Grey’s Anatomy Season Premier Thoughts
So last night was the big premier. We picked up several weeks after the plane crash it seems. Meredith is now an attending, though I’m not exactly sure what in? I’m assuming Neurosurgery as planned. Christina is stuck in Minneapolis working in some freakish hospital where everyone is happy and cheerful and helpful. It’s a smurf hospital, and she is grouchy smurf. Alex is planning to head out to John’s Hopkins, but has guilt as he was supposed to be on the plane that crashed and wasn’t. Derek has gone through surgeries for his hands, but it’s still not working properly. There was no update on Adele, but the old Chief and the new Chief are still around. It seems Owen and Christina are over for the moment. A new batch of first years arrived, and Meredith is the new Bailey. Her nickname is Medusa. Bailey meanwhile is pissed because she’s no longer the Nazi, she’s BCB . . . which means Booty Call Bailey! Her relationship has softened her, and it’s been noticed by others.
By the end of the episode shocks and sadness. Mark was on a ventilator, and had orders to be removed after 30 days if there were no signs of improvement. Mark was taken off it and died. I just can’t believe McSteamy is gone . . . it was so sad! It also appeared through most of the episode Arizona had died too. People kept telling Callie how sorry they were, and a new guy came in to take over the pediatric department. When it was clear he was going ruin Arizona’s legacy, Alex refused to go to John’s Hopkins and stayed to take it over. However Arizona is not dead! We learned she had her leg (or legs?) amputated, and has been in bed battling depression. She seemingly blames Callie for being the one to take it as well. April left the hospital after Owen fired her and went back to her family’s farm. Owen showed up saying what he did was wrong, and offered her a job. Finally Christina was told to take some time off from the hospital she’s at because she didn’t seem to be meshing with the other happy people there. It’s clear she’ll return to take over Cardio with Teddy also gone from the show.
Next week’s episode is a flashback episode that will fill in the blanks of what happened between this week’s show and the plane crash.
I’m still upset over Mark’s death, even though it was easy to guess it was coming. It’s just so depressing. The teases and twist with Arizona at the end was really shocking. I would have been even more pissed if they were both dead. I’m glad April is coming back as well, and love the interns and Meredith’s interactions. I was excited to see one of the new interns is the Tech Vampire from “True Blood!”
Premiere was amazing. I bawled when Mark died. And Arizona, wow that was shocking.
And I love that two True Blood peeps are new interns, the tech (also from Veronica Mars) and Claudette (the fairy).
09.28.2012 at 2:12 pm
I’m on the fence about this episode (but I’ve been on the fence with Greys for about six seasons now ha ha.)
I don’t like the Meredith-Bailey personality switch. I like that they are showing other sides of them, but I would think they are both strong enough surgeons to keep their personalities a bit separate from work.
I generally think it’s a cheap move that Shonda seems to kill off any character when the actor leaves, but I didn’t mind Mark dying (and I am a Mark fan). I really don’t know what she could do with that character after Lexie’s death. I don’t think she could pair him with a new love, and pairing him with an old (Addison or Callie) wouldn’t work for various reasons. I also don’t like the idea of him leaving Sophia behind by choice. On a mean note, I also don’t think Eric Dane is a strong enough actor to handle the loss of the I will miss him though 🙁
I didn’t like that Meredith ran to Christina, I feel she puts Christina above Derek too often. I often find the Meredith-Christina friendship childish and not that fun to watch though.
Christina and her working situation annoyed me. Both she and the hospital should have known she would not be a fit personality wise for that type of environment She might be a good doctor, but she is bratty and unprofessional. It’s too bad because I think Sandra Oh is a fantastic actress and capable of playing a more layered character. I actually would have loved to see her in storyline where she was brought down a peg – if anyone had to fail the boards I think she should have been the one.
Speaking of failing the boards I am glad April is coming back, and I’m glad that Owen admitted he made a mistake. I think it’s stupid that she was on a pig farm though (even if it was her parents. Regardless that she failed her boards she is still a very educated doctor. Even if her surgery career was over, she could have done something else in the medical field.Even if her medical license was gone, she could have done some sort of research. I am hoping she and Jackson get together when she is back….
I love the friendships between Callie and Derek, and Meredith and Alex. I think both sets of actors go so well together. I thought the actress playing Callie knocked it out of the park in this episode, by far the best of the cast last night. Derek, Callie and Jackson’s reactions to Marks death made a big effect, and I’m looking forward to Addison’s reaction.
I like Arizona, but I’m glad she lost her leg. It’s not very realistic that they all survived but looked fine. Derek’s hand thing didn’t seem very realistic (especially because they did it with Burke). I think it would have been better written if there were more limbs/eyes lost, or someone was paralyzed or had some nasty scarring. It was gross to watch, but seeing her stump was the first time I felt disturbed by a Greys story in a while. For a cast that has been blown up, shot at, in car and plane accidents, battled diseases, etc they look pretty good! I think the writing would be great on Shonda’s part if it turned out Arizona lost both legs. Maybe she knew one was a goner (the one hurt in the accident), but the other one was infected or something – and that’s the one she is asking Callie to save in the promo? I don’t mean to sound morbid, it just seems that Shonda has entered Soap Opera territory with the medical reality of her doctors!
Sorry for the long rant! I don’t really follow any boards or other sites for PP and Greys 🙂
09.28.2012 at 5:43 pm
I think Meredith is general surgery it’s what she seemed to most lean to last year, I however am not glad to see April return I didn’t miss her at all in the episode and it took me a minute to realize who she was, it always seems when I think she’s finally gone (after the shooting etc) she always comes back, she should have been killed off
09.29.2012 at 6:13 am
I did not like the interaction between Owen and April. I feel like Shonda may try to put her in a relationship with Owen which I would not like at all! And honestly, she fails her boards and just goes back to the farm? She couldn’t find a doctoring job (non surgical) anywhere? I wonder how much she wants it.
09.29.2012 at 6:51 pm
Great premier! They have already killed off most of my favorites and each time I think “why couldn’t it be Meredith and Derek?” I can’t tolerate either one of them. I thought from the first season I would always hate Alex and now he is one of my favorites. I miss the old Bailey and always looked forward to her scenes, now I dread them. I want barking Bailey back not giggly jump in the first availabe room to have sex Bailey.
09.30.2012 at 7:32 pm