Desperate Housewives: Evil Orson!
So I didn’t write a thoughts update about last week’s “Desperate Housewives,” in part because the episode was soooooo boring and I didn’t have much to say about Lynette’s sexy time with her new guy. This week’s episode was much more enjoyable . . . though infuriating at the same time.
We’ve basically been told next month that a major character will die, well before the season finale in May (though there are only 7 new episodes left before the two hour finale . . . so I guess that means 9 episodes left in reality.) This episode heavily hinted that it could be Karen, who is fighting cancer. She’s doing so in secret, not having told the other women and also having kicked Roy out so he doesn’t figure out what is going on. The actress in real life has been going through her own cancer fight, so honestly I think it would be really sick and depraved to kill her TV character off with the disease. Would Marc Cherry be so cold?
I started getting the feeling in this episode that they might actually kill of Mike. He’s been between a rock and a hard place all season with his work for Ben. I could see him ending up getting killed off . . . which would suck!
Renee has also seemingly put herself in harms way. After getting roughed up by the loan sharks, Ben ended up in the hospital. Renee decided to pay them off to save him, even if he was an ass to her. He told her not to, it was his problem. He wanted to solve it, then give her a proper proposal. But even though they were paid off, the loan sharks still don’t seem satisfied and gave Renee veiled threats . . . . Could Renee find herself dead soon? While she’s a major character, she’s not one many have become attached to as she’s so new, so she is very expendable.
The other major story dealt with Orson “rescuing” Bree and helping her out. He rode in like a shining knight, called by the girls mind you, and then proceeded to LIE to Bree! She wanted to reach out to the girls, but he lied and claimed they were glad to be rid of her. Then in the final moments we learned what some had suspected all along . . . Orson has been behind a lot of misdoings! He has been spying on Bree for months, and he was behind all the notes in her mailbox. He pushed her over the edge with the hopes of being her hero . . . now he has her secluded in some kind of “Misery” setting out in Maine (or where he wants them to move to). Oh lord, I hope Bree wakes up and fast!
ACK! POST NOTE: I forgot the entire storyline with Susan, Julie and the baby! Susan learned that Lynette’s son Porter was the father. Porter wanted to step up and raise the kid, Julie wanted to put it up for adoption. Knowing her son, Lynette was on Julie’s side, while Susan was on Porter’s side. For once I actually found myself on Team Susan! I know, shocking. She usually does NOTHING right on this show, just causes more problems. Maybe that is what she’s doing, and I did feel for Julie as she told her mother “she took this choice from her . . . ” In other words Susan’s meddling has made it more difficult for her to give the baby up and not have to see it again. I still oddly find myself on Team Susan . . .
I’m hoping they brought Orson back so he can be killed He’s a ex-main character, but he has been put up front with all his new crazyness. I think Bree will kill him and the girls will get back together helping her cover up another murder.
02.21.2012 at 9:44 pm
Orson totally lied about the girls calling him. They would never have done that and I don’t know why Bree thinks they would have thought that was a good idea. He was just stalking her and saw what was happening outside the bar.
02.22.2012 at 1:01 pm