Desperate Housewives: Digging Up The Past
So the past two weeks of “Housewives” I felt were just so-so. This week I enjoyed much more than last week, which I thought was complete filler. Actually much like last week, the significant progress in stories came in the final moments.
Susan remained at odds with her art teacher, laughing during a nude model he hired for them to sketch, then making a faux pas when she herself showed up for class nude (he claimed next week they all had to paint in the nude, but later through an email which she didn’t get, said not to come to class naked). BAsed on the spoilers I posted today, big shock! Not, I guessed it, we all did . . . Susan will begin basing her art on the murder, and of course said art will be very much liked by her teacher.
Mike continued to have issues with how much Carlos was leaning on Susan for support, and finally told him to get lost basically. He did . . . in a bottle of booze.
Gabby of course found the parents at the PTA not wanting to work with her, seeing her as spoiled. How could she possibly understand any of their problems? Of course when drunk Carlos stumbled in to help set up for some parent teachers night, all the girls realized Gabby didn’t have the dream life they thought she did, and clamored to support her.
Bree’s guilt had caused her to not attend church for several weekends. Shocking! The reverend decided to help her find her faith again and sent her to work in one of Ben’s soup kitchens. This of course led to her turning it into a culinary hit, but the people wanting a good free meal chased the actual homeless out. In the end, she and Ben bonded. Ummmm, wasn’t he just bonding with Renee? I can see a cat fight coming! Ben took her to where he was going to build a low income housing project . . . which of course happened to be the woods the girls buried Gabby’s step father.
Finally Tom and Lynette tried marriage counseling, but it seemed Tom was less about saving a marriage that made them miserable and more about dating (and having sex) to see if someone out there made them happy. Isn’t it funny once Tom has a job that has him on top, his marriage isn’t working for him anymore? Hey when it was Lynette’s career that was impacted by having kid after kid, Tom was always for more of them! Lynette tried to date, and tried to have sex with a guy who seemed amazing, but she couldn’t do it. She still believed she could save her marriage. I think she’s the only one who believes that right now. Tom . . . maybe they should burry him next to Gabby’s step-dad?
I am so confused by Tom, didn’t he expect them back together after they slept together but he moves out and has one woman show him interest and now he wants out
10.26.2011 at 7:44 pm