Various Photo and Teaser Trailers For Fall TV Shows!
Posted by Dustin on 08.21.2012 at 8:29 pm
A bunch of trailers, and teaser promos, for fall TV shows . . . .
Glee! Notice the addition of Unique! Also word is out that Whoopi Goldberg will be back this season as Carmen Tibideaux in multiple episodes.
Grey’s Anatomy . . . not too much here . . .
American Horror Story . . . yeah just creepy weird! They are releasing new ones on Facebook constantly . . .
Not really a trailer, but a clip from Access Hollywood about Ryan Lochte’s upcoming appearance on 90210 . . . . Oh and other photos got leaked that let us know Dixon is very much alive. *Sigh* Plus Annie’s new love interest has been teased in set photos!
Perhaps it was because I was really tired, and ready to just pass out, but I felt like the season finale of “Falling Skies” was a bit jumbled. A lot was going on, but I didn’t feel like I was getting many answers.
For instance, Military Leader Max Headrom (I still don’t know his name) kept locking people up, and then letting them out, every five minutes. I was confused!
Nothing much bad happened with Arthur either. He was locked up, then let out, apparently asked to step down as leader, but asked Tom to take his place. Tom however said no. If he had a deal with the aliens, it didn’t come out in this episode.
Tom was told to meet with the Rebel Skidders, but then he was locked up, then he was let go, then the entire 2nd Mass was held at gun point after the Skidders and Ben showed up in Charleston to deliver a message. It was just nuts! I think the power went to Max Headrom’s head and fast.
The Skidders and Ben showed up with a message, and the 2nd Mass surrounded them to protect them from Max Headrom’s men. They told of a new weapon being built that had to be destroyed. They also told Tom that it’s unfortunate that he had the Overlord he did and let him go, he didn’t know what he really was holding. It seems this was the Overlord who oversaw all the plans for the eastern part of the U.S., and all the plans were held in his head. If they had killed him, everything would have been thrown into chaos for awhile. It seems the fish head overlords are all psychically linked or something.
Tom and the 2nd Mass, after being locked up and let go a few times, went out to destroy the weapon. The weapon was a huge gun pointed at the sky, and Ben made a comment that it wasn’t for them . . . Hmmmm. During the fight Red Eye got killed, which was a sad moment. Tom bashed the Overlord’s head in, which was a great moment. Karen got away, and I kept wondering why nobody just shot her instead of watching her climb up and over a huge wall. Something happened to Hal and he collapsed. Oh and Tom found out that the Doc was pregnant with his child, which she hadn’t yet told him. He was happy of course.
As the show came to a close, Hal was in some kind of a coma. The Doc didn’t know what was wrong, but they’d keep monitoring him. Ben told his family that he would be sticking around for awhile, he didn’t need to run off to the rebellion again just yet. However Tom and Weaver felt maybe Charleston wasn’t for them, and they should pack it up and head out.
Then in the final moments all hell broke loose. Hal woke up, looked very creepy, and one of those implants crawled out of his eye and into his ear. Gross! Meanwhile outside they heard explosions and everyone ran to see what was going on. Ships were raining down to earth, and out of one walked an entire new species of alien in full metal body armor.
Bloody hell! Is this a good alien or a bad alien? My guess is this is what the cannon was aimed at. The minute they destroyed that cannon, the new aliens could then land. Will they be on the side of humans, or are they even worse than the overlords? At the beginning of the season the overlords did tell Tom that he really didn’t know what was going on, and as soon as they accomplished their mission then they would leave this planet. Could this be a huge twist? Are the overlords not the real enemy? Could the humans just have gotten caught in the aliens battle with each other?
There is only one more episode left, and I still don’t know how they will wrap it all up. One thing I am hoping for is a permanent end to Lilith and the Sanguinistas. Get them out of here and don’t bring them back! Please! However something worries me that Lilith might not be gone for good. More on that below . . .
