Just a “Reality TV” post with some thoughts on what I’m watching . . . or kinda watching.
As of yet, I have not caught “American Idol 11” fever. I’m sure once we get down to the top 13 or so I will be into it. Right now, I could care less. In fact the shows over the past week really annoyed me, and I feel speak to the desperate situation the show is in to get viewers. An entire Hollywood Week episode without a single performance? It was all group drama! I have always loathed Hollywood Week as is. The show is about finding a solo act, why do they do this? I get it’s a quick way to cut people, but I think they cut too many people who could have gone on to be amazing sometimes.
“The Voice” I am of course loving, watching every minute of, and they haven’t gotten out of audition rounds. Fox must really hate that this has become such a smash hit. There is talk NBC may go forward with a fall version given how popular it is. Bring it! I really love that they don’t put age limits on the artists as “American Idol” does. I get the two shows are looking for two differnt type of artists in the end . . . but really in the end it’s all about “The Voice” isn’t it? The one woman on who was in her fifties that Adam referred to as Chakka Kahn . . . she was amazing! She is my favorite so far. She is a true diva!
I have gotten into “Project Runway All Stars,” more than I thought I would given there is no Heidi or Tim or Michael or Nina . . . But I get the idea that the casts need “fresh” judges. As usual though I don’t agree with a lot of their decisions though. How could they send Rami home, he is amazing! Meanwhile Michael should have been sent home a week or so ago for that home-made Barbie doll clothes outfit he made. You know what I’m talking about if you watch the show! I believe it was the “Clothes Off Your Back” challenge. He made what looked like crocheted Barbie doll clothes . . .what Grandmas in the 70s and 80s would make for their grandkids because they were too cheap to buy the real clothes. Or just wanted to be crafty . . . I also thought Jerell should not have been safe in this last “Godspell” challenge because his model did not look rich at all. Austin should have won that one, hands down. Oh and when the hell are we going to send Kenley and those damn polka dots home?
As usual, I’m loving SyFy’s “Face Off.” It’s “Project Runway” meets a horror film. I wish though they’d send that awful Jerry home. Sometimes I think these reality shows keep the huge trouble makers around for the behind the scenes drama they cause . . . and he’s one of them!
I feel that this season’s “RuPaul’s Drag Race” is basically a total drag. Did they run out of competent Queens to compete? I really have no one on the show I love and am routing for. IF I had to pick I’d go with the Goth Queen (see I don’t even know her name) just because she’s so different and fun. I feel like they scraped the bottom of the barrel here.
Finally there is WE’s “Joan Knows Best.” I watched this last season and laughed my ass off. This season seems to be far more serious given Melissa and Jason’s relationship problems. If you even have seen the cover of a people magazine or have ever turned on “E,” well SPOILER ALERT . . . . you know she and Jason split up last year. Their split is going to be, it seems, the focus of this season. I feel bad watching this honestly . . . but given what Jason does . . . I can’t stop! If you never read the news bits . . . SPOILER ALERT! Melissa learns while she’s away on business Jason made “appearances” on “adult oriented websites.” I don’t know what that means, but my guess is he got caught on a web cam site somehow.
I’m trying hard to remember what happened on this big “cross-over” event (I need to start taking notes!) . . . but honestly I was a bit bored by it. I remember more of the second hour, because that’s really the story I was interested in, saving Erica. I was so afraid she was going to end up living, but being a vegetable or in a coma. Thankfully they actually strayed from the normal “kill the patient” formula and spared her.
On “Grey’s” I loved loved loved Derek and Amelia working together on the operation to save Erica . . . and mending fences. I always hated the way in the past Derek treated her. He was so nasty . . . then again he does the same thing to his wife.
Christina and Owen entered therapy . . .but it seems to have just made things worse. Christina felt Owen knew going in she didn’t want a baby, but he couldn’t comprehend how ANYONE couldn’t want a baby. Really? REALLY? This from a DOCTOR! I mean you’d think if anyone would understand some people don’t want to have kids it would be a doctor! I don’t know, the hope for these two is dwindling with each episode.
