Ringer: Half The Truth Is Out!

Ringer: Half The Truth Is Out!

Posted by Dustin on 11.03.2011 at 6:43 pm

So Siobhan/Bridget found herself in big trouble as the police now suspect Bridget may be involved in Gemma’s disappearance, as she left those fingerprints at the crime scene on purpose. She had no choice but to come clean, well partially, to her husband and her lover. She told them pretty much everything, except that she was actually Bridget.

Henry seemed to remain the main target, so Bridget/Siobhan went to her new sponsor Charlie for help. She trusted him a little too much, as in the end we learn he is the real Siobhan’s henchman keeping tabs on her! Bridget told him where the car was so he could try and help her and Henry out. What he really wanted to do was wipe evidence of himself off of it . . . We saw him attack Gemma outside her house and next to her car, which got his blood on it when she struck back. Then he stalked her inside her house. Did we see her kill her? No. But it was implied. I guess until we have a body, we can’t rule out that she may still be alive.

Bridget/Siobhan learned that her sponsor had gone missing. We then saw flashbacks of them getting way too close, closer than they should have given their relationship in AA. This may be pretty important! The show ended with everyone at Gemma’s gallery event, even though she wasn’t there. Bridget/Siobhan had some kind of fainting spell or attack. She was taken to the hospital where they are preparing to do an ultra sound . . . uh oh! Why do I have a feeling she is pregnant? If so, she’s gunna have a hard time explaining this one to her “husband” when it pops out.

Oh there was some other stuff with Juliette getting into more trouble, but it was pretty boring stuff. Daddy took her trust fund away until she can show responsibility.

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