A Hodge Podge: Pan Am, Dirty Soap, Ringer, Fringe, Secret Circle, 90210 Thoughts . . .
This is a quick post with some quick thoughts on a bunch of other shows I’ve watched over the week, but didn’t get around to doing a full post on, but wanted to squeeze some quick thoughts out on . . .
After episode two of “Pan Am” I’m thinking people at ABC might not only be having doubts about canning “Brothers and Sisters,” but here is hoping they may be giving having this be “Desperate Housewives” final season. The ratings for the second episode went downnnnn. For me, the best story they had going was the mystery surrounding Bridgett, and they resolved it in the second episode! I’ll keep watching, but other things might start taking priority when the networks no doubt beging shifting things.
Have you tuned into “Dirty Soap” on E! O M G! This show is just more drama than you’ll see on any soap. The Kirsten Storms vs Farath Fath (Belle vs Mimi) drama alone is worth tuning in for! But then you also have Farah and Nadjia (Mimi and Chloe) facing off with their mother or mother-in-law-to-bes over the men in their lives. OMG it’s just such a sick and twisted show!
“Ringer” I’m still loving, it’s my most new favorite show so far . . . that may change this month with the onslaught of fairy tale shows and “American Horror Story.” I do wonder how long they can take the premise. I mean eventually the truth that Siobhan is alive and Bridget has been impersonating her will be exposed.
“Fringe” . . . Oh I still love you, but you make me scratch my head. With Peter gone, I guess we are just supposed to figure the Broyles on the other side never died? Cause he was back with no explanation this week! I do feel my initial thoughts were right, half of the season will be with Peter missing. Grrr!
I am really starting to get into “Secret Circle.” The latest episode with a guy from their parents past coming to end the new circle, and the titillating fact that Cassie’s mom might not have been all that good . . . putting some friend into a cationic state was just great. Why did she do it? What do the evil parents want? I’m really starting to like the show!
“90210” . . . what can I say about you? Naomi is the only thing worth watching for anymore. Eventually Silver and Adrianna are going to have a huge WTF moment over the fact they fought over Navid . . . one of the biggest tools on the show. I don’t care about Dixon’s recording job, I don’t care about Liam’s bar, I only marginally care about Annie and her money woes. This show is probably not going to be around for another season.
I saw one episode of Dirty Soap, I may have to keep up with it, it looks so good!
Fringe…it almost feels to me like the writers had some “what ifs” to work out or they didn’t like how some points of the story were working. If this is their way of getting out of it, I’m going to be pissed! Plus, if they were changing things, why couldn’t Charlie and at least one Bell be alive?!
10.03.2011 at 7:40 pm
I am loving Dirty Soap! I can’t wait for the Mimi/Belle showdown…. I feel bad for Luis though, his wife seems crazy.
10.03.2011 at 8:40 pm
Well now I want to watch Dirty Soap. Time to find it online.
10.04.2011 at 6:27 pm
E! Constantly is showing Dirty Soap. It’s probably easy to catch a rerun 🙂
10.04.2011 at 6:57 pm
I don’t think Galen’s wife seems crazy at all, insecure maybe but I also picked up on this soap that he’s not really as involved as he’s showing off to the camera. She was blown away by his cake gesture, my husband does that all the time when others are around all these little things he normally never does. Plus how easy can it be to go from model to stay at home Mom and see your husband kissing beautiful people all the time
10.04.2011 at 8:05 pm
Loved, loved dirty soap! Of course, I was a hard core Days fan during the Belle/Chloe/Mimi years – and now I love GH. Lots of drama, loved it! Can’t wait for the Farah/Kirsten showdown!
10.04.2011 at 8:50 pm
Dustin, Just tried to watch Ringer from last week, but lost the last ten minutes. In the last ten minutes Sibhoan always gets a call from home… Did she get one? and what was the message?
10.10.2011 at 12:13 pm
Trying to remember exactly what went down. The cop confronted her with a call she made on the boat about her sister. So he knows they were together, but he thinks Bridget is Sibhoan.
I don’t remember what Sibhoan’s call from home was. She’s trying to work the guy in France into getting her money to hold her over since Brig emptied her special account.
Sibhoan’s BFF caught Bridget talking to her husband about their affair. She confronted her, and Bridget finally told her who she really was, as the BFF was about to tell the husband.
10.10.2011 at 12:22 pm
She explained it away that her sister was there and she made the call because she was afraid of her but then they went ashore and her sister disappearted. The cop seemed to almost believe it but when Bridget/siob left the room, the cop found her phone and all the calls made to her sponsor.
10.10.2011 at 1:04 pm
Thanks Dustin and Beth. I know that the best things happen in the last ten minutes I hate when my cable loses the tv signal….. I think in reality I just hate the digital television stuff, cause ever since that occurred my tv reception via cable has gone down hill.
10.10.2011 at 1:44 pm