On “Private Practice” I found myself liking a storyline with Sam for once. Though that was because it didn’t involve him in Addison’s bed. I really like the storyline they have going on with him and his long lost sister who is suffering from misdiagnosed bi-polar disorder.
I am sure what they are doing with Pete and Violet. I keep getting this feeling that Pete is regretting his discion to leave, and is trying to make amends with Violet. If this is about Pete wanting Violet back . . . OH HELL NO! If it’s about them trying to get along for Lucas’ sake . . . okay. But I just keep getting this feeling Pete wants Violet back. Sorry buddy, you blew that one. Meanwhile Violet’s paramedic Ryan wanted more from her . . but she wasn’t ready to give it. All she could give right now was no strings attached, mind blowing sex. He said he’d take it. I really hope though that it becomes more than just that. I get Violet is not ready to rush into something more, but it’s nice to see her with someone who treats her well.
Finally I absolutely adored the scenes between Charlotte and Erica before her surgery. Erica asking Charlotte to do things for Mason, and also saying Mason would need a mother . . . When Charlotte stopped her and said she’d always been Mason’s mama, I got a little misty! I also loved Charlotte’s interaction with Mason, explaining how the surgery worked and about the tumor. When he thanked her for being honest with him, my heart melted! I can totally see Cooper and Charlotte begin talking about having a baby now! Forget Addison, Charlotte has become the star of “Private Practice.”
Pretty Little Liars: Alison Was -A’s First Target?
Posted by Dustin on 02.18.2012 at 8:33 pm
On the latest “Pretty Little Liars” -A set their sights on bringing down Caleb. I knew something was up the week before at the “Sleep In” when his computer was taken but then obviously returned . . . something was placed on it. Of course the cops couldn’t get into it unless Caleb logged in. He had to arrange to have Hannah hack into it (yes, as laughable as that sounds) at the exact moment he agreed to log in so that the cops could examine his PC. It was a close call, but Hannah and Spencer deleted a file that -A seemed to place on the computer . . . and he was free to go. This didn’t seem to sit well with Jenna’s former BFF and boy toy Garrett.
Aria and Holden’s fake relationship seems to be getting more and more real by the week. -A once again tried to set Aria and Ezra to be found by Aria’s dad, letting him know where a planned date was to be . . . However Aria got held up by her worry over Holden, and canceled on Ezra. A very close call! Ezra almost walked into the restaurant where Aria’s dad was, and was saved by a text from Aria canceling.
Aria learned Holden was fighting in karate tournaments, something his mom didn’t want him doing. It seems he has a heart condition he never told her about, Aria found out from her mom. So while she’s been using him to date Ezra, he’s used her to sneak out and compete. I’m not getting a good feeling here . . . We’ve been spoiled that a major character will be killed off before season’s end. Holden? I’m actually really starting to believe at this point, based on the previews for next week . . . that it could be Mona!
Maya and Emily’s ever fragile relationship continued to crumble. Maya claimed her mom found one of her old joints and wants to send her back to church camp. But later Emily caught her smoking a joint, clearly not an old one. She wonders how much she’s been lying about? First she’s lying about dating boys, now drugs? Could she be -A? I’ve always had my suspicions about Maya.
The girls eventually met the guy Alison/Vivian was calling. He worked at a cell phone company . . . or did before he got fired for doing some illegal digging for Alison. It seems -A targeted Alison first and was sending her texts! She had this guy trace them, and he claims he found out and told her . . . and he’ll tell them for 2000 dollars. This was interesting, because for so long they’ve teased us and gone back and forth about -A . . . is -A the killer, or someone who knows who the killer is and is trying to expose them?
Spencer confronted her mom, who came clean. She herself didn’t find out about the affair until years later, when the DiLaurentis’ moved back to Rosewood. By then they had had Spencer, and she wasn’t about to give up her family. She also told Spencer that Melissa never knew the truth . . . . Hmmmm, didn’t she? Again like Maya, Melissa has always been on my radar as a possible -A. That would be a shocking twist, to have Spenser’s own sister out to hurt her. Though given their history, I guess not so much really.
