Big Brother 14: Double Eviction Night Drama!

Big Brother 14: Double Eviction Night Drama!

Posted by Dustin on 08.23.2012 at 8:58 pm

Note: This hasn’t been proofed, so sorry for any issues . . .

It’s the double eviction episode! As Julie loves to say, two weeks of “Big Brother” in a single hour! In the last episode Frank and Boogie were reeling after Shane put them on the block, breaking the trust of “The Silent Six.” Shane threw Britney under the bus, but Boogie felt Dan was the real mastermind. Nobody seemed to suspect Ian the Mole at all! Frank won POV, saved himself, and Shane put up a very pissed off Jenn . . .

Frank and Boogie were pissed and vented to one another. Ian tried to save face, tried to keep his cover from being blown with Boogie. He was planning on voting him out, but didn’t tell him that of course.

Boogie and Frank confronted Shane publicly, and Boogie kept calling him “Dan’s Bitch!” Britney and Daniel felt bad for him, but didn’t run to stand up for him. Boogie and Frank told him that he’d “get done” eventually, and Frank said Shane and Dan were now number 1 and 2 on his list . . . Boogie then started telling Jenn that she should question Dan about why she’s on the block, he would bet he knows! Dan kept ignoring his threats, taking all the heat so as to not expose Ian’s betrayal.

Later Jenn was furious that she was on the block, and she talked to Shane. Shane basically told her that she was a pawn, but she knows pawns sometimes go home. Jenn was seriously pissed and ranted to everyone else in the house who would listen to her. Ian was worried that if Jenn didn’t chill out, she would get herself voted out and Mike would stay!

Chenbot then revealed to the assembled houseguests that it was a double eviction night. The second houseguest evicted tonight would also be the first juror of seven to crown the winner. Boogie and Jenn got to make their speeches to save themselves before the vote.

Ashley and Frank voted to evict Jenn.
Britney, Joe, Dan, Ian, Danielle voted to evict Boogie.

Boogie was told he was outta there! You could tell he was pissed! Ian hugged him and told him he respected him, but apparently did tell him that he voted against him is some kind of code. As Mike left he told Ian “What happened, not cool buddy!” Mike also told Frank “not to trust Ian.” Mike then got to watch his messages. Britney’s message to Mike was brilliant, she spoofed the whole Chilltown Cellphone Messages . . . and she pretended to talk to Janelle saying “No Mike’s not here Janelle!” Ian then told Mike he was the one who masterminded Mike’s demise this week, and he learned from the best.

The HOH competition was held, and it was a trivia comp. It was the before or after game, based on events that have happened this summer. In the end, Ian won HOH!

Ian then had to immediately nominate two people, and he put up Frank and Ashley. He said he hated doing this, but after that last eviction he has no choice.

The live veto competition was then played. The competition was rainbow themed and involved them running across the yard (in their lanes) to search pots of gold for clovers. They had to retrieve two clovers from a pot of gold balls, and then grab the veto. Everyone was allowed to play in this competition. Of course . . . FRANK won the Veto.

Frank talked with Shane and Britney, he swore he was going after Dan, who would Ian put up? They thought Joe . . .

Ian had to nominate a replacement, which was Joe. The next vote was then held . . .

Jenn, Shane, Danielle, Britney and Dan voted to evict Ashley.
Frank voted to evict Joe.

Ashley was sent packing, and Frank was really pissed at how the night went. Ashley talked with Julie, and she knew she pissed the house off and that’s why she was where she was. She felt that she pissed off too many people siding with Janelle, and that she was just seen as a floater.

The final HOH game would be held at some point tonight, but not on this episode . . . .

New HOH Spoilers after the jump . . .

Yeah, you knew it was going to happen . . Frank won HOH! Why do I feel like this season has been rigged for Frank to win?




  1. Spoiler…

    Either Ashley was still on some pretty heavy duty pain meds or they’re letting them smoke pot in the BB house. I’m glad she’s gone. I think my own brain cells die while watching her try to form complete sentences. I really wish Frank hadn’t won veto though…Ian would have gone down in history if he was responsible for both of their evictions in one night.

    Comment by Holly
    08.23.2012 at 9:03 pm
  2. Personally I am glad to see that Boogie walked out that Door. Ian should have backdoored Frank. But on fast forward nights it is so hard to set up. I feel bad though for any fast forward HoH cause they dont get the stuff from home the others do.

    With Frank as HoH (again) I suspect he is going to go after those who got rid of his Boogie.

    Comment by CGinCA
    08.24.2012 at 12:02 pm

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