The Army Wives Are Back!

The Army Wives Are Back!

Posted by Dustin on 06.25.2012 at 3:40 pm

“Army Wives” returned last night now that “The Client List” has ended it’s season. I still have to watch that season finale. Anyway, a brief recap of what happened, then some quick thoughts . . .

Claudia Joy’s heart stopped for two minutes after the transplant, but they got it started again. After a few weeks of rehab, she was good to go and feeling great. Denise and Claudia Joy took a beach vacation, with Michael and Frank planning on coming down later to meet them. However a jogger they met on the beach ended up breaking into their home and taking them hostage. Claudia Joy faked going into insulin shock in order to get the upper hand on him, and Denise got his gun and shot him dead!

Gloria and Hector’s marriage remained strained. He told her that he wouldn’t mind her working, but not at a bar and not at night. She however wouldn’t ditch Roxie, who had to start taking it easy as she experienced some bleeding. Hector then went off and slept with some woman he met in a bar later that night.

Kevin was away and Jackie was feeling lonely. She called up her daughter Sophie, who is at boarding school. This is the first we’ve heard of the daughter. Sophie however had much more important things to do than talk to her mom, and she blew her off.

Finally Joan and Roland haven’t heard a peep out of Marcus, David’s bio dad, since the big blow-up at dinner. However what the don’t know is that Marcus and David have been meeting secretly after school when he’s supposed to be going to the rec center.

My thoughts . . .
Why couldn’t they have sped up Claudia Joy’s surgery and beach vacation and left her and Denise being held hostage as the cliff hanger, rather than Claudia Joy flatlining on the table? I think that would have been much more interesting, as we all knew they wouldn’t kill C.J. Plus they’ve pulled this with her character so many times that it is getting old.

I really loath Hector even more after this episode, but really like Gloria a lot more. What a conundrum! Maybe Gloria needs to meet a better army guy to marry so we can keep her, but give Hector the boot.

I’m worried that Marcus is going to try and take David and run at some point in the future. This guy, like Hector, just needs to go!

Sophie clearly seems to be a hell child, and probably a tool to make us continue to feel sympathy for Jackie.

I wonder if we will see Audrey/Susan Lucci again anytime soon? She left after levying a pretty major threat against Claudia Joy and Michael!

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Army Wives

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