The Grey’s and Practice Crossover: Saving Erica

The Grey’s and Practice Crossover: Saving Erica

Posted by Dustin on 02.19.2012 at 7:10 pm

I’m trying hard to remember what happened on this big “cross-over” event (I need to start taking notes!) . . . but honestly I was a bit bored by it. I remember more of the second hour, because that’s really the story I was interested in, saving Erica. I was so afraid she was going to end up living, but being a vegetable or in a coma. Thankfully they actually strayed from the normal “kill the patient” formula and spared her.

On “Grey’s” I loved loved loved Derek and Amelia working together on the operation to save Erica . . . and mending fences. I always hated the way in the past Derek treated her. He was so nasty . . . then again he does the same thing to his wife.

Christina and Owen entered therapy . . .but it seems to have just made things worse. Christina felt Owen knew going in she didn’t want a baby, but he couldn’t comprehend how ANYONE couldn’t want a baby. Really? REALLY? This from a DOCTOR! I mean you’d think if anyone would understand some people don’t want to have kids it would be a doctor! I don’t know, the hope for these two is dwindling with each episode.

On “Private Practice” I found myself liking a storyline with Sam for once. Though that was because it didn’t involve him in Addison’s bed. I really like the storyline they have going on with him and his long lost sister who is suffering from misdiagnosed bi-polar disorder.

I am sure what they are doing with Pete and Violet. I keep getting this feeling that Pete is regretting his discion to leave, and is trying to make amends with Violet. If this is about Pete wanting Violet back . . . OH HELL NO! If it’s about them trying to get along for Lucas’ sake . . . okay. But I just keep getting this feeling Pete wants Violet back. Sorry buddy, you blew that one. Meanwhile Violet’s paramedic Ryan wanted more from her . . but she wasn’t ready to give it. All she could give right now was no strings attached, mind blowing sex. He said he’d take it. I really hope though that it becomes more than just that. I get Violet is not ready to rush into something more, but it’s nice to see her with someone who treats her well.

Finally I absolutely adored the scenes between Charlotte and Erica before her surgery. Erica asking Charlotte to do things for Mason, and also saying Mason would need a mother . . . When Charlotte stopped her and said she’d always been Mason’s mama, I got a little misty! I also loved Charlotte’s interaction with Mason, explaining how the surgery worked and about the tumor. When he thanked her for being honest with him, my heart melted! I can totally see Cooper and Charlotte begin talking about having a baby now! Forget Addison, Charlotte has become the star of “Private Practice.”




  1. I have been watching reruns of Greys and when Teddy first came and was in love with Owen Christina said she didn’t want children and Teddy tried to use it to her advantage so he has known for a long time he just figured she would change her mind which is not fair as she has been honest about it all along.

    Comment by leo_girl
    02.19.2012 at 7:39 pm
  2. Totally agree, I love Charlotte!

    Comment by Tricia
    02.20.2012 at 3:38 am

    Comment by DEE
    02.27.2012 at 11:45 am

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