Once Upon A Time: Railroaded!
So during the latest episode, Mary Margaret found herself under arrest. Unfortunately as the episode progressed, the evidence against her piled up. She immediately identified the box and her missing/stolen jewelry box. The tests on the heart claimed it was cut out with a hunting knife (how they knew this with just a heart and no body is beyond me), and Emma found a hunting knife stashed and hidden in the apartment. Of course in the end, the heart’s DNA matched Katherine’s. Is she really dead? I don’t think so . . . Regina had to have switched the DNA results.
Henry, who was down in the dumps over all this, got a pep talk from August the writer. He suggest he turn to his book for answers. This lead to him locating his mothers key ring, which should open virtually any door in town. Emma soon learned Regina did have a key to her and Mary Margaret’s apartment. This, and the amazing amount of evidence against MM, lead her to realize Regina was framing her. Of course the only person she could turn to for help was Mr. Gold . . . and we all know there is a price to pay for his aid. He, however, seems to be on Emma’s side because he’s very invested in her future . . . Why though? Something tells me he was instrumental in spiriting her away from Storybrook, as we know he brought her son to Regina later on.
In the Fairytale World, Charming was out to rescue Snow, who had become mean and nasty due to Rumple’s potion. Even the dwarves didn’t like her. Snow had set out to kill the Queen, but Charming was able to stop her (after advice from Rumple himself). They kissed and he made her remember who she really was . . . stopping her from killing the Queen. But then Charming was taken by his “Father’s” men who had been out looking for him. Snow, with the dwarves, set out to rescue him as the show ended.
Some interesting things to note. First in Storybrook, David had memories under hypnosis of Mary Margaret trying to kill someone, and him trying to stop her. He assumed it was Katherine, which of course pissed off Mary Margaret to the point she wanted him to go away for good. In reality it’s obvious he was having memories of Fairytale Land. Thanks to his coma, he seems to be the only one somewhat immune to Regina’s spell. At some point he’s going to either realize what’s going on, or end up being taken out in some way by Regina. My guess is both, and he’ll end up next to Belle in a hospital cell.
Rumple managed to gain one of James’/Charming’s hairs when he visited him. He combined this in a flask with Snow’s hair he took from her already. The flask seemed to be a love potion . . . but if you watch closely the hairs spiral together and form what looks to be a DNA helix. I have to think that means something. Let’s not forget . . . it the original fairytale Rumple has a thing for babies 🙂 I have to wonder if Emma has a sibling out there somewhere?
Just wondering, If Regina wanted to keep MM from David, why didn’t she put her in the hospital basement with Bell. Then she would never have to worry about keeping Snow and Charming separated.
03.19.2012 at 8:19 pm
I think I missed something at the beginning of the show – why were Charming and Red together? I thought Red and Snow left together at the end of last week’s episode (when Red discovered she was the wolf). Snow seemed quite nice then but in this week’s episode she suffered from a bad mood. Why wasn’t she snarky with Red in last week’s episode? Like I said, I think I missed something.
Despite the plot holes (or holes in my brain), I did like Sunday’s show. I’m curious who left the key under MM’s cot. Could be Gold, Henry, August, or possibly even Regina or Emma, but I don’t think the latter two did it.
Interesting theory about the hair strands wrapped like DNA – they did look a bit like a double-helix, but I think they were just wrapping around each other to symbolize true love. But a sibling for Emma is interesting. Maybe August? Not sure, as they seem to be flirting with one another.
03.19.2012 at 10:46 pm
If the double helix this didn’t represent the intertwining of their hearts to form love, I REALLY like the idea that Emma could have sibling and that that sibling could be August. He did tell Henry that he was in Storybrooke for Emma. Maybe he knows that he is her brother???
03.21.2012 at 1:38 pm