Reality Roundup March ’12

Reality Roundup March ’12

Posted by Dustin on 03.14.2012 at 4:28 pm

Just some of my thoughts on some reality shows currently airing, or coming up soon!

Tonight is the Season 2 finale of “Face Off” on SyFy. I’m going to miss the show, but Season 3 is guaranteed. I don’t know who I want to win honestly. I think maybe Ian. I am sad that Sue got the boot last week. I like to cheer on the underdog . . . sometimes!

This week is also the first of a two part finale for “Project Runway All-Stars.” I am hoping Austin wins the whole she-band. I love Mondo, but sometimes his designes can be a bit out there. I’m sure we’ll be treated to a whole lot of Michael crying, and Kenley’s insane polka-dots!

“The Voice,” well honestly I haven’t been watching as of late. I’m sure I will get back into it. I just feel like during the blind rounds they passed over so many amazing singers, for ones who sometimes weren’t so amazing. After about an hour of the 2-hour shows I end up turning it off because my ears hurt and I keep wonder “What the hell were you thinking judge?”

I think I can safely say I’m done with “American Idol” for the season. Is anyone still watching? Every week I put it on, and turn it off quicker than “The Voice.” All those contestants and this bunch is who made it through? Some of these kids are just painful to listen to! Oh and can the show please just retire Whitney Houston songs? Randy tells them every year not to do them, and now they seem to want to do them even more!

“Dancing With The Stars” is coming up soon. I’m actually impressed with the line-up this year, they actually have more real stars than silly reality stars. Unfortunately for me, non of the real stars are anyone I care to tune in for. I’ll probably watch it when other shows are repeats . . . .


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