Glee Returns With Life Changers and More!
So “Glee” came back last night. Not only is it back, but we have 8 straight weeks of new episodes (well now 7) until the finale, graduation and nationals.
First up, the show has been RENEWED for a fourth season. Hurray! So it will be interesting to see how things end this season, and how some of these characters will return.
The fate of Quinn was revealed. Of course they didn’t kill her off, but she is in a wheel chair. Her spine has been compressed, but according to her the feeling is slowly combing back, and with therapy the doctors are optimistic that she’ll gain full control of her legs. Quinn did a lot of bonding with Artie during this episode, but Artie also tried to help her accept things may not work out for her. “Reggae Jesus” also felt she wasn’t dealing with such a possibility, which upset Quinn. Is she in denial? I’m not sure. I did, however, love her and Artie together. So cute!
Rachel and Finn’s wedding did not go through. Finn is also having reservations, beginning to realize their entire life is planned around Rachel and her dreams, which are only in New York. Puck has been trying to convince Finn to go into the pool boy business out in L.A., but Rachel won’t consider Hollywood. I’m not sure, but I have a feeling this is all setting things up for Rachel to not make it into that big fancy New York school.
Blake’s brother Cooper Anderson (played by Matthew Bomer) appeared in this episode. Okay, after all the hype of this, I felt let down. The guy was a self absorbed tool, but at the end of the episode claimed to Blake that all his insults were to make him better, as he knew Blake would make it big, and he just wanted to say he helped him get there . . . Blah! I feel like this story could have been far more interesting. At least their songs were great.
Sue fumed when Figgens assigned swim coach Nene to be her co-coach on the Cheerios. He felt her baby was distracting her, and he needed a win. She made a deal with him, if she got New Directions a win as well, that would bring in more money to the school . . . then she wanted her Cheerios back! Sue then took over the kids boot camp, to get them into dancing shape. Will and Emma also helped her with the baby, and went to doctor’s appointments. We learned that while Sue was having a girl, there was an abnormality in some of her tests. They never told us outright what was wrong, but it became clear later. During a scene with Becky, who heard Sue was having a little girl, Sue responded “A little girl just like you.” Awwww, don’t make me misty eyed over a Sue scene! Oh and we still don’t know who the father is, but according to Sue it is someone famous. Of course I don’t expect this peace treaty between Will and Sue to last much longer.
I think I’ve touched on all the major stories last night? The songs I absolutely loved! A great selection. Of course next week is “Disco Week!” and I cannot wait! I don’t care that the kids think Disco suck, I’m ready to shake my booty!
This Glee was much better than the Ricky Martin episode but seemed like a bridge to the overall plot. And I guess it’s because they’re such great actors but I was struck by how gay Darren is and how straight Matt is.
04.12.2012 at 9:20 pm