Pretty Little Liars: Locked Up!

Pretty Little Liars: Locked Up!

Posted by Dustin on 02.07.2012 at 2:00 pm

Once again a great episode of “Pretty Little Liars” with some unexpected twists and turns! The premise of the show was an event at the school where kids and parents were locked in over night, and they participated in “truth telling” exercises. Yeah, what a great idea for this show!

Spencer used Alison/Vivian Darkwood’s claim ticket and picked up a raincoat. Inside was a phone number. The girls called it, and initially got a woman who was very adamant they not call the number again. At the end of the show a man called asking about Vivian and suggesting they meet. My initial thoughts? The woman was the husband of the (or one of the!) man, who Alison/Vivian was sleeping with. But is she -A? Did she kill Alison? That would be too easy.

Hannah got into hot water for the photo of Kate, which she continued to deny sending. She should have been expelled, but given the odd family circumstances the vice principal decided to start by ordering them both to the “Truth Up” night. Kate’s mom was fuming, but in the end had egg on her face. Hannah realized, after seeing some birth marks on Kate’s body, that the photo sent out was photoshopped. She and the girls found out Kate sent it out herself, she framed Hannah and boosted her own reputation at the school at the same time. Nasty nasty nasty! I really expect Kate to play a part in next season’s “-A” story big time. I could even see herself being the next person killed and mysterying coming from it.

Spenser learned a horrible secret her own family had been keeping for years, something Alison knew and clued her in on, but she never got till now. Why did her dad help Jason DiLaurentis and his family. Because they are family! Spencer’s dad had an affair long ago with Alison’s mom, which Jason was a product of. Ohhhhhhh! I didn’t even see that coming. Good twist! Could Spencer’s dad have actually killed Alison to keep this a secret? Or maybe her mom? But they wouldn’t go so far as to put Spencer in danger with this “-A” game would they? Melissa would I think, and she supposedly doesn’t know the secret . . . or does she?

Emily got back onto the swim team, with some help from Mona. Mona worked in the VP office for awhile and knew that the VP took bribes to let male athletes back onto the team when they got into trouble. Emily refused to blackmail the VP, but Mona took it upon herself to do so for her. Well, so it seems . . . . We only saw Emily watching Mona and the VP talking through an office window . . . . What really went down? Something tells me Mona isn’t on Emily’s side.

Noel Kahn and Jenna continued to get a little too close for comfort, while Caleb continued working to crack -A’s phone. At the end of the show we saw someone steal Caleb’s laptop (but in previews next week he seems to have it back and is showing the cops?). My guess is someone gives him the info he needs? We also saw a quick flash of some locker room where kids write on the wall in black light ink. They write their secrets, and someone wrote “I know who killed Alison.” Could a fellow student have taken Caleb’s laptop to help him, not hinder him? Who is the student who knows? Lucas? Mona? Holden?


1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Spencer’s Dads affair was written in the books as well. They used to notice how Spencer and Alison looked alike. (in the books, Spencer is Blonde). It was revealed that Alison herself was also a product of the affair. Maybe we’ll see this come to light too. It would make for an even better twist in the show.

    Comment by Erin
    02.14.2012 at 2:31 pm

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