The Secret Circle: Darkness!

The Secret Circle: Darkness!

Posted by Dustin on 01.06.2012 at 1:56 pm

“The Secret Circle” returned this week, with Cassie exploring the source of her dark magic. Her grandma went off to a healing retreat, so she stayed with Diana.

Diana’s grandma, Charles’ mother, came to visit. She was stunned to learn Charles was dating Dawn, but admitted he always liked her in high school. However she didn’t trust Dawn, and with good reason. Dawn wanted to get rid of her just like the other Elders, paranoid she’d stop her plan to get her powers back. Charles once again put his foot down, and had finally had it with Dawn’s thirst for power at the expense of others. I’m liking Charles more and more and I see an inevitable face off between him and Dawn with only one surviving.

Diana’s grandma claimed to Cassie that she knew a spell that would draw her dark magic out, she could sense her struggling with it much as her father did. She said it consumed her father, but she could be saved. Cassie idiotically agreed to go off in the woods with her alone. Hello has this girl learned nothing so far? Diana’s grandma of course tried to kill her, but failed. Cassie’s magic was too strong, and she broke free of the box the woman buried her in to draw out the dark magic.

At the end of the show Diana’s grandma was planning to flee when Charles confronted her about what she did. She said she had to test Cassie, to see how strong she was. She said Cassie is “the one” they had been waiting for, the one who has the power to tip the scales forever between good and evil. Charles said the council must be told. However she told Charles she would do it, as she knew what he’d been up to . . . she could smell his magical trace all over Henry’s death and Cassie’s grandmas disappearance.

At the very end Cassie mentioned to Diana that while her dark powers scare her, the feeling of power excited her. Earlier in the show she cast a spell to bring Jake back, and at the very end we saw him standing outside her window looking in! I knew they would have to get him back somehow to complete the circle.

The other storyline had Faye seeking a spell to give her the ability to do her own magic without the circle. She found one and went to some kid voodoo practitioner for help. He conned her at first, but in the end agreed to really help her. But the previews for next week indicate it will be at a price. While her powers grow, she’ll be feeding off the other circle members. Uh oh!

I really liked meeting Diana’s grandma, and I hope we get to see more of the elders soon. I like the story lines with the adults as much as I do the kids. I really wanna see some flashbacks to their parents and what really happened long ago.


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