Once Upon A Time: Frame Job With A Twist

Once Upon A Time: Frame Job With A Twist

Posted by Dustin on 01.08.2013 at 5:01 pm

So I made it through “Once” today. The streaming wasn’t bad, and for some reason I got no commercials. Bonus !

This is typed on my phone, so I’m keeping is short and sweet to my thoughts only. If you haven’t seen it, I would stop reading as this episode had a bug twist.

So the big shock was the murder of Archie by Cora, who framed her own daughter. As we learned, she was doing it to take everything from Regina and turn her back to the dark side. Actually we know she’s doing it so Regina will re-embrace her mom and come to her for help. Emma tried to believe in Regina and her attempts to change, but Gold showed her how to use her magic to see the truth. Well to see who she thought was Regina. When Regina learned she could use magic, she was shocked. I’m guessing that Emma is going to be her biggest rival over time, not Snow.

As Emma, Snow and Charming confronted a stunned Regina over her supposedly killing Archie, this is when Cora showed up. However I was a bit confused. Could only Regina see Cora? Or could nobody? Like I said I was streaming, but as good as it was for being on a cruise ship, there were hiccups. As nobody seemed to freak out at seeing Cora, I assume they didn’t see her. Cora however influenced Regina to go back to the dark side, and Regina escaped in a cloud of smoke.

At the end came the big twist, Archie is still alive. Cora killed some unknown and transformed his body. Archie is Hook’s ship and she told Hook he was key to getting revenge on Gold, as he knew secrets they could use.

The beginning of she show had Mary and David getting busy in bed and Henry and Emma walking in on them. I thought that was hilarious.

I was really glad they didn’t kill Archie. I thought that would have totally blown. I’m still angry they killed the old Sheriff.

I’m still waiting for the return of August and Henry’s dad ….




  1. That wasn’t Cora that showed up, it was the blue fairy. They were basically trying to use magic to freeze Regina, like Snow and Charming did in fairy tale land but Regina was expecting it this time. As of yet, Regina still does not know that Cora is in town.

    This might sound weird, but how does Regina know that her mother is still alive? I mean I thought that she left her mother in her coffin and then Cora left with Hook after Regina left. I am wondering if she went back one more time and her mother wasn’t there????

    Comment by Marie
    01.08.2013 at 9:41 pm
  2. Marie, maybe Emma and Snow told her about Cora being alive when they travelled back to that land.

    Comment by DNA
    01.09.2013 at 12:20 am
  3. Oh that makes more sense lol. The picture was a but fuzzy 🙂 and the sound … I didn’t have head phones on.

    Regina seems to have known her mom was alive because of Henry and Auroras connection in the dream world.

    Comment by Dustin
    01.09.2013 at 12:48 am
  4. Henry told Regina her mom was Alive, it was a message from Snow when she put herself under I think after Aurora told her and Emma about Henry.

    Comment by Dustin
    01.09.2013 at 12:49 am

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