Pretty Little Liars . . . Season 3 Teasers!
Posted by Dustin on 03.21.2012 at 5:31 pm
ABC Family recently hosted a call in interview session with Janel Parrish, who plays Mona . . . aka -A, on “Pretty Little Liars.” Janel has been upped to a season regular for the third season, starting this summer. This is some of the spoiler tidbits from the conference . . . .
Question pertaining to what season three has in store for Mona . . . .
“I do know that Season 3 the premiere will take place six months after Maya’s body was found, so it’s the second anniversary of Alison’s death. Mona will have been in the Radley Sanatorium for the last six months. She’ll get a mysterious visitor. You’ll find out more about that and there will just be more answers and connecting the dots.”
– Hmmm, so is that confirmation that Maya is dead? I think so! Remember Emily only heard from her via texts or emails.
On who she’d like to work with that she hasn’t yet . . .
“… people will start having scenes with each other that you didn’t even know knew each other, so I’m excited. I think a lot of people in Rosewood are connected that the viewers don’t know about yet, so we’re going to start to see all of that come to light in Season 3.”
On Mona’s -A Team comment . . .
“You will definitely learn about that in Season 3. I don’t know exactly when. I know that they’ve started writing the episodes. I have not seen anything yet. I’m super excited to see where it’s going, but yes, Season 3 is going to start to get crazy.”
On Lucas, Jenna and Mona’s possible “relationship” (i.e. their united hatred of Alison) . . the question was “Is there anything there we don’t know about?”
“It will be very interesting. I’m not even entirely certain the answer to that question, but I know that the writers do everything for a reason. If they show you a glimmer of something it’s for a reason. Nothing is an accident.”
On Mona’s talking to the girl in the red coat at the very end, and the involvement of the black swan at the party…
“Yes. You’re definitely going to see connections between everyone and I think Season 3 will focus more upon that.”
A final spoiler from the call-in came from the show’s writer Marlene King via twitter. She said so far Mona did everything -A did . . . except two things! That’s something to look forward to in season three . . .
While Mona was -A in the books (or at least the first -A revealed), there was some book spoilers discussed which I decided not to place in here, because they differed from what happened on the show. That way people (like me, oops) who are not caught up on all the books won’t have certain things ruined.
“Pretty Little Liars” returns with it’s summer premiere on Tuesday, June 5th at 8/7c! It’s a new day, so mark your calendars . . . with an -A?
Army Wives: La Lucci! Plus April Spoilers
Posted by Dustin on 03.21.2012 at 3:33 pm
So this Sunday’s episode was the first with Pamela gone . . . and they even took her name out of the credits! Boo!
Claudia Joy found herself up against Jackie Clarke, and got some advice from Susan Lucci, who was playing the army wife of one of Michael’s old friends. She gave her some dirt on Jackie, should she need to use it, and told her to get a strategy against this woman. It seems Jackie is the real driving force behind her husband’s career, not him. She knows who to suck up to!
This story aggravates me. I feel like we are back in season one almost, with the FRG squabbles between CJ and the villainies at the beginning of the show (whose name I can’t remember, Roxanne or something like that). This time though it looks like CJ won’t have Denise to back her up, and Denise thinks Jackie is just sooooo wonderful! Roxie seems to see threw her though.
Roxie had to give a party for Trevor’s whole unit, given his promotion, and she accidentally gave them all food poisoning. She did at least gain the respect of one of Trevor’s men’s wives, this German hard ass name Geselle. I liked her, I hope we see more of her!
Finally Roland agreed to hold a counseling group for troubled young boys at the rec center. Giving Joan and the woman who run it don’t see eye to eye, this is going to cause nothing but trouble for Roland’s marriage! Though from the spoilers below, it looks like she and Roland don’t play on the same team . . . .
Spoilers for April Ahead!
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Desperate Housewives: Saying Goodbye . . .
Posted by Dustin on 03.21.2012 at 1:57 pm
This Sunday’s “Desperate Housewives” was all about saying goodbye to Mike Delfino. Many of the wives thought about their pasts, and how Mike impacted their lives in some way.