A head honcho from the military dropped in to see Roman. The counsel was vague about where Roman was, and this didn’t sit well with the guy. It seems Roman and the mainstreaming movement is the only thing keeping peace between the vampires and the U.S. military. He knew they bombed their own True Blood factories. He had a flash drive of Russell and Steve killing the members of the frat house last week, and said if anything happens to him, copies go to media outlets. He said they had new weapons, and don’t forget they own the day, they could wipe them out. The counsel revealed Roman was gone, and they were going to take their rightful place in this world. The military guy said that wasn’t going to happen, and as he was walking out Eric snapped his neck, which just caused more issues for the Vamps. But, I think that’s what he wanted. It was the distraction he needed . . .
Nora it seems finally got Godric’s message, and realized Lilith was insane, if she was even real. She and Eric made their escape from the compound by the end of the episode.
Lilith began appearing to the entire counsel, telling them that she had chosen them to lead, to drink all of her blood. They all began turning on one another. Bill killed the other guy (I forget his name, the one from “Spartacus”). It now seems to be down to Salome, Bill and Rosalyn to battle it out for control . . .
Earlier in the episode Jessica wanted to save Jason and suggested to Bill that she turned him. However he knew she was not serious, she was trying to get away. However he decided to force her to do this, and sent her with two guards to make sure she turned Jason. She didn’t, killed the guards, and escaped to Fangtasia . . . Phew! I was gunna be pissed if they turned Jason! I’m still waiting for them to resume the Crystal storyline, but something tells me it’s been dropped and forgotten.
Pam hid Jessica in exchange for information on Eric. When she learned what was going on, Pam said they were suffering from nesting . . . I had forgotten all about that phenomenon. They haven’t discussed it since the very first season with the nest of crazy vamps. So does that mean Lilith really is just a crazy hallucination? I don’t know, as she keeps wanting them all to do the same thing . . . drink all of her . . . My guess is if someone does that, Lilith can return to the world for real? If that happens, Lilith could be around for next season. My guess is Salome or Rosalyn will do it.
Rosalyn stormed Fangtasia looking for the Sheriff that Tara and Ginger killed. Pam claimed she did it to protect them, and she was arrested. Meanwhile Rosalyn grabbed Jessica and took her back to the compound and back to Bill. Jessica told Bill that he’s suffering from the effects of Nesting, but he seems too crazy to even listen at this point. Elsewhere, Sam and Luna are still running around naked and looking for Emma . . .
Jason and Sookie met with the fairies again to warn them about the vamps, and crazy Russell. They also wanted information on Warlow, and met with the Elder Fairy. Apparently Sookie’s ancestor John Williams Stackhouse got a lot of land out of his deal with Warlow. Also of note, Warlow wanted the first child bearing female with fairy blood . . . Is he planning some kind of hybrid baby perhaps? The elder (who BTW was Coco on TV’s “Fame”) was more interested in Russell being alive. He had to be dealt with, and she had a plan. Jason led Russell and Steve to the fairies’ lair, after they glamored him, which of course was the plan. The elder tried to fight him, but Russell was too strong. He drained her, and then unfortunately could see all the fairies hiding out in the club in the middle of the clearing! Oh crap . . . .
Other things that happened . . . The one fairy (Meradine?) met with Andy and told him about the baby. He was stunned, she wasn’t pregnant a week ago and now she’s about to pop. He couldn’t do this, but she said they made a light pact, and it would be very bad if he broke that . . . Hmmm, what the hell does that mean?
Alcide meanwhile hung out with daddy, they fought some vamps, and it seems like after some advice from a friend he will fight for his pack and not become a lone wolf like his dad did after he was disgraced for stealing from the pack. I have not been a fan of Alcide’s story at all this season. He has had almost no interaction at all with Sookie. Boo! Actually Sookie hasn’t had much to do at all much of this season. My guess is because of the actresses’ pregnancy. They were not showing Sookie from the midsection down at all last night.
The season finale spoilers for “Drop Dead Diva” . . . expect to also see Kim Kardashian’s character return in an orange jump suit!
September 9th – Jane’s Getting Married!
Jane and Grayson take the case of a man whose wife is refusing life-saving surgery. Kim defends a singer who is being sued. Parker discovers Kim’s secret. Grayson reveals his feelings for Jane.
