Big Brother 14: First On The Block!

Big Brother 14: First On The Block!

Posted by Dustin on 07.15.2012 at 8:06 pm

SPOILERS if you are on the West Coast! . . . . . . .

The show opened, as usual, with a 5 minute or so recap of the first episode. Then we picked off right where Thursday’s episode left off, with Jodi’s exit and Willie’s nomination to HOH.

Jodi was sent home by Dan because his other two players got along well, which he felt worked to his advantage. Poor Jodi was only in the house for 6 hours! My guess is they will find a way to bring her back in, as that was completely not fair to her.

Mike tried to make an alliance with Dan, but he was wary about making a “deal with the devil . . . .” Meanwhile, Janelle and Britney got together and Janelle suggested they work together to get Dan and Mike Boogie out first. It was a girl power play on Janelle’s part.

Everyone got to see Frank’s HOH room. Whomever is the mentor of the HOH also gets a private room along side with the HOH. It’s located where the old Pandora’s Box room was. Feed/Possible Spoiler: On the feeds the coaches have wondered if this means there is no Pandora’s twist this year since there is no Pandora’s box room to be opened.

Ian has been watching “Big Brother” for more than half his life, so he’s in fandom heaven. As he explores the whole house, the gang in the HOH room are watching him on the screen and laughing. They are all laughing wondering if Ian has forgotten about the HOH’s feeds.

Janelle and Britney worked to get their players to work together in a huge team to get Dan and Boogie’s teams out. Willie admitted to Janelle, Shane, Jojo and Britney that he is Russell’s brother from “Survivor,” but he’s not his brother, who was a notorious villain on that show.

Britney got all her players on board with this idea, so Janelle worked to bring her players on board. They had a huge meeting in the HOH room to talk about it all. Everyone agreed they needed to work together against Dan and Boogie, who they are calling Chilltown 2.0.

Willie tried to gain someone on the other side on his own team on his own, and he set his eye on Frank. Frank seemed to be game.

Everyone in the house started getting weirded out by Ian, as he’s always “creeping around” as everyone puts it. He likes to be near the showers, he may be watching you when you sleep, he’s apparently the first one to be publicly nude . . . we saw him running around with Joe’s cowboy hat over his junk. Joe says he can never wear it again.

Boogie has put all his money on Frank winning, who he feels is popular with the others. He’s already impressed that Frank and Willie have a bond going on.

Julie revealed a new competition to everyone this season. This is a coach’s competition, and which ever coach wins gets to grant one of their players immunity. She also revealed the this competition would also select the have-nots who would end up in the most twisted and horrid “have not” room to date.

The coaches competition was held. It was a Jockey/Kentucky Derby like competition. They were all dressed as jockeys with stuffed horses strapped to them. The racetrack of course was this slippery mud trail, during which they had to rip the tails off the other players. In the end it was Boogie who won the game. He chose to keep Ian safe. He did this because he feared he was the main target on his team, with Jenn and Frank pretty popular in the house.

Each coach had to chose one player to be a have-not. Shane, Danielle, and Ashley were chosen to be the have nots. Boogie, even though he won, also had to chose a have not from his team. Because he saved Ian, he also condemned him to the torture. Ian was the first to dig into the slop to see how horrible it really was, being the fan of the show he was.

The have-not room was this black and white psychedelic swirl nightmare of a room. The beds were also curved and on slopes. Worse yet, there was no mattress, and the beds had these bumps or spikes that stuck out of them.

Joe, who is a chef, has been cooking up a storm. Apparently the issue is that they have a set amount of food every week. If they eat it all, they are screwed (I never knew this). This has made him a target, and Boogie is working on this as well as the “chefs are hot heads” stereotype. He played this to Willie hoping it would work to get him nominated, but Joe is in on Willie’s alliance!

The first nominations were held, and in the end Willie nominated Frank and Kara. Frank was left in shocked, he thought he and Willie were on good terms. Kara simply vowed to fight her hardest. Frank nominated Dan and Boogie’s strongest players. Boogie has started to suspect Janelle and Britney are working together . . .

Spoilers from the feed after the jump, including who wins POV!

First up, as for the nominations . . . . Kara is Willie’s real target. He has been working to get everyone to get her out.

Ashley had a horrible first night in the have-not room. The beds had her in such pain. She apparently violated the rules and refused to sleep in the bed one night, leaving it to sleep elsewhere. The next morning she was afraid she’d be kicked out or get a penalty nomination for breaking the rules. She was in such bad shape that she had to be taken to the doctor! My guess is the have-not room may be changed ASAP because of this.

Shane has won the POV, and it doesn’t look like it will be used.

Janelle and Britney’s team have agreed that Ian is a huge threat. Not only is he super smart and knows the history of the game, but he’s genuinely a nice guy which is too dangerous to have around. Obviously things have changed since this episode where he was played out as the creeper. They want to get him out ASAP, along with Dan. They want Dan out before Boogie it seems.


1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Supposedly Jodi has tweated she is home, so she is not sequestered somewhere, so I dont think she will be back….. at least not this season, she might be offered a place next season….

    I so far am not impressed with the Hamsters. I wonder what happens to a coach if all his players get voted out? Does he/she have to leave too?

    Comment by CGinCA
    07.16.2012 at 3:30 am

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