Smash: Picking Marilyn

Smash: Picking Marilyn

Posted by Dustin on 02.17.2012 at 9:42 pm

So is anyone else watching “Smash?” I’ve been watching it On Demand, as I tape far too many things on Monday nights as is.

I am enjoying it for the most part. I actually find myself enjoying the storyline and soapy parts of the show more than the singing and musical numbers. Sure those make the show unique compared to other scheming soapy night time dramas . . . but I’ve never been a Marilyn Monroe fan (I guess in part cause of my age), so I guess many of the songs don’t phase me. I do like some of the more modern songs they put in though.

The latest episode had Karen and Ivy being called back several times to read for Marilyn, and Ivy even took a call back in the bed of director Derek Willis. In the end everyone seemed to go with Ivy because of her experience, Karen was just too green. Something tells me the bed casting call will become a problem! Especially given next week’s episode . . . .

Julia’s (Debra Messing) hubby told her that he wanted to go back to work after the adoption agency said it could take 2 years for a baby to arrive from China for them. There was a small tiff over whether to even go through with it, given their ages in 2+ years . . . but they are going through with it.

Spoiler Clip! Next Week’s Preview . . .

So it seems Ivy will get a tad jealous over Karen joining the play to be in the ensemble . . . and something tells me she’ll also be Ivy/Marilyn’s understudy.

I love seeing the two writers fighting over Ivy and Derek’s “affair” and who is taking advantage of who. Juicy!

This preview leaves out another clip I saw in a commercial tonight . . . it seems Debra Messing’s character cheated on her husband at one point . . . my guess is with the creepy hair smeller in this clip?

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