Once Upon A Time: A Stranger In Town!
Last night on “Once Upon A Time” a stranger came to town by way of a car accident. The car, coming from Pennsylvania, hit Hook just as he shot Belle, and before Rumple could fireball him. Nobody, however, died. Hook lived and was chained to his bed in the hospital. Belle was just wounded, Hook’s shot was to force her over the town line so she would forget Gold/Rumple and who she was, which she did.
Dr. Whale, AKA Frankenstein, seemed to be conflicted on whether to try and save the man who came to town and crashed his car. Many in town were worried he’d find out their secret. We then saw more of his past and another dilema he was faced with. Victor had a brother who was his father’s favorite, and who ended up dying while trying to help Victor obtain parts for his work. Victor, with Rumple’s help and a magic heart, was able to bring his brother back. However his brother became a monster who ended up killing their father. Over time the monster regained his mind and became his brother again. He wanted Victor to kill him, but Victor refused, saying he’d find a way to fully save him. Obviously we are going to see him again, and have to wonder where in our world he is.
In the present Emma and Mary Margaret learned who Whale was, which was discovered by the town while they were in the other dimension. Henry realized this wasn’t part of the book Mary gave to him, which meant there were many other worlds out there other than the two they knew about. I made the same assumption when the Frankenstein episode first aired. At some point they’ll need to expand beyond just what Disney and Grimm have covered, or they’ll run out of characters. Hopefully the show won’t jump on the vampire bandwagon . . .
In the hospital the mystery man’s cellphone kept ringing, and it was the Imperial March from “Star Wars.” Hmmmm, I’m fairly sure this is a huge clue. Of course the twist of those movies is who Luke’s father is. Could this mystery man be Bae? If so, he doesn’t seem to know who he is. At the end when he woke up he called his wife to tell him about what he saw, saying she wouldn’t believe it . . .
Elsewhere Cora revealed herself to two people in town. First she revealed herself to her old master Rumple, and the two shared a kiss. Ewww! I felt like this was some kind of hint to a relationship they once shared, and can’t help but wonder if Regina is his child? She called a truce with him and offered an artifact that would help him locate his son. She then went to Regina to make peace with her. Regina wanted her to turn herself in for framing her. I guess Regina doesn’t know Archie isn’t dead and they all know it was Cora who framed her? Cora agreed, but managed to convince Regina not to parade her in front of all. She said there was another way to deal with their enemies and get Henry back . . . It seems like Regina is going back to the dark side.
By the end of the episode Gold/Rumple called his favor in with Emma. He wanted her to leave town with him to find his son, warning if she didn’t then he’d kill her and her entire family! Again though, I have to wonder if the mystery man is his son. If he isn’t, who is he?
I had a few problems with this episode. The story is good but – Cora and Cook did not live in this world for 28 years and seem to have adjusted much too well even though Cora didn’t like the “carriage.” Someone who looses consciousness in a car accident can be very easily convinced he was seeing things, especially when Belle has not wound. The first thing I would have done is close the roads to the town and post guards. Gold should have realized the danger the man possesses to him as well and healed him. How do they know that Emma and Henry are able to leave town unlike everyone else?
Regina’s story is getting even sadder – she just wants her mother’s love.
01.21.2013 at 5:25 pm
I think they explained that the fragment they survived in in Fairytale Land was also frozen until recently, IE when Emma showed up in Storybrook and the clock started moving again. That’s what I recall at least. Mulan explained it to Beauty/Aurora when she woke up.
01.21.2013 at 5:30 pm
Oh…as for Frankie’s brother, who I think is the monster, wasn’t ‘the monster’ eventually killed? In Mary Shelly’s original book, the monster was a very sympathetic character (to the reader) misjudged for how he looked and it was really the villagers who were the monsters. We may learn that “The monster” died in that world.
01.21.2013 at 5:32 pm
Is the stranger the same person we saw in the first episode in New York that has thus far as I remember not been seen again.
01.22.2013 at 3:30 pm
Just watched it – Gold said that if any harm came to Belle then he would kill Emma and her family.
I think Frankenstein did come from a different land- the 1950s B-movie set!
01.24.2013 at 12:50 am
The stranger in New York is Henry’s dad, he was in one episode with Emma’s past
01.24.2013 at 10:59 am
If the stranger was Henry’s dad, Emma would have known.
01.25.2013 at 6:27 am
Not this stranger, the first one in New York. I forgot his name.
01.25.2013 at 10:48 am