Dallas: Who Is Related To Who And How?

Dallas: Who Is Related To Who And How?

Posted by Dustin on 07.26.2012 at 9:38 pm

So on the latest episode, John Ross was sent to jail for Marta’s murder. She was alive when he left, but all the evidence places him there, and no camera was found in her place recording what was going on, even though she had one. He even told the cops about it, but their search found nothing. When pushed if he was revealing all that could help him, he of course kept his mouth shut. Had he told the truth about his involvement with Marta, he probably would have looked more guilty than ever. Plus he claimed Marta was stalking Elana, which is why he confronted her, so of course he’s come off as her hero.

The Venezuelans came to Bobby to call in what was theirs, Southfork! With no oil money coming in to them, then they hold a lean on the place. Bobby one-up’d them when he revealed the drilling rights and land rights are seperate, so they’ll still never get the oil! They had been had by JR and John Ross!

John Ross was beaten badly in prison, a message from furious Venezuelans. Sue Ellen stepped in to save him. She bribed a medical examiner into changing the autopsy results on “Marta” to suggest suicide, even though it was evident from defensive wounds that she was killed. She used her probable election as mayor to offer the man a promotion.

Christopher meanwhile stepped in to save John Ross. He made a deal with the Venezuelans and offered them exlusive South American rights to his alternative energy source. They aren’t after oil as much as the money and power it gives them. It seems they are planning to try and overthrow the current government. Christopher also made them hand over their video of Marta that he suspected they had.

Ann and the family made a deal with Tommy to get rid of him so that Rebecca could work on her marriage to Christopher. He was paid off with some oil well rights. Christopher had Rebecca checked out, and she was stunned when her backround check came back spotless. She clearly didn’t expect that! Yeah that means she has tons of secrets.

John Ross was cleared when a video turned up of Marta being alive when he left her place. With the ME claiming it was suicide, the case was closed. Sue Ellen then found herself in a bind. She crossed a line she never said she would, and now a killer has gone free. Something tells me when the video of John Ross’s real involvement with Marta comes out, and it will be found, he’ll find himself back in jail. Sue Ellen may find herself in the cell next to him as well!

Tommy came back to a shocked Rebecca. He had learned that Christopher’s invention is worth billions, and he was not giving up two years of planning for what they tried to pay him off with. He then told Rebecca she’s so deep in the lies she really believes they are siblings, and then he kissed her! I so called this weeks ago. I bet they are married, which invalidates her marriage to Christopher.

Last week I wondered if Christopher could be Ann’s long lost kid. Now I’m thinking it could be Tommy. Why? Well first she is disgusted by him, so that means bad blood before the truth is know. Also why did Tommy target the Ewings? Maybe he found out who his birth mother was?

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1 Comment

  1. Did they ever say if it was a boy or girl that Anne had? I for some reason just figure it will be a girl, she seems to have some weird connection with Rebecca wouldn’t be surprised if it was her, then again the child could just be dead and unlike every other soap out there they will leave it that way

    Comment by Just Wondering
    08.02.2012 at 11:52 am

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