It seems to remain to be seen if these are the season finale, or series finale spoilers. Lifetime has not renewed the show officially. Several actors are on twitter and are encouraging fans to write Lifetime to make sure the show is renewed.
September 9th – Onward . . .
The group learns that Fort Marshall is merging with an air force base. Kevin has a medical breakthrough. The troops deploy to Afghanistan. Joan makes a decision about her career. Charlie and Nicole consider adoption.
I met Kevin Alejandro from “True Blood” today at the Monster Mania horror con here in New Jersey. What a nice guy! I asked him if we might see him back on “True Blood” as a ghost or something. He said he was mainly working on a new CBS show called “Golden Boy,” but he had the feeling he may pop-up now and then on “True Blood” still . . . . Praise Jesus!
Big Brother 14: Pre-Sunday Night Show Spoilers . . .
Posted by Dustin on 08.19.2012 at 1:38 pm
Because it’s football season, “Big Brother” always seems to get delayed on Sunday nights. Here are some feed/after dark tidbits about HOH, Noms, POV and a house explosion!
Big Brother 14: Evicted This Week . . . and an Endourance HOH Comp!
Posted by Dustin on 08.16.2012 at 8:43 pm
So first, I have not covered the last two episodes. Sunday night’s episode started late, and competed with the Olympics closing ceremonies. By Wednesday, I was pretty much over Frank’s HOH from what I had read. In all honesty, this is the first season in years I am not up watching “After Dark” or have the feeds running while doing other work. I know I’m not alone, other fans feel this season is the worst in memory, if not all time! I’m quickly getting over this show!
Frank had won the power veto and decided not to use it, leaving Joe and Wil on the block.
Britney felt “The Silent Six” were crumbling as she knows Dan was a possibility to go on the block. Britney warned him that one of them (her, Danielle, Dan or Shane) need to win HOH.
Dan confronted Frank about back-dooring him, and he admitted he considered it . . . which didn’t sit well with Dan. Dan had his back, and Frank swore he had his from now on (which Dan didn’t buy). Dan asked how he’s leaning, and Frank thinks he needs Wil gone.
Ashely went on an Ice Cream date with Frank, which upset Ian. However she was only out to find out if Wil was going out . . . However it later turned into a make-out session in the HOH. Ashley felt Frank was very Channing Tatum-esq . . . (in what world?)
Britney and Shane began talking and realized they had enough people with to control the vote for her side, and they would decide who to get out. However they needed to do this without rousing suspicion, especially Frank’s . . . (Britney, Shane and some others have formed a new team called “The Quack Pack” – I believe with Dan, Danielle and Ian)
As the houseguests assembled for the vote, it was time to meet the nominees families. Cue the scenes . . . in which his wife humorously yells “HI I’M JOES WIFE!” Oh and all his kids also yell “We’re Joe’s kids!” Joe’s family are not Boogie fans in any way, shape or form. Oh and the kids want his soul patch shaved and would like America to vote for it to be shaved off. His wife and kids wish he’d stop yelling in the DR.
ChenBot then went to a montage of Jeff moments, as Jeff is a special guest star tonight. Jeff was not in the house though, he was in the studio talking to the ChenBot. Julie asked if he was itching to go back in the house and play? Jeff said he’d go right now, but he needs some more clothes. Julie asked for a Jordan update. They now live together in California, and there is a plan to put a ring on it . . . Julie then asked him about his opinions on the game, and he was pulling for Ian. Jeff has been interviewing the evicted guests on, so they talked about that for awhile.
The live vote was to be held, but first ChenBot had to talk to the guests. She let them know they just past the half-way point. She then gave them some current events questions going on in the world around them.
The vote was held, after the guests made their speeches . . . .
Ashley and Jenn voted to evict Joe.
Boogie, Danielle, Dan, Britney, Shane and Ian voted to evict Wil.
Wil was told that he was evicted from the house, and he said goodbye to everyone.
Next up was the HOH competition . . . which we already know will be an endurance comp. The HOH competition was one where they had to race across the yard filling a jug with liquid to the point where their cork floats to the top of the jug. They’ll win the HOH if they are first to do this. However they also have two temptations . . . two other jars . . . one gives them safety this week and the other gives them 10 grand! If they win of of the temptations, then they can’t win HOH . . . .
