Private Practice: Only Three More Episodes Left!
So the Winter Finale of “Private Practice” just aired this week, and I have to say this show is just getting bizarre! Normally I love Charlotte and Cooper, but both of their character episodes were odd. Cooper kept talking to the camera, which felt out of place, and then Charlotte had these odd dancing dream/segments.
Jake and Addison are now officially engaged. Whoopdeedoo! As equally as exciting is that Sam and the nurse from the hospital are getting back together after he screwed things up by not telling her everything about him and Addison. The next episode seems to be focusing on Amelia moving on with the new doctor Charlotte hired at the hospital.
Cooper and Charlotte’s episodes of course dealt with her pregnancy and the babies. One of the triplets was born way too early, they managed to stop her labor and keep the others inside. However she was put on bed-rest, and the baby went through a few surgeries before she became stable and got a name . . . Georgia. Charlotte then went into labor on time and delivered the other two . . . or at least that’s where the end of the most recent episode was heading. I can’t believe they might get a happily ever after? Can it be that Shonda won’t kill one of their kids?
Sheldon’s episode was a very trying one, as he became convinced that his pedophile patient did in fact kidnap the girl from the hospital, but nobody would believe him. In the end, he of course was right! It seems they rescued her before the guy did anything sexual to her, but obviously she’s going to be scared for life as he kept her locked in a room in his basement for months. Sheldon meanwhile has started a relationship with a terminal cancer patient while his own future is uncertain. I have to say if they end up killing Sheldon at the end I’ll be pissed, but I’m somewhat expecting it from Shonda at this point. It’s not a series/season finale unless someone dies.