Once Upon A Time: The Writer Is Revealed?

Once Upon A Time: The Writer Is Revealed?

Posted by Dustin on 04.23.2012 at 8:15 pm

So based on the end of this show, and the previews for next week, we seem to finally have solved the mystery as to who the writer is.

In the Fairytale world, Rumplestiltskin reunited with his son Bae. Bae vows to he find a way to reverse the curse on his father, if he could give up his powers that is. Bae wanted his father back, and Rumple agreed. Bae gets a “magic bean” from a fairy, but the bean will take them to another world, one where Rumple’s powers won’t work. The bean opens up a vortex, we can only guess to Storybrook. Bae is sucked in when Rumple chickens out and won’t go through. However he promises to find a way to find his son . . . We can only guess that this is how he suckered Regina into the curse?

In the real world, August gets Henry to help him to distract Gold so he can get into his shop and look around. Gold meanwhile begins to wonder who August really is. The two end up facing off, and August claims to be his missing son. Gold almost believed him, until August got the dagger and tried to use it to control him and his power. He knew August was a fake, his son would know the dagger wouldn’t work that way. However he realized August must be from over there if he knew so much. August revealed he was dying, and he didn’t have much time left. He had hoped Emma would reverse this curse, but she hasn’t yet. He was desperate, only magic can save him now basically, which means a return to the other side.

Kathryn gave a statement that she was trapped in some basement and finally managed to escape. Emma was certain Regina was behind this. She was going to nail her and finally get Henry back. She wanted to protect Henry from Regina. However in the end, love struck Sydney threw himself under the bus for Regina. He said he did it, it was all to get an amazing story for the paper. Emma, however, wasn’t buying it. Meanwhile David and Kathryn basically knew they were over, it wasn’t meant to be. However Mary Margaret was not ready to forgive David for his lack of faith in her.

The show previews for next week show it will be the storyline of Pinocchio. I think we can assume safely that this is who August really is. He was the boy who found Emma on the outskirts of town and got her to safety. He was able to grow up, living outside of town. However clearly whatever plagued him in the Fairytale land is killing him in this world. There have been many clues he’s Pinocchio mind you. He once claimed he didn’t lie, but clearly he’s a great liar. His illness, he once mentioned had to do with shin splits I believe. His paper weight is also a donkey. Also we’ve seen Gipetto in Storybrook, but not his son. Some thought Dr. Whale might be his son all grown up, but now we have to wonder who Whale really is?




  1. I’m not sure how I felt about this episode. I guess I wanted August to be the good guy, but he now comes off as a bit weak. Maybe it’s too early to tell.

    Speaking of weak, maybe with Sidney’s self sacrificing false confession we won’t have to see much more of him. Rather pathetic character.

    I liked that Mary Margaret didn’t just run back into David’s arms! I’m sure they will make their way back to each other eventually.

    Comment by DNA
    04.24.2012 at 12:47 pm
  2. Who do you think August called to say they needed to hurry things up? Maybe rumple’s son?

    Comment by Lindsey
    04.25.2012 at 8:36 pm
  3. Yeah, I was also thinking it was Rumple’s son he was calling.

    Comment by DNA
    04.25.2012 at 10:43 pm

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