Big Brother 14: The 2nd Double Eviction of the Season!
Tonight on “Big Brother” is the second double eviction of the season, though the house guests of course don’t know it . . . yet! Frank and Joe are on the block, and in moments one will be evicted . . . and then the double eviction night will begin. By the end of the night we will know who the final five of the game are.
We saw a bit of a recap of Dan saving Jen, and Joe going up. We also learned while Dan made a final 2 deal with Frank (and Danielle, and Ian), he’s also working to evict Frank this week! However Dan began worrying . . . what if Joe won HOH this week? Joe lied to his face, he would put Dan up in a heartbeat. Later in a hilarious moment, Joe thought Shane came into the room (it was dark) and Joe started talking about how Dan just came in and started talking his ear off . . . but it was Dan! Dan now doesn’t know if he can trust Joe . . . Should they vote him out instead of Frank?
Julie went to the house to give the news of the double eviction night. Frank and Joe made their cases, and the voting began . . .
Dan, Danielle and Shane voted to evict Frank.
Jenn voted to evict Joe.
Julie then told them that 3-1, Frank you are evicted. Frank looked SHOCKED! Jenn gave him a hug, and he tore out of there with his Ted doll.
Chenbot talked with Frank, who was shocked, but also expected to be gotten. He was shocked that Dan swore on the bible to him, and still voted him out. Frank eventually watched his messages. Joe told him that he has the ego the size of Texas, and Frank should have gotten Dan out weeks ago. Shane told him he played a great game, but it was the time to get him out. Ian sent him home because he was just a threat to him. Dan told him that he respected him, and he had to get him out because he knew he couldn’t beat him. Frank was then off to the jury house.
The next HOH game was played. It was a trivia game identifying eliminated house guests pleas for votes when they were on the block for nomination. Each correct answer got a point, and in the end Dan, Danielle and Jenn were in a three way tie. After a tie breaker the winner was Dan!
Dan then had to nominate two people for eviction, and he put up Joe and Ian (claiming Ian hadn’t been nominated yet and that was why). They then had to play in the live veto competition.
The veto game was a maze game, where they had to maneuver a sharks fin through a huge lengthy maze. The first to do so, free the fin, then ring a buzzer would win. In the end Ian won!
The veto was held, but Dan kept holding it up to have conference. In a rare moment, Chenbot made a funny and said “Don’t make me come in there!” Ian saved himself, and Dan put up Danielle!
The vote was held, and of course Joe was sent home unanimously.
The next HOH game was not played, but will be played later tonight at some point. More information on it when it’s in.