Big Brother 14: A Shocking Veto Ceremony!
Dan and Danielle are on the block, thanks to Frank. Dan is hoping that he can get Ian to use his power of Veto to save him. However Frank is hoping that Ian won’t use it so that he can get Dan out.
The veto competition was held, but as Ian already had one from Pandora’s box, that meant he couldn’t play. Frank, Dan, Danielle, Britney, Shane and Jenn were playing in the veto. Jenn was Dan’s choice, as he got house guests choice. Joe was the only person left, and thought he’d get to be the host . . . but Frank chose Ian!
Jenn wasn’t aligned with anyone yet, so she decided this could be her opportunity to align herself with a power player . . . be that Frank or Dan . . . .
Dan had planned to throw the game to Shane or Britney to keep the Quack Pack safe . . . but it didn’t seem when they started playing that was his plan anymore . . . He seemed to be playing to win! Britney was pissed with him.
The veto game was based on the popular social app “Draw Something.” Users of the apps submitted drawings, and the selected ones were used in the game. There were additional points for taking punishments given to people who won each round. Frank tried to cheat and whisper an answer to Britney . . which got him thrown out. He did end up with the punishment of a carrot costume though, and Dan ended up in solitary confinement. Jenn also took the ultimate punishment to win, which was a slop ticket for the whole summer! Other punishments . . . Britney was chained to Danielle, and Frank had to take chum showers when a horn blew.
Dan was stuck in solitary for 24 hours. He was put in the have not room with DJ/Techno music piped in the whole time. Dan began to formulate a plan to get himself out of the mess he was in . . .
Once out of confinement, Dan calls a house meeting to launch his own “Big Brother Funeral.” He begins making speeches and cries about how much he loves them all, and he talks about each one of them and what they’ve taught him . . . and throws Danielle under the bus by saying “She knows what she did, she is dead to him inside this game, and it’s over . . . ”
Danielle is crushed and has no idea what she did to Dan. She was left in tears. The house was stunned, Shane tried to rally the house behind Danielle and that this is why they should keep her over him. Nobody knew what was going on.
Meanwhile, Dan talked with Frank, which was part of his master plan to save himself. He then blew up his alliance with The Quack Pack and threw Ian under the bus as the one who threw out Mike Boogie! However he then threw Britney under the bus as the more dangerous player, who should go out this week over him. Dan formed yet another final two alliance, this time with Frank (who has had ones with Shane and Boogie before!). Frank realized he, who already made a semi-deal with Jenn earlier, could get her to use the veto on Dan . . . and then Britney would be gone. Frank said this would mean Shane and Ian would be on their own without Britney.
Later Dan talked to Danielle and told her that he had a plan to keep them both in the house. Danielle told him that he was one sick person! Dan said he made a deal with Jenn and Frank with them to try and get them to the end. Dan warned her though that Britney would be up against her if it all goes as planned.
Frank meanwhile talked to Jenn about Ian working with the others, and the idea to take Dan off and work with him to get to the end. Jenn agreed, thinking that Frank would keep her safe . . .
At the veto ceremony, Ian did not use his power of Veto . . . but Jenn did and saved Dan! In his place, Britney went up. Frank couldn’t put Ian up because he held a veto, so he said he put Britney up because she was his closest ally.
Behind the scenes, there were a lot of blow-ups between Ian and Frank. It definitely looks like Britney will go to the jury unless there is a huge house turn around.