True Blood: Nan Was More Entertaining Than This Bunch!
Wow . . . last night’s episode of “True Blood” was fairly dull. Here are some thoughts on the stories, as well as a mini-recap of them . . .
Bill, Eric and Eric’s “sister” Nora have been taken prisoner by The Authority. They were taken deep underground where a council of elders was waiting, headed by Christopher Meloni (Roman). Nora was also on the council it seems, but she’s in deep do-do for helping Eric and Bill. They are being tried for murdering Nan. Blah blah blah, long story short in the end Bill and Eric revealed the truth about Russell, that he was alive. They said that if the council spared them the true death, they could lure him out using them as bait. Russell was the true enemy and the real threat to them.
We did learn some interesting tidbits about the origin of Vampires, or so they believe. They have their own bible which tells that before Adam and Eve, God made Lilith in his image . . . and Adam and Eve were made to feed Lilith, who was the first vampire. Therefore literalists believe that humans are nothing more than food for them. It would seem The Authority does not believe this, they are all about mainstreaming and learning to co-exist. I guess because they killed Nan, they think Eric and Bill are against this? They kept being questioned/tortured on this, whether they were literal believers in the bible.
Pam ditched Tara with Lafayette and Sookie and went back to Fangtasia and is trying to locate Eric. We learned their backstory and how they met in San Francisco at the turn of the 20th century. Pam was running a brothel, and Eric saved her one night on the street from an attacker. We don’t yet know why he turned her, my guess is like Tara, someone will attack Pam and he does it to save her.
Lafayette and Sookie had their hands full with Tara. Lafayette was ready to stake her, but Sookie said Tara was in there and it would take time. By the end of the episode it seemed Tara wasn’t brain dead at all. After waking up in Eric’s cubby, she told Lafayette and Sookie that she would never forgive them for this, and she took off.
The pack continued to eat Marcus, and demanded Alcide do so as well. While many didn’t like it, they had rules, and he was the new pack master. He said he didn’t want to be pack master and he wasn’t going to eat. They told him to go back to Mississippi, which he said he gladly would. Later Marcus’ mom appealed to Luna not to keep Emma from her, she was all she had left of her son. Luna refused, and believes Emma will not be a wolf, but a shifter. When Sam seemingly sided with Marcus’ mom, saying Emma may need a pack, Luna lost it on him and told him to go! He called her a crazy bitch and gladly left. However by the end of the show Luna found Emma had shifted into a little wolf! The question is though, is she really a wolf, or has she just shifted into one? I am a little sad that they broke up Luna and Sam so quickly. I hope it’s not for good, because it seemed like Sam finally found a real girlfriend.
Steve Newlin is still after Jason, and even tried to buy him from Jessica for 20,000 dollars. She, however, wouldn’t sell him. I started to wonder if perhaps Russell turned Steve? Or if he didn’t, perhaps Steve will become Russell’s new boyfriend? Interviews with Dennis O’Hare indicate that Russell finds love again this season.
Arlene began to worry about Terry, whose behavior is getting more and more erratic. She even went to his old Sergeant for answers, realizing that something happened to them in Iraq. We still don’t know what happened, only that it has to do with fire. The two are seeking out another member of their unit who they believe could be the fire bug that is setting fire to all their homes. Yawn! This story is fairly dull, especially after last years creepy doll and ghost story.
The final scenes of the show showed Russell eating and draining humans in order to heal himself. He’s going to have to eat a lot, because he looked pretty nasty!
I was a bit confused by the Authority and their religion – I couldn’t figure out if they were literalists (fundamentalist) or not. Roman said they wanted mainstreaming but he and the others were really into the blood of Lilith ritual. I read that Alan Ball was inspired to include vampire religion by Rick Santorum and all the religious fervour that surrounded him during the republican leadership race.
Anyone know what language the vampires were reciting during the”holy communion”? It didn’t sound like Latin. Maybe Aramaic?
I still think Nora will play a role in upcoming episodes. I bet there’s more to her alleged double-crossing.
Wasn’t sure what was the point of the teenager accusing Jason of ruining his parents’ marriage. We already know Jason is a horn dog. He’s got to shave that little moustache and loose the CHiPs sunglasses – he’s looking a little porny.
I loved Steve Newlin’s little dance at Jessica’s party!
06.18.2012 at 2:32 pm
I think the vampires were speaking Hebrew. At least that is what was stated on the Twop board.
I think Nora might have been Steve Newlin sire. The reason being , is that when Steve was at Jessica’s party,and she told him to lay off of Jason. She also told him that her father was king. Steve said “Not anymore”. So how did Steve know what happen to Bill, while Pam and Jessica do not? I think the person who sire him was someone from the authority like Nora,or Nan.
06.18.2012 at 11:50 pm
Interesting theory about Steve luvprue1!
06.19.2012 at 9:33 am