Private Practice’s Not So Shocking Death

Private Practice’s Not So Shocking Death

Posted by Dustin on 09.26.2012 at 5:21 pm

So the new season of “Private Practice” began last night. First let’s talk about how the show played out format wise. I don’t know if this was just for the pilot, or is a new format that will go on all season, but I hated it! If you haven’t seen it, or gave up on the show, here are the details. Basically each of the main characters starts off their day, and because we don’t know their name, it tells us on the screen . . . “Violet” or “Addison and Henry.” We see them go through their day, interact with the others, until a big moment! Then we shift to the next character, and so on and so on. we see some scenes replay, but from a different perspective that is supposed to make us say “aha!” Eventually at the end everything began to converge. This isn’t a new idea, other shows and movies have done it. I don’t know if it’s to revitalize the show, or if it was just for the pilot . . . but I hated it! Please go back to the linear format.

The big, well not really that big, shock was the death of a major character. We all knew Pete was being written out. Instead of sending him to jail, or making him jump bail as they tried to allude to through most of the show, they killed him off. Pete went for a run, had a heart attack, and died all by himself on some mountain trail. Seriously? What a crappy way to kill Pete off! I mean I loathed him last season, but damn that is cold.

We did get one happy surprise during the season premier. Charlotte and Cooper are pregnant! Charlotte had an IED, so this came as a huge shock obviously. Most of the episode had Cooper loving it, but Charlotte not sure if she wanted this . . . In the end we learned they aren’t just having a baby, they are having three! These two, along with Sheldon and Amelia are the only reason I watch this show anymore.

Addison made her choice, which was Jake. Hallelujah, AddiSam is over! Jake however was scaring her away a bit with his clingy female patients, and his desire to move in with her by the end of the show. Kate Walsh has stated this is her final season, so my guess is Jake and Addison just won’t work out . . . shocker!

Sheldon is back with his ex, kinda. They have this weird fly out and spend 4 days a month together having sex deal, which you know won’t last. Sheldon also got some kind of news from Sam about his blood work after a physical. As far as I know, we didn’t hear the results. However we did see Sheldon knocking back scotches by the end of the episode. My guess is an STD, or something worse? Meanwhile Emilia has been a year sober, but it’s becoming apparent she has strong feelings Sheldon . . . but their schedules aren’t in synch. When one loves the other, the other doesn’t love them!

At the end of the episode we saw Addison get a shocking call. This, coupled with spoilers that have Addison secretly grieving, make me think we’ve just had another not so shocking death conformed. We know Mark Sloan is leaving “Grey’s Anatomy,” and my guess is he’s dead too!




  1. I’m willing to bet Sheldon has prostate cancer.

    Comment by Donna
    09.27.2012 at 1:27 am
  2. “Charlotte had an IED”…

    Do you mean IUD? (Or perhaps she did have an improvised explosive device – that would be a new twist)


    Comment by DNA
    09.27.2012 at 9:38 am
  3. *Spoiler*

    Marks character does die. They drag it out though so he can say goodbye. My guess it’s the plane crash news. I read about his death in an interview.

    Comment by Beth
    09.27.2012 at 9:45 am
  4. LOL! Oops 🙂 Too much Army Wives!

    Comment by Dustin
    09.27.2012 at 9:45 am
  5. Can’t say I miss Pete, I have thought he was an ass from day one. Does this mean we get to watch Violet go into zombie mode again? Loved the Charlotte and Cooper story line, it will be fun to see how the ever so loveable Charlotte handles this big curve…oh wait it will be with anger like everything else. Silly me.

    Comment by Shea
    09.30.2012 at 7:47 pm

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