The River: Guardians of The Jungle . . .
I don’t know, perhaps all my horror movie loving has desensitized me, but I don’t find this show scary or creepy . . . . However I do like the storyline that’s going on, and want to know what in the heck is “out there” that Emmett found.
In the latest episode the crew disturbed the guardians of the jungle, who ended up using a powder to blind them. The sole crew member not blinded (because he didn’t sleep in camp with them that night) had to retrieve the cure for them all. I was impressed that the trees they talked about are real trees in the amazon. The sago tree is often used to produce food for people though . . . I had never heard of making blinding power from it.
We basically learned in this episode that the mom had an affair with the TV producer, and that while he was still in love with her . . . . the mom still wanted Emmett. The son was shocked to learn years ago that the affair happened when the parents were separated, there was really no cheating going on by the mom. We also saw the guy hired (I’m horrible with their names) to protect the crew making another cryptic call about “the source” and how he expected everyone to be dead before they could find Emmett or “The Source” because they were all blinded. Well that didn’t work out so well once the cure came! What is this “Source?” I still say it’s something like the Garden of Eden, where life began and a carefully guarded secret by some underground world wide organization.