Grey’s Anatomy: So Long Henry!
After two great and pretty uplifting and light hearted episodes, “Grey’s” brought us crashing back down in only the way this show can.
The show opened with Meredith and Derek learning their hearing for Zola had been canceled. Meredith assumed they were not getting Zola, it was over. I don’t know if that was the case, I missed the first few minutes. I felt it was more Meredith jumping to the worst possible scenario and shutting Derek and his ideas to try again out.
Meredith and Alex ended up caring for a newborn, who had to be transported to another hospital for some procedure. Unfortunately on the way, their ambulance broke down in the middle of the road. They were a sitting bomb should anyone hit them with all the oxygen inside. They argued over who would stay with the baby, who was attached to all sorts of tanks. When they finally decided to chance it and move her outside, BAM they got hit! They survived, only to walk out and see bodies thrown from the cars that were in the accident all over the road!
Back at the hospital, Teddy brought Henry in. He needed an operation, the faulty implant the Chief put in had to come out. Teddy wanted Christina to do it, but she didn’t want Christina to know who she was operating on . . . she would work better that way. Yeah I knew based on last week when they had the fight where Teddy didn’t want him to go to med school that this story wasn’t going to end well. Henry died on the table, and Christina was her crass self not knowing who it was. Of course when she found out, she broke down in hysterics.
Teddy meanwhile was in surgery with a critical patient, and Owen realized he couldn’t tell her about Henry until after the surgery so she wouldn’t freak. Derek however learned about the ambulance accident.
This coming week’s show is going to be so sad! Why must Shonda never let her people be happy on these shows? Or happy for long?
(I only saw the first 30 minute of “Private Practice” last week, so I’ll catch up on it before this week . . . )
There is not a new episode of Grey’s until 2012. Next week is a 2 hour private practice!
11.13.2011 at 8:29 pm
Damn I forgot that was this coming week. These fall finales suck! Way earlier than ever before this year.
11.13.2011 at 8:30 pm
It wasn’t the implant. It was a new tumor that had to come out. And the caseworker called in the beginning and told Meredith that the hearing was cancelled and they needed to move on.
11.14.2011 at 8:50 am
Ahh thanks! I have to hope they’ll still get Zola back though.
I guess I assumed they were trying to remove the implant because of something Yang said to Webber during the surgery about how he would have died either way.
11.14.2011 at 9:02 am
The tumor ate through the wall of the heart or something. Christina said he would have died no matter who/how they took it out because the damage was so bad and he was dying with it in.
11.14.2011 at 11:55 am