My quest to meet the “True Blood” cast continues. I just met Kristin Bauer (Pam) and Lauren Bowles (Holly). Not the best photo of Pam/Kristin . . . guess she was jet lagged 🙂 No real spoilers to be had, as nobody knows what next season holds. Kristin hopes she let Russell free . . . I told Lauren (Holly) I think she may help Andy raise a fairy kid next season. She said she liked that idea as she already had kids and was a witch.
One day . . . Alcide will be mine! It helps that one of my BFFs worked with him when they went to undergrad 🙂
“Castle” returned last night, picking up immediately after Kate’s shooting, but then fast forwarding three months.
Kate told Rick that she didn’t remember anything about the shooting, which including his profession of love. She cut him off for three months, as well as others. She at least dumped her doc boyfriend Josh, claiming she can’t be in a relationship until she works to tear down the wall she’s emotionally built up since her mom’s death.
The precinct got a new captain, Victoria “Iron” Gates. Castle was thrown out immediately, and because he hadn’t heard from Kate, he didn’t care. Once she reconnected with him, he used his sway with the mayor to get back in – which did NOT sit well with “Iron Gates.” So far I do NOT like the new chief at all, but I suppose we aren’t supposed to like her. I’m sure we’ll see a story somewhere to soften her, just a little.
Rick got a call from someone who Roy Montgomery sent a package to. It was the files “the people” demanded in order to assure Beckett’s safety, as well as Roy’s family. The man, who he was we don’t know, told Rick that as long as Kate didn’t dig . . . she’d be okay. If she dug, he couldn’t guarantee he could keep her safe.
Rick knew he couldn’t tell Kate about the conversation – yet – all he could do was try and convince her to drop the case. With absolutely no leads to go on, he did that. He suggested they’d find these people – but it wouldn’t be today.
The end of the show dropped the bombs. While Rick convinced Beckett to temporarily let it go, he himself has not and is working behind the scenes. We know from the old Captain’s talk that the person is someone with a lot of power, we saw the quote “We created him.” I’m thinking it’s either Rick’s buddy the Mayor, or possibly the Governor?
Meanwhile Kate was continuing therapy well past what she needed to in order to be reinstated. Is it to tear down that wall? Her doc is Whorf from Star Trek – Michael Dorn. She told him something shocking, she lied about the shooting – – – she remembers everything! So she knows Castle loves her, she just clearly can’t face that idea right now.
Both Castle and Kate are now keeping things from one another, which will for sure blow up at some point this season.
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So I did in fact sit through the entire two hours of “Dancing With The Stars” last night . . . mainly because with “90210” moved to Tuesdays, there was nothing else on I wanted to watch. We’ll see how long it takes for networks to move things around and conflict with it!
The show was okay. I did get bored often, and found myself not caring about some of the people. Carson Kresley I thought was hilarious, but obviously needs to step up his technique. Chynna Phillips and Ricki Lake were why I watched, and by far my favorites. I was glad to see Chaz Bono could actually dance, but the weight issue will keep him from going too far I think.
Others I didn’t know who they were, or didn’t care (Rob Kardashian!). I do hope that sports guy (Ron Artest? Or whatever his new name is) goes home. Not only was he horrible, but he was creepily leering and hanging onto his partner and the female cohost. Sports people tend to last though, because of their large fan bases.
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Bunches of spoilers here for shows I’m at least watching and hope to comment on. Some like “Castle” and “Body of Proof” I only comment on from time to time, when the big storyline arcs happen.
Here are some mini-previews before the big ones after the jump . . .
On “Body of Proof” – Joanna Cassidy returns as Megan’s mother in this episode.
On “Castle” – Alexis’ future at college is determined.
On “Grey’s Anatomy” – It’s an “all guy” episode during which Jason George returns as Ben, the guy Bailey was seeing before her current guy!
On “Private Practice” – The practice considers who to hire to replace Naomi.
On “Desperate Housewives” – Mike thinks Susan may be having an affair . . . oh brother!
Of note, with the loss of “Brothers and Sisters” I’ll probably tune in to the premier of “Pan Am” this Sunday and see how it goes. I have not yet decided about “Revenge” which premiers tomorrow. I don’t think I’ll be able to not see and loath Rebecca 🙂
CW Premier Week Thoughts: 90210, Ringer, Secret Circle
Posted by Dustin on 09.18.2011 at 5:10 pm
So this post contains my thoughts on the latest episodes of “90210,” “Ringer” and “Secret Circle.” If you haven’t seen the premier episodes, then there are potential spoilers here!
First up, “90210.” I’m not going to lie, I have been reorganizing my Tivo recording lists and removing programs that got canned last year. I’ve already removed “90210” from my Tivo. I’ll watch it if nothing else interferes, but my interest in the show was lost last season. This season I don’t see much that is going to suck me back in . . . yet. They criminally overhyped the Teddy story last season, which was hardly present save for maybe 2 episodes. This season we’ve already learned Trevor Donovan is going to be written out after about 6 episodes. That hasn’t stopped the show from hyping his major “touching story” this season. Fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice . . . . It’s already been spoiled that Teddy is going to get gay-married (See After Elton). Thanks but no thanks! Last season’s storyline with Dixon and Navid running Shirazi Studios really was one of my breaking points, and now we have Navid and Silver raising Navid’s bratty teen sister? Again . . . thanks but no thanks! The one story I really did enjoy in the later half of last season was Naomi’s storyline involving her love affair with the nerdy Max, and ending up pregnant. Now we learn not only was it a false alarm, but a relieved Max dumped her and left town! Jeeze! Let’s not even talk about the annoying cowboy character they introduced as pure eye candy. I’m just going to go ahead and predict this will be the final season of “90210.”
