Secret Circle: La Da Da Dee Da!
“The Secret Circle” finally returned this week, and more people learned Cassie’s father was alive and back in town. Dawn was of course taken aback, and tried to team up with Blackwell in order to get their powers back (Charles was not in this episode). Blackwell turned her down, saying he had changed. She didn’t seem convinced though.
Had he changed though? So far it seems he has. He tried to sway Cassie from using her powers at all, saying she’s too young, the dark magic will take her over as it did him. He didn’t tell her to stop practicing forever, just for now . . . while she can’t control things. Cassie of course didn’t listen. She thinks she can control her powers, that she’s not like her father.
Another person not happy at all with Blackwell’s return was Adam’s dad Ethan. Blackwell told Cassie that the night the witchunters attacked, the main hunter Eban was given a witches power from a witch, using an instrument known as a sway. Whoever helped Eban then, could be doing so now. It turned out back then it was Ethan, who wanted Blackwell gone so he could be with Cassie’s mom Amelia (remember he feels they were fated to be). Ethan even tried to kill Blackwell in this episode. I was really hoping they had set it all up, to draw out the real villian, but it seems it wasn’t a set-up. That Ethan really does have his own dark side. Blackwell even commented that what Ethan did back then, clearly has tormented him since as that’s why he drinks. Ethan claimed Amelia wanted him dead too, they were fated to be together just like Adam and Cassie. Blackwell looked shocked that Amelia never told him the truth, that being fated together isn’t having your destiny written in the stars . . . it’s more like having a curse upon you. Oh and Ethan isn’t working with the witch hunters now, which of course mean another witch is and is giving them their power . . . (though Ethan would have no power to give anyways).
The kids in this episode were caught up in some school fundraiser, which just made me laugh. The fund raiser was “Casino Night” and all the girls were parading around as the cocktail waitresses. Booze and gambling, great plan for a high school fund raiser! It’s about as silly as the fact that Cassie’s grandma is still away and nobody seems to concerned that she’s staying in her house alone now.
Voodoo Lee’s ex Eva was back, but Lee no longer wanted her. He went through all that work to bring her back from death, now he wants Faye, which didn’t sit too well with Eva. Apparently by transferring Faye’s blood to Eva, she got some of her magic? Because Eva has powers, and sucked the life right out of Lee by the end of the episode. I hope there is more to this than we know, because if all it takes is a little bit of blood and a spell . . . Dawn and Charles have been breaking their backs when they didn’t have to be.
Adam and Cassie finally made love as the show ended, but a swarm of crows hovered over the house . . . the curse called fate?