologize, but he didn’t think he did anything wrong. Frankly neither do I, and Jasmine needs to learn to stand up for herself. She cried to Crosby that for five years her mother was there for her and was Jabar’s other parent, so she owed her. Cry me a river! Whose fault is that? Not Crosby’s! During their anniversary dinner Jasmine continued to sulk that Crosby didn’t apologize, and said they would need her mom now that she was pregnant. They then went to give the news to Renee, who was thrilled. Oh and Crosby apologized. Big mistake! I think Renee is just going to become a bigger problem until Jasmine finally faces off with her mom and puts her in her place.

Amber and Ryan worked things out. Aw! I actually do like these two. Meanwhile Drew and Amy shared what appeared to be a bitter sweet goodbye. She’s going to Boston for college, while he got into Berkley. I still wonder if she had that abortion though . . .

Finally the drama that is Sarah. After Mark made a heart felt plea to her, she decided to give it a shot with Hank. Poor Mark! Unfortunately Hank turned around and told Sarah that he was closing his business and moving to Minnesota to be near his daughter! However he did love Sarah, told her so, and asked her to come with him. Some of the final shots showed Hank moving into his house in Minnesota and playing with his daughter, and Mark walking the halls. What did Sarah do? Personally I don’t see her moving, she’s too important to the show. But has she blown it with Mark? Probably! Oh Sarah, always making the wrong choices.

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  1. I want to use me Days shovel on Sarah!

    Comment by Bridget Gill McArthur
    01.23.2013 at 6:03 pm
  2. Bridget Gill McArthur liked this on Facebook.

    Comment by Bridget Gill McArthur
    01.23.2013 at 6:38 pm
  3. I can’t stand the renee/jasmine/crosby storyline. Renee has no redeemable qualities and poor Crosby is always having to give in to her. I wish they’d just get rid of her character.

    Comment by Beth
    01.24.2013 at 8:55 am

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