Army Wives: Exit David’s Dad!

Army Wives: Exit David’s Dad!

Posted by Dustin on 07.03.2012 at 1:22 pm

On the latest episode of “Army Wives” we finally saw the departure of David’s biological father Marcus. Marcus took David to his old neighborhood with his cousin, but the cousin crossed some dealers and got himself and Marcus into a beat down as David watched in horror. Joan and Roland toyed with reporting Marcus to his parol officer, even though the issue was his cousin’s. They realized if they sent Marcus back to prison that David may never forgive them. Marcus meanwhile realized he was harming David and needed to get his own life in order. He decided to go back to Chicago and work on himself, but said he and David would stay in touch.

Hector returned home to Gloria and they kissed and made up. He even showered her with gifts. However it didn’t take long before the truth came out when Hector’s one night stand instant messaged him and Gloria saw it. She then threw Hector out!

An old army buddy of Trevor’s showed up at the base for an operation. He was caught in a bombing in Afghanistan and has burns over much of his body, including his face. His wife was having a hard time as he never left the house except to go to the hospital, and she has basically become his nurse maid. Roxy urged her to talk to her husband, but instead she just decided to leave him. Trevor and Roxy decided to take him into their house, knowing it would be bad to leave him alone in such a state.

Claudia Joy and Denise learned that the guy who held them hostage is a suspected serial killer, who the authorities believe has done this to numerous other women up and down the coast. Denise tried to come to terms with killing a man, while the press presented her as a hero. Claudia Joy meanwhile dealt with the fact the she didn’t know if she could have shot the guy if push came to shove. Jackie took Claudia Joy to the shooting range to help her get back some power she had lost.

My thoughts . . . .
So I didn’t think this was the most exciting episode ever. I was glad to see David’s dad Marcus finally hightail it out of town. That was long overdue.

I’m not sure what the point of bringing Trevor’s old buddy onto the show is. Doesn’t Roxy have enough to deal with as is, now they have a houseguest whose marriage is crumbling.

The Hector and Gloria storyline was a tad ridiculous. Why would Hector give his one night stand his email or IM name? What an idiot! I’m glad Gloria tossed his sorry butt out.

I’m definitely looking forward to next week and Patti LuPone’s guest role!

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Army Wives

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