666: Henry The Hero . . .
The latest episode of “666 Park Avenue” seems to have set Henry up as the hero that Gavin has been conspiring to make him. The Doran’s planned some political event/party where it all went down . . . .
Henry was called in by the D.A. and Mayor to help them nail Gavin for his real shady estate purchases. They felt Henry tipped him off to the toxic waste dump that infested his last purchase, which is how he turned it around and sold it so quickly. They were basically blackmailing him. Henry didn’t want to believe Gavin was dirty, and Gavin told Henry that it was the Mayor’s office that was crooked . . . Who is he to believe?
Meanwhile Annie, the obit writer, was still alive. Her Russian mobster Kandinsky was holding her hostage to find out her source. She didn’t know what to do as she made him up, so she claimed it was her editor. When she was able to get away, she ran to Gavin for help. After all he was Gavin’s idea. Gavin promised her that she’d “never see Kandinsky again if she did one thing for him . . .” The minute he said that, you knew Annie’s time was about up. He never said he’d deal with Kandinsky, just that Annie wouldn’t have to worry about him! Gavin asked Annie to write a story about how the Mayor’s office is in up to their eyeballs with the mob. She did as she was told.
Before the big party, Jane learned that Nona was the Drake thief, but also learned more about her. Nona supposedly lives with her grandmother after her parents were killed in a car crash, but grandma was always out and about. When her shrink came to see her, she always had an excuse as to where grandma was. It definitely seemed like she was on her own and grandma was dead . . . Jane befriended her and didn’t turn her in, but told her to make sure everything got returned to their owners. We learned Jane too had a hard childhood, so she wanted to be there for Nona. Later when Nona touched Henry, her psychic powers went into overdrive and she saw Henry being shot by a man with a compass tattoo. She warned Jane about this . . .
At the party, the story about the mayor’s office broke. Annie realized Kandinsky would then target someone there most likely . . . She rushed to the party to stop them. Henry faced off with the D.A. and decided not to give up the file on Gavin he stole from his computer, and that he had done nothing wrong in his interactions with Gavin. Suddenly Jane saw Kandinsky reach for a gun and warned Henry just as he shot. Henry saved the D.A., but Annie was caught in the crossfire of course. Kandinsky was arrested, Henry apologized to Gavin after the Mayor did look guilty, and Gavin had his hero!
Some of the other stories were far more interesting than the main story this time around. The little girl ghost was back, and kept trying to warn people about the bizarre suitcase Jane found and took to her apartment. At the end it opened up and this black smog which turned into a man came out. The previews seem to indicate that the man is Jane’s father? Then who is the little girl? Could Jane have a sister she doesn’t know about? Or has blocked out/forgotten?
Also at the very end we found out that Nona’s grandma is alive, but she seems to be in some catatonic state. Nona told her that she thought Jane might be the one to help her . . . . Something makes me think grandma is another victim of Gavin’s?