Next up is “Ringer.” This show was called by many entertainment sites/magazines as the best new show of the season . . . the one to watch . . . and so on. I didn’t know if that was true, or if it was some serious Buffy butt kissing! I never did get into Buffy, so I am not coming in with a SMG bias. I have to say . . . I loved it! The show is basically a soap opera “twin sister replacement plot” taken to an insane level . . . and I think that’s why I liked it. Sarah Michelle Gellar plays dual roles. Bridget is a down and out stripper and ex-addict, who is on the run from a mob boss who wants her dead to keep her from testifying against him. Siobhan (pronounced Shah-von) seemingly has it all, a rich husband and an amazing life . . . but is cheating on her husband with her best friend’s husband, and has a step-daughter she hates. When the two estranged sisters meet after years of not speaking, Siobhan mysteriously disappears during their “get to re-know one another” boat ride off the coast of the Hamptons. Apparently having killed herself, Bridgett sees a way out of her troubles, by pretending to be her sister. Of course she only ends up realizing her sister had as many issues as she did! To say anymore would spoil the show’s premier, and if you haven’t watched it you should! This show will make you say “Holy Bleep” several times, and the final twist was one of the best! It’s really a double twist because you expected the first, not the second!
Finally we come to “Secret Circle.” Many of you had commented that it was somewhat slow. It was, but sometimes that is expected in a show that has as many characters as this one does, you have to set things up. That didn’t bother me as much as the fact that I felt I’d seen this show so many times before. The show is also based on a set of books apparently written by the author of “The Vampire Diaries.” I just couldn’t get into that show, which may be a blessing. I may be spared overlapping story/plots between the two!
The show is about Cassie, a recent orphan who goes to live with her grandma after her mother dies in a fire. What she doesn’t know is it was murder, and orchestrated. She arrives in her new town, makes new friends (and enemies) fairly quickly. Cassie eventually learns that she is one of 6, who make up a circle of powerful witches. Their parents were the original 6, but something went wrong and each of them lost a parent in an “accident” the circle was involved in. Because of what happened, the town elders banned witchcraft. Cassie’s father was one who died, and her mother took her away to protect her from ever falling victim to that life. What we learn is that another member of the previous circle (Gale Harold’s character) who is the father of Cassie’s new BF (Shelly Hennig of “Days”) is the one who killed her mother in the fire . . . to bring Cassie to the town, to complete the circle. He and another member of the old circle want something from the new circle . . . . I’m going to guess off the bat it probably has something to do with necromancy or reviving an old member who really isn’t dead . . .but is in a coma somewhere. Of course Cassie finds a letter from her mother at the end, hidden in her grandmother’s house, warning her if she’s reading this then she is dead . . . and nobody is around to protect her from those who will come to use her for her amazing powers.
The show reminded me a lot of “The Craft.” The circle can’t be complete without the main character, who out of all the witches is the one truly gifted with the most power. Other aspects have also been done before, such as the quaint little town which really is a secret society of witches (See the horrid “Bay Coven” on Netflix). I do have a soft spot for witch themed shows/movies, so I will give this one a chance and see how it plays out.
I got home late due to work, so I simply decided to just do a very brief recap on the final “Big Brother” with the vote results and my thoughts.
In the end, Rachel won the final HOH . . . honored a deal with Porsche and took her to the end, evicting Adam.
When the votes came in, it was as follows
Brendan, Jeff, Shelly, Jordan voted for Rachel.
Danielle, Kalia and Adam voted for Porche.
Rachel won by one vote!
At the very end Julie revealed that America’s Favorite Houseguest was yet again Jeff!
WHAT a stressful summer! I think myself and so many others never imagined they would be on Team Rachel ever, but given the alternatives . . . . Rachel at least played both a social game (after Brendan left though) and fought her ass off, so I’m glad she won.
I would have hated to see Porsche or Adam win honestly. Adam will be pictured in the dictionary as “floater” from now on, though Danielle suggested he would coin a new term “Piggybacker.” Porsche, I don’t care that she stepped it up at the end, she tormented us with those damn jumpsuits all summer!
Well, maybe 2.5? I don’t know, since the first season was really just a short run. It’s funny how much I enjoy this show, since last night also reminded me how much I want to smack the crap out of half of the cast!
Sarah found herself turning 40, and faced with Amber wanting to move out. Amber was sporting yet another new haircut, this one very 80s girl-band-pop-punk. She also was rebelling in other ways, like wanting to move into this horrible loft with no real kitchen area . . . and given what it looked like I would hate to see the bathroom. Sarah meanwhile was on a quest to get Amber’s diploma, which never showed up. She ran into the old teacher and they made out. I always liked these two, but given this is Sarah, I won’t get my hopes up. Jason Ritters run is said to be limited, as NBC is trying to make yet another show for him (after the failure of “The Event”).
