Falling Skies: Season 2!
Last night “Falling Skies” returned for its second season. Off topic, but why do all shows during the summer have to air on Sunday nights? Anyways, I really enjoyed the two hour premier. Here is a brief recap on what happened, as well as some quick thoughts.
In a nutshell, three months have passed since the season 1 finale, which had Tom Mason (Noah Wyle) getting on the alien ship. The 2nd Mass moved on, with Tom’s oldest son Hal taking up his dad’s role in the group as Weaver’s 2nd in command it seems. Pope has formed a new motorcycle gang of mercenaries known as “The Berserkers.” Ben, the middle kid, is still fighting the skidders’ mind control, but he still hears their calls and his scales are spreading on his back. Meanwhile on the ship, Tom met with a new type of alien we haven’t seen, this one a very tall humanoid kind. Last season they hypothesized about the aliens and why the mechs were more humanoid looking than the skidders, and now we know! The alien, talking through Hal’s captured and now harnessed girlfriend, offered Tom a deal. They said he and the rest of the human survivors could choose to move to an area they set aside for them to live in in peace, basically a concentration camp. Tom said no way. The next we knew, Tom and many others held on the ship were released into a field. Every human except Tom was then gun downed as they tried to flee, obviously a message to Tom. Tom then made his way back to the group, but not everyone trusted him, and he didn’t trust himself. As it turned out, the aliens put this nasty parasite thing in his eyeball, which the Doctor managed to remove. But then it escaped, flew away and made contact with this odd looking skidder who had two different color eyes . . . .
So a lot of questions, the biggest one that remains is what do the aliens want? Why are they here? Early on in the first hour, when everyone was fighting, there was some graffiti on some buildings. One was an image of a humanoid alien, but none from this show. At first I thought it was a Taelon from the old show “Earth Final Conflict.” Was it a clue? If you never saw the show, basically a group of aliens came to earth under the guise of friendship and peace. However they really needed help, as they were infertile and dying out . . . and another alien race was coming to exterminate them. Hmmm, I thought maybe this was some kind of hint that we’d learn of yet another alien race out there? But when I went through to watch it again, I felt the graffiti looked more like the aliens from the 80s movie “Cocoon.” In this case they were aliens who wore fake human skins. This seems to hint at the story that the skidders are transformed humans or other beings the aliens have enslaved? Of course maybe I’m reading into this way too much!

After going back and watching it on TNT’s website, I captured an image and it’s clear that its an alien meets Mona Lisa graffiti, but again . . . where is the alien from? Is it a clue? I definitely think it’s “Cocoon!”
The only other thought that comes to mind is that if Ben ends up turning into a skidder, I’m going to be really pissed! Also at the very end, the skidder with the funny eyes . . . I’m wondering if this is supposed to be someone we’ve met in season one?
Great recap!
Ben – that boy grew a foot and way hotter since last season – I almost thought he was a new actor.
The skidder – I think they are a different enslaved race. When they did that autopsy in the first season, they found the harness under the scales. Well that was my thought.
06.19.2012 at 8:05 pm
This show got a new show runner this season, who had nothing to do with it the first season from something I read somewhere. I am wondering if that is the reason some of this isn’t making sense. Has the new runner tries to deal with the bible that the show has.
06.21.2012 at 11:03 pm