Meanwhile Spencer and Jason attempted some family bonding. Jason found 15 grand in one of Allison’s hidden shoeboxes, and he suspects that she blackmailed Spencer’s dad over the affair. Spencer doesn’t think so, but she knows Allison found out the truth at some point. She doesn’t know where Allison got the money . . . but she thinks she knows WHY she needed it. She told Jason if he gives her 2000 dollars, they may be able to find out what got Allison killed . . . .
Spoilers Ahead! Read on for the next four shows worth of spoilers!
I don’t know, perhaps all my horror movie loving has desensitized me, but I don’t find this show scary or creepy . . . . However I do like the storyline that’s going on, and want to know what in the heck is “out there” that Emmett found.
In the latest episode the crew disturbed the guardians of the jungle, who ended up using a powder to blind them. The sole crew member not blinded (because he didn’t sleep in camp with them that night) had to retrieve the cure for them all. I was impressed that the trees they talked about are real trees in the amazon. The sago tree is often used to produce food for people though . . . I had never heard of making blinding power from it.
We basically learned in this episode that the mom had an affair with the TV producer, and that while he was still in love with her . . . . the mom still wanted Emmett. The son was shocked to learn years ago that the affair happened when the parents were separated, there was really no cheating going on by the mom. We also saw the guy hired (I’m horrible with their names) to protect the crew making another cryptic call about “the source” and how he expected everyone to be dead before they could find Emmett or “The Source” because they were all blinded. Well that didn’t work out so well once the cure came! What is this “Source?” I still say it’s something like the Garden of Eden, where life began and a carefully guarded secret by some underground world wide organization.
Comments Off on The River: Guardians of The Jungle . . .
So is anyone else watching “Smash?” I’ve been watching it On Demand, as I tape far too many things on Monday nights as is.
I am enjoying it for the most part. I actually find myself enjoying the storyline and soapy parts of the show more than the singing and musical numbers. Sure those make the show unique compared to other scheming soapy night time dramas . . . but I’ve never been a Marilyn Monroe fan (I guess in part cause of my age), so I guess many of the songs don’t phase me. I do like some of the more modern songs they put in though.
The latest episode had Karen and Ivy being called back several times to read for Marilyn, and Ivy even took a call back in the bed of director Derek Willis. In the end everyone seemed to go with Ivy because of her experience, Karen was just too green. Something tells me the bed casting call will become a problem! Especially given next week’s episode . . . .
Julia’s (Debra Messing) hubby told her that he wanted to go back to work after the adoption agency said it could take 2 years for a baby to arrive from China for them. There was a small tiff over whether to even go through with it, given their ages in 2+ years . . . but they are going through with it.
Spoiler Clip! Next Week’s Preview . . .
So it seems Ivy will get a tad jealous over Karen joining the play to be in the ensemble . . . and something tells me she’ll also be Ivy/Marilyn’s understudy.
I love seeing the two writers fighting over Ivy and Derek’s “affair” and who is taking advantage of who. Juicy!
This preview leaves out another clip I saw in a commercial tonight . . . it seems Debra Messing’s character cheated on her husband at one point . . . my guess is with the creepy hair smeller in this clip?
I really enjoyed the latest episode of “Glee,” though for an episode about romance and love I feel they missed out in not including some Will and Emma moments. I know they’ve had enough as is this season, but they haven’t had the “big” moment yet.
Rachel’s dads where just great, and their plan to try and get Rachel and Finn to rethink their marriage backfiring was of course hilarious. I didn’t see this twist coming mind you. For the first half of the show I kept thinking “What is this, MTV’s sixteen pregnant and married?” Why are they supporting this!
I really enjoyed “The God Squad” and the dilema over whether or not to take Sanatana up on her Valentine to Britney. I’m glad they had a talk about religion in the program . . . okay even if it was heavily one sided. But hopefully Quinn’s ranting off of what else is in Leviticus will make some people out there think! I do keep wondering why Britney is suddenly playing on the other team. I get she’s basically supposed to be bi . . . but I miss Britney and Artie!
Speaking of Artie, him and Damien fighting over that Sugar girl . . . why? She’s horribly annoying! I do have to wonder if Damien’s supposedly denied visa and being sent home was a lie just to win her date?