Crosby and Jasmine are still living apart, but sharing custody of Jabbar, who has gotten really big. Crosby started to date, well sleep around, which got Jasmine a bit angry. It seemed like she didn’t want him dating, but when she realized she couldn’t stop him, she claimed she was doing the same. They’re not together and she still is playing these little control games with him. Mind you he’s still an ass for screwing things up, but neither of them have learned anything it seems!
Adam is still jobless, and Kristina is VERY pregnant now. Kristina got offered more work, which sent Adam into a “I’m the man I should take care of this family rant.” Minus points for Adam! In the end Crosby and Adam, it seems, are going into the recording studio business together – buying an old studio that is only marginally less frightening than Amber’s loft at this point. I hope they buy everything IN it as well, because maybe all those famous bands Crosby said recorded their left behind some long lost songs.
Julia still isn’t pregnant, but everyone around her is, including the coffee girl at work. She wants to offer to buy her baby – oh boy! The minute they start to adopt, she will of course get pregnant I’m sure.
Finally the best, or worst, is left for last – Haddie! Not only has her hair gotten more tragic, so has her life. She talked Alex into going to a senior party with her, everyone including her got puking drunk, and Alex got arrested when he punched a kid who wouldn’t let him take Haddie home. Of course the cops arrest Alex . . . not all the drunk underage kids. Alex, who also has a prior, is now facing serious trouble. Yes Haddie, this is all your fault as usual! I just want this entire storyline to go away. Can we send Haddie to reform school?
A bunch of ABC spoilers for returning shows, some premiers, some the 2nd new episode.
I haven’t fully decided ahead of time what of the new shows I’ll watch. I have an idea on some (Grimm, Once Upon A Time) but they don’t start until later. Others (Pan Am) I may give a try and see if I like first.
In this batch of spoilers are “Castle,” “Body of Proof” (which I watched last year and loved!), “Housewives,” Grey’s,” and the season premier of “Private Practice.”
Wow . . . just wow! I expected a lot of people to die last night, and had guessed most of them . . . but not that final one! I refuse to believe it is so.
Marnie, possessing Lafayette, stole Jesus’ demon magic and the killed him! I knew Jesus was not long for this world, I had begun to feel it the last few episodes. I am sad, especially for Lafayette who is left with a lot of guilt, but I wasn’t shocked.
Tara, Sookie and Holly raced to save Bill and Eric from being burned alive by Marnie/Lafayette. Holly conjured up dead loved ones, including Gran and Antonia, to talk Marnie out of Lafayette. Actually she didn’t want to go, so Gran ripped her soul out in a bad-ass Mortal Kombat like move. Marnie eventually departed with them.
Nan came to Bill and Eric, having quit the AVL and the Authority (actually being fired) and tried to convince them to join her in a rebellion. They rebelled all right and killed Nan! I wasn’t shocked, but will miss Nan. She had some great lines all season long.
An old war buddy of Terry’s showed up (Scott Foley) who will have a major part next season. We got a glimpse of what might be waiting for Arlene. Renee’s ghost came back for real and warned her of the ghosts of Terry’s past and how they were catching up, and she should run! Obviously Terry’s old war buddy has something to do with this.
Sookie had a bizarre threesome come true with Bill and Eric, but also decided to dump them both. There was a slight hint of something with Alcide . . . but we never saw it to fruition. So damn close! Alcide told her that sometimes their hearts lead them astray, their heads make more sense. Gran however told her, before she departed, to listen to her heart. Listen to Alcide Sookie!
Jason cleared his guilt and confessed to Hoyt, who beat the tar out of him. Jessica and Jason continued to hook up, and at the very end after a tryst . . . a knock at Jason’s door. He thought it was Jessica, I thought it would be Hoyt with a gun . . . it was Rev. Steve Newlander . . . with fangs! Someone turned the Rev! I was not expecting that at all.
Just when I thought last week that Sam may get a happy ending . . . well I did speak too soon. At the end of this episode Sam found himself alone in the woods with a great big wolf staring at him and growling. Who is it? I hope they made sure Marcus was really dead . . . .
Alcide was called to a construction site where someone dug a whole in a parking garage floor . . . yup . . . Russell has escaped! Though we did not see him at all, we know he’s out.
The final scene had Debbie come for Sookie with a shot gun. As she was about to shoot, Tara pushed Sookie out of the way . . . and it appears Tara’s brains got blown out. Sookie then finally killed Debbie and raced to Tara’s body where her head lay in blood.
Noooooooooooo! I was not expecting that at all! Many people around the net are glad, as they hate the character. I love Tara though! I have to believe she’ll be made a vampire or maybe the wound wasn’t as bad as it looked and V can save her or something!
Some stories still were left unresolved. What has happened with Crystal and the inbred panthers? What was the point of Andy’s fairy tryst? Will Jason ever turn into a panther on the show?