True Blood: Fairy Hideouts and Sangunistas!
So the latest episode of “True Blood” was pretty good! It was much better than some of the last few snoozers, as we got some story lines moving forward finally.
Terry and his captain go looking for the guy they think is causing all their issues. We learn via flashbacks what the big secret about Iraq is. Basically while on patrol, the group took refuge in some kind of an abandoned church. Oh yeah, they also seemed to take some kind of drugs as well, or at least Terry did. Some civilian ran up and started yelling at them. Nobody knew what he was saying, but the Captain told them to get rid of him. Somehow the guy that they are searching for in the present took this to mean shoot him, which he did. Then more people showed up, a sniper started shooting at them, and in the end all the civilians were dead. Back in the present, Terry and the Captain found the guy holed up in some crazy bunker, which he trapped them in with him. This storyline bored me honestly. There is already enough story lines going on as is, I don’t know why they had to throw this one in there. Did they feel the need for a non-supernatural storyline? Or have we just not got to the supernatural part? I have a feeling the reason the civilian was yelling at them was that the defiled the church in some way, and now are possessed or cursed.
Some of the shifters that Sam ran with last season came to see him. They wanted to invite him back to the group. He didn’t know, but eventually agreed to meet them later on that day. However when he went to meet them, they had all been shot! Hmmmmmm . . . .
Bill and Eric were let go and ordered to find Russell. They decided to start with finding who actually let him go. Only the two of them, Pam and Alcide knew where he was buried. I guess they figured Alcide wouldn’t ever free a vamp, so they went to grill Pam. Pam did not let him go and was devastated that Eric would even think she’d betray him. She wanted him to release her as her maker if he thought so little of her. In the end he did release her, but he also believed she had nothing to do with freeing Russell.
Roman and Salome tortured Nora until she confessed that she was turned Sanguinista by another in the group, who is a true leader in the movement. After much searching they learned it was the little vampire kid, and Roman staked him! Thank Lilith, because that kid was annoying as all hell. I was glad to see him go. We don’t yet know what Nora’s punishment will be though.
The judge who convinced Andy to let his son off a speeding ticket decided to thank him and Jason by taking them to a hot party spot he goes to every weekend. They ended up in a fairy den, where the fairies party with humans. Andy ran into the fairy he had sex with in the woods at the end of last season. Finally that storyline has returned! He thought it must have been a dream, but she assured him that it wasn’t. I still think she’s going to end up pregnant with his kid. Meanwhile Jason ran into his cousin Hadley, which is when he figured out the place was some fairy hide out. She warned him to get Sookie and get here, they were in grave danger. She thought Sookie had actually been captured. Jason didn’t understand and thought his sister was probably safer with the Vamps given what happened with the fairies before. Hadley then let it slip that their parents were killed by vampires! This didn’t sit well with Jason, nor another fairy, who had the three guys thrown out. We’ve always known there was something about Sookie’s parents’ death that was off, now we know. The big question is who killed them? Is it a vampire she knows? Bill and his maker on one of their killing sprees?
Lafeyette continues to be possessed by Jesus’ demon. When he got mad at Sookie, he was overcome by the demon and put a curse on her car. This caused the car to spin out of control and almost kill Sookie. Meanwhile Tara was saved from frying herself in the tanning parlor by Pam, who ordered her not to do that again. Tara began to deal with her new life, but was not about to forgive Sookie. She told Bill as much, saying he should just stay far away from her because nothing bad ever happens to Sookie as there is always someone willing to take a bullet for her.
Finally Sookie thought Alcide was going to turn her in, and she thought she would end up in jail. She confessed all to Jason, but Jason wouldn’t arrest her. Jessica even glamoured Andy into forgetting all about the Debbie Pelt case. Alcide knew the Pelts wouldn’t go away, so he told them that Marcus killed Debbie, and he killed Marcus. Later Alcide showed up to tell Sookie she would be okay. They both got drunk and kissed, as Bill and Eric spied on them. Eric felt they should leave Sookie be, but Bill wouldn’t. He felt there was a leak somewhere, somehow someone found out about Russell. He wants to use Sookie to help them find out where the leak is and who dug him up. I’m wondering if a fairy may have read Alcide’s mind and maybe dug up Russell to cause a vampire war in hopes they would kill each other off, or have the humans turn on them? There was something off about Hadley telling Jason that he and Sookie had to get to this den to hide out and be safe, as if she knew what was about to come.
Nice write-up Dustin. I didn’t consider that a fairy might have read Alcide’s mind about Russell.
So if the politician goes to the fairy party every weekend, how come it doesn’t seem, in Bon Temps time, that he has been gone for years, like when Sookie visited fairyland for 10 minutes last season?
I’m guessing the two male fairies weren’t hurting Jason and Andy when they were blasting them with light – probably just erasing their memories.
That was quite the escape Sookie made from the car – I thought she was going to use her fairy power to stop the vehicle or that Bill or Eric would save her – most people would have been killed, rolling out of the car like Sookie did, but she did admit to LaFayette it was pretty awesome of her. 🙂
I wonder why Eric had to release Pam? Are you somehow screwed if your maker meets the true death before you’re released? I can’t recall whether Godrich and Laureen (?) had released Eric and Bill, respectively, before their deaths.
Do you think we’ll ever find out what happened to Jesus’ body? I’m thinking that maybe LaFayette buried it (or something) while possessed by the demon and just doesn’t remember.
Yes, vampire kid was annoying (and having the kid actor amongst the adults a bit disconcerting) – good riddance to him!
07.03.2012 at 9:28 am
I wonder if Hadley was told that vampires killed Sookies parents as lie. In the books there are good and bad fairies and the bad fairies killed Sookies parents
07.03.2012 at 10:16 am
Also in the book, fairies don’t read minds. That was a gift given to Sookie by a demon that was employed by her grandfather, who is king of the fairies.
Not sure the show will go that direction. While they keep some similarities, they have gone pretty far from the books at this point.
07.03.2012 at 1:00 pm
I forgot about the mind blast at the end, yeah I think they may have erased their memories too.
07.03.2012 at 1:24 pm
Ya definitely have strayed far from the books because Hadley would already be a dead vampire by now
07.03.2012 at 2:12 pm
Yes, and Hadley didn’t know she was a fairy. She was Sophie Anne’s girl friend.
07.03.2012 at 7:38 pm