Mercedes breaking up with Sam, because she realized cheating on the other guy was wrong, was heartbreaking. Okay I’m glad she realized cheating was wrong . . . . but watching her sing Whitney Houston’s “I will always love you” (yes I know it’s originally Dolly Parton’s) was just hammering the nail in given this week’s events. SOBS!
I definitely loved the twist with Kurt’s secret admirer turning out to be Dave Karofsky. I didn’t get that until the very last second! But now it seems someone from Karofsky’s new school knows the truth about him? He saw Dave with Kurt at breadsticks and teased him. I’m having a very bad feeling as to were this is going . . . I could definitely see Dave ending up committing suicide after this. He was turned down by Kurt and basically outed at his new school. Not liking where this is going!
Next week is the “Glee” winter finale. It’s regionals, and there will be no new “Glee” until April. Ahhhhhhh! I am so over these fricken hiatuses! It’s insane! We just came back from the winter hiatus, and now a spring hiatus? I say ENOUGH!
Just some random thoughts on the last episode of “Ringer,” which put me through the ringer with all the twists going on in this episode!
Juliet’s trial turned to crap when her friend overheard the other girl in the case admit to Juliet that she lied about Mr. C raping her because she was mad at him for getting her sent to detention. Mr. C then sued Andrew saying he’d never be able to work again, and Juliet’s mom and even Bridget convinced Andrew to spare Juliet more pain and settle . . . which he did . . . to the tune of 1 million dollars. In the end the final twist was that Juliet, the other girl and Mr. C were in this together to get the cash payout from Juliet’s dad . . . WOW! I mean at this point there is NO saving of this character. She is just a horrid human being. If or when she gets killed off, I won’t shed a tear for her. Too harsh? Well she’s not real, so I don’t think so.
Bridget is still using Siobhan’s old driver to drive her around. She claimed she was newly sober (not a total lie) and trying to figure her life out. She got so close yet again to realizing that her sister is still alive! She did at least learn one of her secrets, that her sister has not forgiven her . . . I don’t think we’ve yet learned the story of how Siobhan’s son died . . . or even who his father is? Bridget hired the driver to protect her in the end (learning he was former military). She feels someone is out to kill her . . . she has not yet put together that her sister and the guy who kidnapped/killed Gemma were in cahoots . . . she fells the killer is still out there . . . Well she is right, she just doesn’t know it’s her sister.
Then there is Siobhan and Henry . . . OMG this story is driving me nuts! If Henry talks to Tyler or Bridget for all of 2 minutes, the thin ice Siobhan is skating on will crack and she’ll be drowning! Ahhhhh! But basically Siobhan has convinced Henry that Andrew is up to no good, and this sets them up to not only be together . . . but be together with Andrew’s money . . . They final moments had Siobhan having Henry listen to something that would change everything. Okay but is this another one of her tricks, or the truth? Because up until now, Andrew seems to have been a pretty stand up guy. Of course with the twists this show throws out, have we all been fooled by him? Is Bridget in more danger with him than where she started? Could Andrew be mixed up in something involving the guy Bridget was in trouble with?
NBC February Spoilers: Grimm, Parenthood and Smash!
Posted by Dustin on 02.15.2012 at 9:27 pm
In this batch of NBC spoilers are ones for “Grimm,” “Smash” and “Parenthood.” Here are some snippets on them before the full spoilers . . .
On “Grimm,” Hank and Nick get involved in a supernatural Fight Club! (for some reason a rerun is now being aired according to the releases this coming Friday, this show was the previews aired in the last new episode)
On “Parenthood” someone is getting married on the season finale! (2 weeks of spoilers -including the season finale)
On “Smash” the play has to cast Joe Dimagio, and Nick Jonas guest stars (2 weeks of spoilers)
In Fairy Tale Land, Sir Maurice’s town is going to fall victim to the Ogre Wars, but Rumple can offer help . . . for a price! He wants his daughter Belle, who is engaged to Gaston. Belle agrees . . . and basically the storyline follows “Beauty and the Beast,” though without the dancing furniture. There is a tea set with “chip” though, but he doesn’t talk or anything. Belle falls for Rumple, and during an errand he sends her on she meets The Queen. The Queen and her talk about Rumple, and The Queen tells Belle that any curse can be broken by true love’s kiss. When Belle returns to the castle and kisses Rumple, he starts to turn back into a man. When she quotes The Queen, Rumple is furious. He soon suspects the entire thing is a trick that the Queen set up and he throws her into a cell, screaming that nobody could ever love him. Eventually he lets her go, telling her to go back to her home . . .
