Army Wives Returns! Season 6 Spoilers!
Season Six will premier on March 4th! That’s only a little over a month away. Woohoo!
*Update* Below is the new trailer for the season which leaves a huge question . . .
Will one wife not survive? Who could it be? I can’t see them off’ing one of their core characters. Perhaps just some random wife on the base we’ve never met?
This trailer is different than one I just saw tonight in a movie theater (I have searched, I can’t find it online). In it we learn a hurricane (I believe they call it Nadine) is headed for the base and surrounding area.
The army is working to help evacuate the town. Roxy is shown trying to get to shelter with her boys. It seems her car flips. Pamela is first on the scene and calls it in, two boys and a female seriously injured.
Trevor is desperately searching for Roxy (who he told to get to shelter). He gets to their house and she’s not there. It seems he gets a call . . .
We later get a glimpse of Roxy in the hospital, she’s pretty badly hurt. We also see Denise standing in front of a window in the hospital which explodes and she’s thrown to the ground.
I heard news of the trailer and can’t seem to find it either. I really want to see it though!
02.12.2012 at 3:43 am
I found the teaser trailer on youtube. It’s not Roxy in the hospital bed. It’s Denise. At 0:23 you can see her.
I love this show!
03.02.2012 at 9:14 pm