Carlos ended up quitting his job, because he was so unhappy. Lynette decided to finally fight for her marriage, hoping it wasn’t too late. Bree meanwhile got herself into trouble after Orson mailed evidence to the cops, she’s no a prime suspect in Alejandro’s murder. They managed to dig up his body, and match Bree’s prints to him . . . .
Dun dun dun dun!
I really doubt Bree will go to jail. There will be some little twist that gets the crime pinned on someone else I’m sure. They’ll probably learn that he had a hit out on him from some other family he ruined. That or Gabby will come forward with the truth.
I definitely can’t imagine these final few episodes without Mike. It makes me think Tom and Lynette might not get any happy ending either.
Private Practice Moves to Tuesdays on April 17th!
Posted by Dustin on 03.21.2012 at 1:07 pm
Guest Starring A.J. Langer (“My So-Called Life”) and Anika Noni Rose (“Dreamgirls”)
“It Was Inevitable” – As Erica’s medical condition rapidly worsens, Cooper and Charlotte do their best to prepare an in-denial Mason; Violet and Pete, both single again, find they still have feelings for each other; Addison encourages Amelia to embrace her impending motherhood, and Sheldon and Jake work with a devastating case in which a woman, jailed for killing her two children, is pregnant with a third, when “Private Practice” moves to a new night, TUESDAY, APRIL 17 (10:01-11:00 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network.
Guest Starring A.J. Langer as Erica and Anika Noni Rose as Corinne. Other guest cast TBA.
ABC Spoilers: End of March/Early April . . .
Posted by Dustin on 03.20.2012 at 6:37 pm
Several weeks of spoilers here for a few shows!
On “Castle,” it’s the moment fans have been waiting for, Rick learns Kate remembers everything! Oh and then on another episode Charles Shaughnessy (Shane, “Days”) guest stars!
On “Body of Proof,” Luke Perry guest stars on a two part episode about a viral outbreak in Philly that is the result of a terrorist.
On “Grey’s Anatomy,” a lion roams the halls of Seattle Grace!
On “Once Upon A Time,” Regina’s mother forces her to choose between true love and marrying for political reasons. Oh and we FINALLY learn why the Queen hates Snow!
On “Desperate Housewives,” Ben and Renee are getting married, Lynette plots to get Tom back, Andrew’s suddenly not gay?, and Scott Bakula guests as Bree’s attorney when she becomes the prime suspect in Alejandro’s murder.
On “GCB,” Sheryl Crow guest stars, and Ripp and Carlene renew their vows.
Read on for the full spoilers . . . .
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Pretty Little Liars: -A’s Reveal!
Posted by Dustin on 03.19.2012 at 8:34 pm
I guess I have to say I feel a little disappointed in tonight’s finale of “Pretty Little Liars.” I knew we’d find out who -A was, but I also thought we’d get a lot of resolution . . . and then a whole new mystery. In part we did, in part we didn’t.
We learned that Mona, was in fact, -A. I had suspected Mona off and on for ages. I guess I was looking for something more “conspiracy theorist.” She was pissed that the others stole her only friend, so she turned against them . . . .
But wait . . .that explains NOTHING! Hannah and her didn’t become friends until after Alison died! She lost Hannah when -A started up . . . what what what? We know someone else is working with her, and pulling the strings . . . it seems Mona got used and in a big way.
We don’t know who Alison was spying on, what she learned, or really who killed her. So many questions not resolved! Of course at the very end a body was found in Emily’s yard, and they think it’s Maya. So basically a new person they are all suspected of killing?
We know Melissa seems to know more than she’s letting on, and Jenna can see and is working with someone too. Are they all on “Team -A” as Maya called it? Are they who is really pulling the strings here?
So not satisfied! Bring on Summer!
GCB – Marriage Counseling
Posted by Dustin on 03.19.2012 at 8:08 pm
The latest episode of “GCB” has Amanda helping out Heather, who was trying to land a new client . . . as well as a boyfriend. They went to what they thought was a singles meet and greet, but turned out to be a relationship camp with Amanda’s enemies as the “Marriage All-Stars.” This of course was hilarious, as each of their marriages were in trouble.
