True Blood Season Premier Thoughts! Tara Is A . . . ? ? ?
“True Blood” is back and I can’t be happier! The big question going into this season was what would happen to Tara. We got the answer fairly quickly when Lafayette convinced Sookie to bury her with Pam and turn her. However given she was missing half her brain, there was no telling what might happened. At the very end, Pam dug her way out. However it appeared Tara was a goner. At that moment I really thought they were going to make her return as a ghost, an idea I really hated. Suddenly she jumped out of the ground and attacked Sookie! Holy crap that scene was insane! In the previews it seems that Tara is nothing more than a drone. Is she a brainless vampire who can’t think? Can she even talk? I can’t imagine Tara not opening her mouth and having wise cracks coming out.
Pam completely stole the show with all her lines, most fairly dirty such as “f*cktarded” and Sookie and her super-sn@tch. I love Pam! I do, however, wonder how she’ll collect on what Sookie owes her. Be afraid Sookie!
Bill and Eric got themselves taken prisoner by The Authority while trying to leave after killing Nan. However one of them was Eric’s little sister and former lover, who helped them escape. They were only siblings as Godrich made them both. It was really more of a “Flowers in the Attic” type of sibling relationship. All I could think was that Eric sure got over his love for Sookie fast! It doesn’t seem like they get very far before they are caught again though.
Alcide came to see Sookie and warn her that Russell was still alive, and now free. He wanted to protect her, but she feared him finding out what she did to Debbie. Lafayette insisted Alcide just leave them alone and go, which he did. Meanwhile Sam protected Alcide, Luna and her daughter from Marcus’ pack, which included his mother. She wanted to know what happened, and when Sam claimed he killed Marcus, where the body was. Sam agreed to take them to the body to save them from harming Luna and her daughter. However Alcide showed up and claimed he killed Marcus, which seems to have split the pack. Some believe he is the new Alpha Male, whereas Marcus’ mother and others refuse to bow to him. They then began eating Marcus’ dead body. YUCK! Was it just me, or did his corpse look like he’d been dead for a while now when they dug it up? Nasty! Alcide needs to find a better pack, one that isn’t full of . . . well so many trashy members.
Jason got a visit from vampire Reverend Steve Newlander, who claims he was turned as punishment. We don’t know who his maker is, he wouldn’t say. Steve came out of the closet as a gay vampire, saying thats where his anger toward Jason was all this time. He wasn’t mad that Jason slept with his wife . . . he was mad his wife got to sleep with Jason! Jessica came to Jason’s rescue, but later cast him aside as her vampire horniness seems to be taking over. Poor Jason! First crazy Crystal, now Steve! I hope they get back to the whole were-panther storyline at some point this season.
Finally Teri’s old marine captain revealed that just like Teri, several of the men in their unit had suffered house fires. He thinks it is related to something that happened in Iraq . . . Teri says this fire wasn’t, and basically sent the guy on his way. Hmmm, what happened in Iraq?
Some other questions I was pondering during, or by the end of the episode . . .
Pam said to Sookie and Lafeyette “I’ve done this before” when they were getting ready to make Tara. Was she speaking of her own making? Because last season Eric told Pam that it was time for her to become a maker. Maybe she made Steve?
Jesus’ body has gone missing. Where is he? Is he a zombie now?
Andy and Crystal finally hooked up, only to be found by her kids. Yuck! What about Andy’s little romp with the fairy in the woods? I hope that will be addressed at some point.
I’m so happy True Blood is back! My only complaint though is that I doubt Sookie (as written the past 4 seasons) would ever agree to have Tara turned – she knew Tara hated vampires with a passion. I know we are supposed to believe that Sookie was overcome with grief, but still (and she’s no stranger to grief – she would never have had her grandmother turned). Then again, Sookie can be a bit selfish at times.
Good catch on Pam’s comment about having done it (the making of a vampire) before. I don’t think she would have been the one to turn Steve Newell as I doubt she could put up with him, but who knows.
I also wondered how Eric got over Sookie so quickly – I guess he’s not normally rejected. I don’t consider Eric and Nora siblings, but it was kind of gross how they kept calling each other brother and sister. I think she may have been in on the plot to capture them at the end – she wasn’t killed. Maybe she blames Eric for Godrich’s death.
Poor Alcide. If Sookie doesn’t want him he can stay at my place.
06.11.2012 at 3:05 pm
I’ve just finished the 7th book and the show now has very little in common with the books. It’s like an alternate universe. As for Tara, going by the book, if a person is to damaged or has too little spark of life left they will either be made wrong or fail to be made. In the book, it is Elvis aka Bubba, who was made wrong.
In the books, all vampires made by the same maker refer to each other as siblings regardless of age or years between making. Pam is Eric’s child. All makers tend to have sexual relationships with their children – so Eric had sex with Godric his maker in the show but not in the books.
If you haven’t read the books, you should. The are a fun easy read but so very different that you can still enjoy them. The best way to classify these books, usually about 350 pages, is that they are women’s trashy romance novels. All the men want Sookie, all have bigger members then the next, and all fall in love with her. As an example, Jason met Steve because he never went to the camp, and Jesus’ was never a character bc Lafayette was killed in the first book.
06.11.2012 at 8:27 pm
I have friends who have read them all and tell me lol. We own the first 7. I bought them for my partner one year, but have yet to read them. Maybe I’ll do that this summer.
06.11.2012 at 8:43 pm
I forgot to mention that I loved Pam’ comment about the cheap Wal-Mart sweat suit. Nobody would look good in that outfit!
I read the first book when the show first started. I am a much bigger fan of the show.
06.11.2012 at 9:08 pm
Maybe I missed it, but didn’t Pam have Tara drink her blood, which would have healed her, not turned her ?
06.12.2012 at 6:25 am
I read the whole series this winter really good books. In the books Eric’s maker is someone else not Godric and yes Eric did have a sexual relation with him. A new book just came out in May I bought it but haven’t had a chance to read it all yet.
06.12.2012 at 10:56 am
Lori, I believe that Tara was too far gone to be healed by Pam’s blood – too much blood loss of her own. When a vampire turns someone (at least according to the rules of True Blood universe), the victim has to have lost a lot of their own blood then consume a lot of the vampire blood and then spoon with their soon-to-be maker underground.
I’ll assume that Pam first attempted to heal Tara before turning her, and that it all happened off-camera. I agree that the whole healing-vs-turning should have been explained a bit better in the episode.
06.13.2012 at 9:42 am