In the real world, Mr. Gold takes his fury out on Storybrooke’s version of Maurice, who is a florist of course. Mr. Gold loaned him money, but he can’t pay it back just yet. Gold ends up confiscating his van and goods. Later Gold’s house is broken into and something precious stolen. He tells Sherriff Emma that it had to be Moe the Florist. Emma finds some of his things at Moe’s, but what Gold wanted back Moe didn’t have . . . . Gold eventually kidnaps Moe and holds him hostage to torture him, again it seems his fury goes further than just a loan . . . He’s screaming about a lost love, and where “it” is. Emma soon saves Moe and arrests Gold.
In jail, Regina shows up to see Gold alone, giving Emma some time alone with Henry as a bribe. She has the chipped cup Gold wants, the cup we saw him almost smash after locking Belle away in Fairy Tale Land, but he didn’t . . . She offers a trade . . . she’ll give him the cup for the truth. She wants to know his real name. He plays coy for awhile, but eventually says Rumplestiltskin!
Back in the fairytale world, The Queen visits Rumple after Belle has left. He thinks she set him up, she was trying to take his powers away (by turning him back into a man?), to be stronger than him. The Queen claims she just came here to talk about a problem she’s having with a mermaid. She tells Rumple that Belle, upon returning home, was locked up by her father as he was disgusted with her for loving a beast. She claims Belle ended up killing herself . . .
Back in the real world, we see Regina go deep into a hospital basement to check on a patient. A nurse insists nobody has been to see her. We see that Regina has the alternate version of Belle locked up!
My Thoughts . . . . I loved the entire twist on “Beauty and the Beast” with Rumple being the beast. Of course the best part of the whole episode was the two twists at the end. We learned the Gold, like Regina knows the truth! Of course the two people behind the curse would know the truth. What does this mean though? Will Regina become paranoid he’s out to take her down? She’s already wondered where he got Henry from, why Emma . . . how can she not have figured it out yet? Then at the very end we learned that Regina has Belle locked in a hospital, which obviously must mean she didn’t kill herself in the Fairy Tale world as she told Rumple. Otherwise she wouldn’t be in this world. If Gold ever finds out . . . . something tells me that he might unravel The Queen’s spell for another chance with Belle.
Once again Rumple’s son came up, and all we learned was that “he lost him” and he wouldn’t talk to Belle about him any further. He’s gotta come back into play at some point. Wouldn’t it be a twist if his son is Henry’s dad?
ABC End of February/Early March Spoilers + GCB Debuts!
Posted by Dustin on 02.13.2012 at 7:57 pm
A bunch of ABC Spoilers for the end of February and beginning of March. (I’ll add some other networks spoilers in this week – CW/NBC/Glee-Fox)
Some previews before the full releases . . . .
On “Grey’s” Adele’s Alzheimer’s is getting worse. Are we looking at another big death coming soon? I’m thinking so.
On “Private Practice,” Erica is alive, but what kind of life does she have? Oh and is Amelia pregnant?
(Note: These are the week priors shows, reruns of both shows air at the end of February)
On “Castle,” Castle and Beckett investigate fairy tale themed deaths.
On “Body of Proof,” Jamie Bamber (Battle Star Galactica) guests as a new love interest for Megan.
On “The River,” the crew meets another boat and her crew, but they aren’t as friendly as they claim to be.
On “Revenge,” the hunt is on for Daniel’s killer!
On “Once Upon A Time,” Belle is back, and David’s wife has gone missing! Also the fairy’s from “Sleeping Beauty” make an appearance.
On “Desperate Housewive,” the father of Julie’s kid is revealed, and it’s someone close to home!
“GCB” premiers on March 4th!