It will of course be a long night . . . who will win HOH? Stay tuned . . . .
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As with other Summer shows, “Army Wives” sees it’s season finale on the 26th. However this may be more than just a season finale. If you caught the preview, they specifically said “Until It All Ends . . . . ” This makes me think this is a series finale.
In all honesty, I wouldn’t be shocked. I think the show was shocked to get this season, as last seasons finale definitely felt like it was the shows goodbye. With Pamela departing the show, and Claudia Joy gone almost half of this season (I won’t get into those rumors, but we all know what they are . . . ), this season just has felt very flat to me. Jackie and Gloria just couldn’t make up for the missing originals.
Roxie and Trevor have been dealing with the twins, both of who are now home. Something tells me the twins, and how much time they take up, will lead Trevor to possibly taking Chases’ work offer.
Gloria and Hector finally decided on a divorce, and Gloria moved back to New York where her family was.
Denise dealt with a case of an abused child. They suspected initially it was her father, taking PTSD out on the kid, but it turned out to be her mom.
Frank was shot saving Michael from a crazed gunman who planned to start a revolution, so he thought, and die a martyr. Frank survived and would be able to return to active duty.
The show ended with Jackie getting a call that a Humvee that Kevin was in flipped and he’s in critical condition. From the previews, it looks like his army career may be over . . .
As I started off this post, Gloria and Jackie . . . while likeable, just can’t make up for Pamela and Claudia Joy. Also with CJ’s sudden departure . . . it seems the entire storyline with Susan Lucci’s character vowing revenge was just dropped as well. That is a shame, because it was a good storyline.
So “Grimm” returned last night with season 2. We had a bit of a recap from the end of Season 1, but I felt I probably should have watched some of those episodes again to remind me all that had happened.
Juliette remains in a coma, thanks to Adelaide’s spell. Worse than that, Monroe and Rosallee learn that the spell that Adelaide gave to Juliette will cause memory loss. The longer they delay, the more she may never remember . . . My thoughts here are that she’ll either not remember Nick at all, or more likely not remember all the strange things that happened over the past year to strain their relationship, especially his telling her about who he really is.
Nick, with the help of his not so dead mother, apprehended Kimura who came for the coins Nick had. Kimura was taken into custody, but not before letting it spill to the Captain that there are now two Grimms in town . . . Meanwhile, Nick’s mom explained Aunt Marie knew she was alive, but it was better for Nick that he didn’t, that nobody did. She was hunting down the men who killed his father and “her friend” who was in the car when it was blown up. So originally I was very suspicious of this. I thought what if this is the “friend” pretending to be Nick’s mom, to get to the coins or something else? However as the show went on, she seemed to just know too much to be a fake . . . I think?
Nick’s mom is pretty shocked to learn her son is friends with some monsters, and they with him. This will take getting used to for her. Later, Nick takes his mom to the trailer, and something bigger comes to light . . . much more important than the coins everyone was after. A local killing was not done by a normal monster, Nick’s mom identifies it as some terrible panther creature that the higher ups send out when things get serious. These are apparently worse than what was sent to kill him and Marie initially. We learn that the key Nick’s Aunt left him plays into it. She tells him this story that the original 7 knights, or Grimms, had these keys. They unlocked a secret treasure which they hid away, as whatever it was would shift the balance of power. The Grimm Knights worked for the Royal Families, and this kept the balance of power initially. Now it seems the royals are trying to get the power tipped in their favor and are probably looking for the treasure . . . (This all plays into the stories last season, with the rebel monsters and what not).
Elsewhere during the episode, the captain sought out Adelaide’s mom to get her to cure Juliette for him, he can’t let Nick leave town, which may happen if Juliette dies. The captain needs him . . . but we don’t know why. I believe he is part of one of the Royal Families perhaps? By the end of the show the nasty panther creature that killed some police guards earlier had lured Nick into a trap and was prepared to strike as “To Be Continued” showed on the screen.