Zach and Sharon worked out their issues in this episode. Zach said he didn’t want Amanda, she just reminded him of all he was back then, and all he failed to be. Awwwwwwww, kinda 🙂 I think she could become Amanda’s next friend, and another defector to Carlene’s team.
We learned that Cricket has always known Blake swings the other way. Their marriage is part business arrangement, but also she’s never found any man who loves her for who she really is, so she stays because of that . . . Kinda depressing no? Amanda keeping that secret could earn her points with Cricket.
Finally Carlene’s husband Ripp hasn’t been able to “perform” because his mind has been elsewhere. HE let Amanda’s husband Bill ponzi him out of a few million, but he suspects (at least based on some slip ups by Amanda) that Bill is NOT dead.
That actually would be a twist! I wondered how they got Greg Vaughn to play the part for all of five minutes. I mean was he that hard up for work? It would be interesting if he was still alive somewhere!
I am still loving this show . . . but feel they need to get a “Designing Women” reunion going on somehow.
Once Upon A Time: Railroaded!
Posted by Dustin on 03.19.2012 at 7:34 pm
So during the latest episode, Mary Margaret found herself under arrest. Unfortunately as the episode progressed, the evidence against her piled up. She immediately identified the box and her missing/stolen jewelry box. The tests on the heart claimed it was cut out with a hunting knife (how they knew this with just a heart and no body is beyond me), and Emma found a hunting knife stashed and hidden in the apartment. Of course in the end, the heart’s DNA matched Katherine’s. Is she really dead? I don’t think so . . . Regina had to have switched the DNA results.
Henry, who was down in the dumps over all this, got a pep talk from August the writer. He suggest he turn to his book for answers. This lead to him locating his mothers key ring, which should open virtually any door in town. Emma soon learned Regina did have a key to her and Mary Margaret’s apartment. This, and the amazing amount of evidence against MM, lead her to realize Regina was framing her. Of course the only person she could turn to for help was Mr. Gold . . . and we all know there is a price to pay for his aid. He, however, seems to be on Emma’s side because he’s very invested in her future . . . Why though? Something tells me he was instrumental in spiriting her away from Storybrook, as we know he brought her son to Regina later on.
In the Fairytale World, Charming was out to rescue Snow, who had become mean and nasty due to Rumple’s potion. Even the dwarves didn’t like her. Snow had set out to kill the Queen, but Charming was able to stop her (after advice from Rumple himself). They kissed and he made her remember who she really was . . . stopping her from killing the Queen. But then Charming was taken by his “Father’s” men who had been out looking for him. Snow, with the dwarves, set out to rescue him as the show ended.
Some interesting things to note. First in Storybrook, David had memories under hypnosis of Mary Margaret trying to kill someone, and him trying to stop her. He assumed it was Katherine, which of course pissed off Mary Margaret to the point she wanted him to go away for good. In reality it’s obvious he was having memories of Fairytale Land. Thanks to his coma, he seems to be the only one somewhat immune to Regina’s spell. At some point he’s going to either realize what’s going on, or end up being taken out in some way by Regina. My guess is both, and he’ll end up next to Belle in a hospital cell.
Rumple managed to gain one of James’/Charming’s hairs when he visited him. He combined this in a flask with Snow’s hair he took from her already. The flask seemed to be a love potion . . . but if you watch closely the hairs spiral together and form what looks to be a DNA helix. I have to think that means something. Let’s not forget . . . it the original fairytale Rumple has a thing for babies 🙂 I have to wonder if Emma has a sibling out there somewhere?
Secret Circle: La Da Da Dee Da!
Posted by Dustin on 03.17.2012 at 7:39 pm
“The Secret Circle” finally returned this week, and more people learned Cassie’s father was alive and back in town. Dawn was of course taken aback, and tried to team up with Blackwell in order to get their powers back (Charles was not in this episode). Blackwell turned her down, saying he had changed. She didn’t seem convinced though.
