Parenthood Returns, People Get Dumped
“Parenthood” returned last week, and it seems a bit of time has passed since the last season finale, though we’re not sure how much. It appears we skipped over the summer and are at the beginning of a new school year . . . .
Crosby and Jasmine ended up having an issue with Jasmine’s mom teaching Jabbar about religion, without asking them what they believed or wanted to teach him. Jasmine felt church was important to her growing up, but now she no longer went. Meanwhile Crosby didn’t know what his family believed, so he asked his parents. The best scene of the show was Zeke and Camille discussing their hippy past, trying out Buddhism for awhile, and of course their tantric period . . . . TMI parents!
Joel and Julia are trying to adjust to life with their new son Victor, but it’s not been easy. They’ve been so eager to please him so that he’ll like them that they let him get away with murder. By the end of the episode Julia admitted that “she’s waiting to fall in love with their son . . . . ” Ouch! I hope this storyline ends well, but poor Joel and Julia always seem to get screwed over in the end.
Haddie is off to college, and the Bravermans said goodbye to her in this episode. I’m sure she’ll still be a huge part of the show. Perhaps we’ll end up seeing her adventures at college? Honestly given how much of last season her character took up with a storyline I loathed, I wouldn’t mind a break from Haddie for awhile.
Amber is now working for Adam and Crosby at the Luncheonette. Hmmmm, what happened with the congressman? I can’t remember if he won, or lost, or what? Anyway, one of the guys from “American Idol” a season or two ago was the guest star, recording with his band. Amber of course ended up in bed with him, and it turned out he had a fiance and was a jerk. Clearly she didn’t learn much from her other job! I do love Amber though, and would like to see her head to community college and take some classes, which I thought was the plan?
Sarah is looking for a new job, and landed one as the assistant to a photographer (Ray Romano). He is clearly very interested in her, in spite of the presence of Mark. Mark meanwhile dealt with Sarah’s family and her unwillingness to stand up for him so he could be in the family portrait. Camille has a rule no non-official family members, after an ex-girlfriend of Crosby’s has forever marred an old portrait. Mark felt left out, he was Sarah’s fiance. In the end, he got into the photo . . . . which I feel is a bad omen. I hate the idea that they will break Sarah and Mark up after all this! So far I’m not feeling Sarah and Ray at all.
Meanwhile poor Drew got dumped by his girlfriend, who seems to have met someone new while away for the summer. Maybe now Drew will finally come out of the closet?
I like Crosby and Jasmine, but sometimes I feel the issues they discuss could have been discussed before marriage. I know they had Jabar pre-marriage but still (I stand by this statement after watching the second episode too.) For a couple that has been on and off for a long time, it seems like they rushed into things in a lot of ways.
I hope Joel and Julia get a happy ending with Victor. I like that they are showing a realistic side of the infertility/adoption processes. I really hope that we see a happy adjusted family of four soon (and I’m not ruling out a miracle pregnancy in the future just yet!)
I like that they are showing her family’s reaction to her moving away, but I don’t think I will miss Haddie that much. I don’t find her character nearly as interesting as Amber, although I don’t want Haddie out of the show completely.
Yuck – I also feel Sarah and Mark will be breaking up soon 🙁 I love Mark and I think he is great for Sarah so I hope this is not the case. I don’t mind Ray Romano as Sarah’s new coworker but definitely not as her lover or whatever they are planning.
Definitely agree about Drew, I think that would be a fun journey to watch the Bravermans on!
09.19.2012 at 3:26 pm