Desperate Housewives: Another One Run Down In The Road!
This Sunday was the mid-season finale of “Desperate Housewives,” which as usual ended with a cliff hanger. It was a good one too.
Bree’s been drinking it up, while the other girls are questioned by Chuck about Alejandro. He doesn’t know who he is yet, just that he was at Gabby’s house one night. He gets down and dirty with them, making threats to all of them. He also goes after Ben, knowing Alejandro made a cell phone call from his construction site before going missing, so he’s getting a warrant to shut it down. He said he’d have it by morning . . .
Susan meanwhile becomes a hit because of her art, and has a chance to move to New York, away from all this. She wants to go, but Mike doesn’t feel now is the time to move. They of course fight about it.
Tom and his girlfriend Jane are planning to go to Paris . . . Really Tom? You schmuck! Who takes a girlfriend to Paris after a few weeks? Anyways, Lynette tracks him down at the men’s room at the airport and begs him not to go, the kids may need him. She confesses all, and fears she may be in jail soon. He wished she had told him, but she reminded him they weren’t together and he had his new life. Jane of course catches them and when she learns Tom may not be able to go, she’s furious. She takes her ticket and says she’s going, she hopes to see him . . . .
Chuck later confronts Gabby, he’s found out just who the man is, her step father. Gabby played dumb, I honestly don’t know why she didn’t point out that her step father had been dead for years . . . . Bree finally goes to Chuck saying she’ll confess, just leave her friends alone. He refused though because he knew the way to make her suffer, was to make her friends suffer . . .
As the show ended, we see Bree get into a black car looking a tad drunk as she speeds off. Later a black car mowes Chuck down in the middle of the street! The show ends with Bree checking into a seedy motel. She has a gun and a bottle of booze. She has a vision of Mary Alice and asks her if it hurts to be dead . . . .
So the show seems to be heavily hinting that Bree ran down Chuck . . . who is dead according to the previews for when the show returns. But that’s too easy! It could have been Carlos, sneaking out of rehab. Tom could have done it and jetted to Paris. Ben also had reason to want him dead as he had millions riding on the construction site. Who killed Chuck? I guess this is the new mystery that will wrap the show up.
I feel like this episode tried to redeem Tom a bit, but I still can’t forgive him. He’s still a schmuck! It also set things up for Susan to perhaps leave the lane . . . will the other girls also move away? It’s been said that the show’s final episode will fast forward to show us all the ladies futures . . . .
Crazy episode. Are all the ladies going to end up dead or in prison by season’s end? Hope not. Was it just me, or did Chuck being run down remind you of when Orsen ran down Mike years ago? Could it be? Maybe Orson recovered and found out that Chuck was messing with Bree and decided to take action.
12.06.2011 at 9:10 pm