Had he changed though? So far it seems he has. He tried to sway Cassie from using her powers at all, saying she’s too young, the dark magic will take her over as it did him. He didn’t tell her to stop practicing forever, just for now . . . while she can’t control things. Cassie of course didn’t listen. She thinks she can control her powers, that she’s not like her father.
Another person not happy at all with Blackwell’s return was Adam’s dad Ethan. Blackwell told Cassie that the night the witchunters attacked, the main hunter Eban was given a witches power from a witch, using an instrument known as a sway. Whoever helped Eban then, could be doing so now. It turned out back then it was Ethan, who wanted Blackwell gone so he could be with Cassie’s mom Amelia (remember he feels they were fated to be). Ethan even tried to kill Blackwell in this episode. I was really hoping they had set it all up, to draw out the real villian, but it seems it wasn’t a set-up. That Ethan really does have his own dark side. Blackwell even commented that what Ethan did back then, clearly has tormented him since as that’s why he drinks. Ethan claimed Amelia wanted him dead too, they were fated to be together just like Adam and Cassie. Blackwell looked shocked that Amelia never told him the truth, that being fated together isn’t having your destiny written in the stars . . . it’s more like having a curse upon you. Oh and Ethan isn’t working with the witch hunters now, which of course mean another witch is and is giving them their power . . . (though Ethan would have no power to give anyways).
The kids in this episode were caught up in some school fundraiser, which just made me laugh. The fund raiser was “Casino Night” and all the girls were parading around as the cocktail waitresses. Booze and gambling, great plan for a high school fund raiser! It’s about as silly as the fact that Cassie’s grandma is still away and nobody seems to concerned that she’s staying in her house alone now.
Voodoo Lee’s ex Eva was back, but Lee no longer wanted her. He went through all that work to bring her back from death, now he wants Faye, which didn’t sit too well with Eva. Apparently by transferring Faye’s blood to Eva, she got some of her magic? Because Eva has powers, and sucked the life right out of Lee by the end of the episode. I hope there is more to this than we know, because if all it takes is a little bit of blood and a spell . . . Dawn and Charles have been breaking their backs when they didn’t have to be.
Adam and Cassie finally made love as the show ended, but a swarm of crows hovered over the house . . . the curse called fate?
Bombs Dropped On Grey’s And Private Practice!
Posted by Dustin on 03.16.2012 at 2:59 pm
So first up, the bad news . . . it looks like we won’t get new episodes until April 5th. What what what ?!?! I know!
On “Grey’s,” Christina kept suspecting Owen of cheating on her with the nurse at the hospital. When she confronted the nurse, she said that she had a boyfriend, and it wasn’t happening . . . but when she told Owen he admitted he had cheated on her . . . which is how the show ended. What !?! No not Owen! Who did he cheat with? Who? Christina is going to kill whoever it was. My money is on April or Lexie . . . .
Other stories . . . well I don’t know what else was worth commenting on. I loved Mark trying to get Avery some “action,” and his lines were great. I was sad that Meredith returning to work with Derek winded up a total disaster, with a young patient paying the price. I really loved Debbie Allen’s return as Avery’s mom, I wish she’d join the show full time honestly.
Over to “Private Practice,” first off the whole thing with Jake’s daughter telling him about her first time . . . Ew! What the heck was that about!
I felt so bad for Violet’s boy toy Scott, who not only got the crap beat out of him, but his heart broke when he realized Violet and Pete were still a family and had a lot to work out. Noooooooo! Pete isn’t allowed to have any happy ending as far as I am concerned. Not yet at least.
Sam had to put Corinne in the hospital, which pissed her off. Great, now we have to watch Addison be there for him some more, which means more sex really.
Amelia decided to keep Ryan’s baby, and told Addison about it. Addison was happy for her. Knowing this show though, more than likely something will be seriously wrong with the kid.
Finally the show, after all the hope they gave us, decided to kill off Erica (Mason’s mom). What what what !?!? I mean why didn’t they let her die when and how she wanted to then? Give her (and us) hope, make her have this operation, and then still kill the character? The best part was once again watching Charlotte shine. Yeah, Amelia better be afraid about what is wrong with her kid!