American Horror Story: A Tragic Twist!

American Horror Story: A Tragic Twist!

Posted by Dustin on 12.09.2011 at 1:20 pm

Wow . . . just WOW! Now that was a shocker I didn’t see coming at all. And it’s a huge game changer!

Ben visited Vivian and let her know that he believed her about the rubber man, which shocked her. He also told her that the babies have two fathers, something she hadn’t been told at that point as her doctors felt she was too fragile. One of the babies also seems to be growing much faster than the other . . .

Violet was still locked in her room, while Ben dealt with an infestation of bugs. The police soon showed up because Violet had not been in school for 16 days. HE knew she had missed a few days, but not that many. Ben began looking into and calling boarding schools, which Tate overheard. Tate used this to his advantage and told Violet, and he said he’d take care of things. They wouldn’t be separated!

Tate (as Rubber Man) attacked Ben as he got out of the shower. It was a very brutal fight, and yet somehow through it all Ben’s towel stayed glued to his waist. After leaving him unconscious on the floor, he ran to Violet and suggested they take drugs and commit suicide . . they can be together forever. Violet flipped and ran from him, trying to escape . . . only every time she ran out of the house she was warped back in. Oh noooooo, oh YES!

We learned that when Violet took all the pills a few episodes back and Tate tried to save her, he failed. She died! That’s why she was all but missing from last week’s show. He drug her body under the house, he didn’t want her parents to find her. She also had no idea till then that she had died, she didn’t even remember dying. Her body under the house is also what caused the bug infestation. Tate also told her that he knows he’s dead too, he’s always known, but he really liked her and it’s not how you start a conversation. She asked what happened now? He said nothing, they just stay here . . . forever.

There were some other good twists in the episode. We learned new things about old murders and accidents we thought we knew all there was to know. For example Larry and his burns? Nope, they didn’t happen trying to rescue his kids. We learned after his family died, he shacked up with Constance and her kids. Tate loathed him. The morning before he shot up school, he visited Larry at work and gave him a gasoline bath and lit him on fire.

We also found out that Constance didn’t bury her husband with Moira. She refused to do so, and ended up grinding his body up in a meat mill in the basement and fed him to her dogs. YUCK!

Larry finally saw his wife and girls in the house, because his wife told him he was finally ready. He also protected Constance, who the cops suspected of murdering Travis. He confessed, and the cops believed him because he knew details they didn’t release to the press . . . as after all he did move the body. All he wanted as thanks was for her to say she loved him . . . but she wouldn’t. Dayum she’s cold.

So I guess at this point, they have set up the second season in a big way. We know now that Ben and Vivian aren’t going to move, as they won’t want to be away from Violet. That will keep them in, or at least near the house . . . just as it has Constance. I couldn’t see how they could keep the family in the house unless they made them all ghosts.




  1. I’m a little confused how they are going to explain their daughter’s death to the police. “I’m sorry, I know when the truancy officer was I told them my daughter would be at school but here’s her rotting corpse. The house hid her from us.” Don’t think that’s gonna fly…

    Comment by Beth
    12.09.2011 at 1:31 pm
  2. I was wondering the same thing Beth. A was beginning to think about Violet being a ghost the first time they said she was missing school.

    Comment by Angie
    12.09.2011 at 2:11 pm
  3. I wonder when and how Ben and Viv going to discover that Violet is dead?

    Larry seem to save Constance once again. But I’m wonder why? Constance was so mean to him,and he was hell bent on making her pay. So why the change of heart?
    I notice that Moira was missing from this episode. So I wonder will she be back next week,or did Larry some how free her?

    Does anyone else think that Ben might be dead? The reason why I ask is because Hayden killed Travis, yet she left Ben alone. Why? Wouldn’t it seem like she would want to kill him so he can be with her forever? I know Ben was seen outside the house. However we also know that when someone is killed outside the house they have more freedom to move around.

    Did anyone else think Contance buried Hugo with Moria? I know I did. It seem like there was two bodies in Moria’s grave prior to Larry/Ben buried Hayden.

    Comment by luvprue1
    12.09.2011 at 6:33 pm
  4. I don’t think Ben is dead. The only time we’ve seen them outside the house was on Halloween.

    I definitely thought that they hinted there were two bodies in the grave too.

    Comment by Dustin
    12.09.2011 at 6:39 pm
  5. I was wondering if the police/detective that was investigating Constance about her missing husband,and her maid might be buried with Moira. He was about to arrest her when he went missing.

    I wonder what happen to Violet’s friend? Doesn’t it seem odd that she haven’t stop by to visit Violet after Violet haven’t been to school in 3 week? I at least thought she would call to check on Violet, especially after she the one who gave Violet the pills.

    Comment by luvprue1
    12.13.2011 at 2:08 pm

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