Big Brother 14: A Shocking Eviction and HOH Night!

Big Brother 14: A Shocking Eviction and HOH Night!

Posted by Dustin on 08.09.2012 at 8:53 pm

It was eviction night, and Frank and Janelle were on the block. The house seemed determine to get Janelle out, as nobody trusted her . . . but this house can flip over night!

Janelle was stunned to be on the block, she didn’t expect it. Janelle vowed to do what she had to do in order to stay. Everyone gave Janelle their fake hugs, but they all knew what was going on and nobody was shocked. Even Wil, who was on her team, was loving this turn of events.

Boogie took his bows to the cameras because he had really taken over Danielle’s HOH.

Janelle came to talk to Danielle about what happened. Danielle says everyone is telling her that Janelle is coming after her. Janelle knew she was lied to, and someone else is really behind this and put “poor, sweet Danielle up to this.”

Dan later told Danielle she did a good job. He asked about Janelle’s reaction, she suspected Dan put her up to this. She said Dan didn’t tell her to do anything, she felt that Janelle was coming after her.

Janelle later talked to Dan about what the hell happened. Dan claimed he was surprised, and he thinks it must be a girl instinct thing. Janelle asks Dan if he would vote to keep her. Dan felt he was in a tough spot, if he sided with her, then the target would be on him. Janelle hoped she had him, Britney and Ashley . . . Boogie walked in on them and acted all innocent. Janelle decided to talk to the others and get back to Dan later after she knew their position.

Janelle talked to Joe, who claimed he would totally vote for her. Wil also said he would too (which was a lie). Janelle then went to Jenn and Ashley to kiss their butts as well.

Janelle thinks she has the votes to stay, and then talked to Britney. Britney swore she’d vote to keep her. Janelle thought she was sitting pretty and would not be leaving. Janelle started to get to Britney, saying she was an ally to the coaches, she wasn’t coming after them . . . Britney felt she was voting out someone who was on her team . . .

Britney went crying to Shane, Dan and Danielle about how she just can’t keep lying to Janelle’s face. She felt horrible about playing this way, she felt they should just tell Janelle they were voting her out. She also said it really didn’t make sense to vote out someone who was on their side. Shane said Janelle had been lying to them all, they can’t trust her.

After a commercial break, Julie went to the house guests who were all assembled for the vote. Julie asked her various questions. She asked Boogie how he was feeling with the game being reset after a few days, and he said he was feeling better about it now.

We then got treated to some videos of Ian as the house dog for the day. Julie asked Ian about his choices so far (slop and giving up prizes), and how his experience is going? He was loving every minute.

The vote was finally held, but first the nominees got to plead their case. Frank said he was playing this game like a gentlemen and was keeping it classy this whole time.

We then had to learn about how Ian and Ashely’s mothers feel about their games so far, and their showmance, or whatever is going on between them. Ashley’s mother loves Ian and thinks he would treat her well, and they should be in a final two deal together. Janelle said she loved all of them, and if she can help them then vote to keep her.

The voting then began . . . .

Boogie, Jenn, Wil, Ashley, Britney, Shane, Dan, and Ian voted to get Janelle out.
Joe was the only one who voted to evict Frank.

Janelle was evicted by a vote of 8 to 1!

Janelle talked with Julie after her eviction. Janelle was shocked to be nominated, but not to be evicted. Janelle knows she’s a strong player, so that’s why everyone wanted her out. Julie asked why Frank was her focus, why she wanted him out. She said she knew he was such a strong player. Julie questioned her about her hesitation when Boogie grilled her about losing a player during the coaches meeting. Janelle didn’t want to throw them under the bus, or hurt her own game. Julie then said Boogie got her out this time, does she think he can win it? She said no, the target is on his back now. She said she was rooting for Dan now. Janelle then watched the videos from the other players. Dan and Britney were both sad to see her go. Joe yelled at the camera that he will avenge her! Boogie told her that this was his plan and told her she was always the bridesmaid, never the Big Brother bride. Janelle called Boogie a looser, said something to get herself bleeped, and said “Screw You Boggie!”

Finally the live HOH competition was held. The game was a trivia game about past competitions played where two by two they faced off, and the winner chose the next two to face off. In the end it came down to Britney and Frank, and Frank WON! (During the game when Boogie came up against Frank, Boogie threw the comp . . . to keep Frank in the game)

Some feed spoilers below . . . .

Dan and FRANK now seem to have an alliance, even though Dan seemed to make one with Boogie . . . and Boogie thinks he has one with Frank. Complicated! I have honestly not been watching the feeds much at all this season, as I just haven’t been into the game . . . even with the coaches twist.




  1. She called him a “D” bag, and I agree. I hope he’s out next.

    Comment by Nic
    08.10.2012 at 8:58 am
  2. I sometimes feel like I am the only person in the world that does not like either Boogie or Dr. Will. I hate it when BB shows either one for any length of time.

    Now iwth Frank having won HoH, I really think that if he wants to make the next “big move” he should back door Booogie.

    Comment by CGinCA
    08.13.2012 at 3:26 am

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