Parenthood: Losing Max
In the latest episode of “Parenthood,” Max didn’t get to go to the museum as he wanted, so he ran way while Haddie was watching him.
Kristina had gone back to work, helping a young politician on his campaign. She also hired Amber as her assistant. Kristina then ignored all of Adam’s calls all day long, as she was stewing over the Rachel incident. I was actually more interested in seeing how Amber faired at work, which was overlooked to watch Kristina ignore 20 some calls.
Max ended up in the bad parts of town, but the cops did find him an brought him home. It hadn’t phased him that he had done anything wrong. He felt his parents were in the wrong for breaking their promise to take him to the museum. Adam and Kristina tried to be patient, but Haddie lost it and yelled at him for being selfish. I have to say, Haddie got points for once! I realize though that Max still doesn’t understand what he did wrong, so yelling at him probably did no good.
Adam did get the Rachel situation at work under control. She took Crosby’s advice and tried to apologize to Kristina early on, but Kristina didn’t want to hear it. Later Kristina called her and straightened things out, making it clear what happened would never ever happen again.
Jabar got hurt on the playground with Crosby, and Dr. Joe came running to help, leaving some amazing basketball seats to do so. Crosby realized what a good guy he was and told Jasmine that he already screwed them up because of a mistake. She shouldn’t lose Dr. Joe for a similar kind of mistake. Basically Crosby put her and Jabar first. Points for Crosby! Though I can’t believe when Jasmine screws up, somehow Crosby is still the ends up coming out the one who did the bad thing?
Julia distanced herself from Zoe at work. Zoe eventually showed up at the house trying to beg Julia to talk to her, that her boyfriend wasn’t horrible and was just looking out for her. Julia said she couldn’t adopt her baby now, but she would have made a great mother. Something tells me soon Julia and Joel will find a baby on their doorstep . . . .
Mark and Sarah watched baby Nora for the day and grew closer. Mark mentioned he could see having a kid with Sarah. He feared he freaked her out, but she said she wasn’t actually that freaked out at the idea . . .